
No Top Skin

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1. How will it open?
It wont.
2. How will it fly?
Like bedsheets from a fart.
3. How will it turn?
Like any other high speed malfunction.
4. How will it land?
Well enough to hide the body...
Please shoot video :) -Hixxx
"Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

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Agreed on all parts, bottom skin tension can help in the opening like on a base canopy, but it won't open right and will require a chop before you get to pop the brakes.
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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>1. How will it open?
Normally at first; then will not finish the deployment sequence. It will remain partially deployed, with the ends slack.
>2. How will it fly?
Like a canopy with severe end cell closure and severe stability problems, but I bet it will fly.
>3. How will it turn?
>4. How will it land?
Nice and soft - I suspect the only load it will have on it at that point will be the risers.
-bill von

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Ever see a teradyctal (i never won any spelling bees anyway). It was designed to be a single skin canopy and it was scary to watch. Someone at my drop zone has one and every now and then someone will get a wild hair and jump it. Not a pretty sight.

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I just got packing a Clipper 195 (F-111, 9 cell) after cutting off the ribs and top skin.
Any predictions on:
1. How will it open?
2 choices... my bets on an explosive lower surface inflation. Other option is won't open (inflate), because after lower surface inflation then requires pressure to hold the nose in inflation/non inflation range..... it'll open hard (Very!) then collapse.
2. How will it fly?
it will produce drag.... but no lift... Round type flight.
3. How will it turn?
Won't have a chance to find out...
4. How will it land?
Here's you're best chance. you may get enuf drag to get a survivable landing, but the oscillation will ultimately determine that.
From previous experience, it'll be a fun jump. Be sure to cutaway high....

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Boy, this will be interesting. Post pictures/video...I'd like to see this.
It should get lower surface inflation...I don't know how well it will keep it, though. The internal pressure in the cells maintains spanwise stability...without the cells, the stability might not be there.
If it maintains lower surface inflation, it should get a little forward drive (due to the trim angle) but not much. It should also have a little turning capability. I would expect that if it maintains lower surface inflation, it will behave something like a modified circular. If it doesn't maintain lower surface inflation, it will fly like a ball of shit.
How will it land? Hopefully without you under it. I wouldn't try landing it, even if it displayed stable flaight characteristics. You have very little lift and much less drag than a round would give...that means hard landing. Maybe too hard.
Like I said, it should be interesting!

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"How will it land? Hopefully without you under it. I wouldn't try landing it, even if it displayed stable flaight characteristics. You have very little lift and much less drag than a round would give...that means hard landing. Maybe too hard."
From the origanl post:
4. How will it land?
Just kidding on the landing part :-)

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would you have more material over your head with a VX-60, or the bottom of a 195?

Hmmmm.....you know it's a close one. Lets see....on the VX about 120 sq ft for the top and bottom, and I'd give it another 60 for the ribs which brings us to 180. Now how thick is that airfoil and how big are those crossbraces??
Dang...look what happens when I leave town and he has to much time on his hands.....Hey Derek.....Where is my weight belt since you have so much free time.

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If anyone is interested in jumping a terydactyl, there will be one at Skydive Dallas July 19-21. Was very interesting last year. We also had a parafoil and several rounds for anyone to try out. Was cool to see a square, round and triangle parachutes in the air at the same time.

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so is that how you spell it?

No. Jess is off tonight, so I thought I'd step in...
Pterodactyl...Any of the various extinct flying reptiles of the family Pterodactylidae...
(Nlatin Pterodactylus {reptile genus} : GK pteron {wing} +GK daktulos {finger})
Ciels and Pinks-
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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That is one weird looking canopy. How do you pack something like that?

Friend of mine had one years ago. He use to flat pack it and then roll it. As best I can remember, it really packed small.
A guy I use to jump with said he went to Russia to jump once. Ran into a guy jumping a Paradactyl, and asked him how he liked it. The guy said it was fun to fly but he had a lot of mal's on it. My friend asked him what kind of reserve he had, and the guy said a Paradactyl. Gutsiest move I ever saw.;)

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1. How will it open?
- I'm guessing that it won't even open enough to cause the slider to drop. I would think that without the pressurization of the cells there won't be any spanwise expansion and the canopy will basically be in a permanent snivel.
2. How will it fly?
- Like a canopy in a permanent snivel. You could probably get directional changes using harness input but I would think that would be about it.
3. How will it turn?
- see #2
4. How will it land?
- I liked Bill's response to this one.
Since I'm so late posting on this I'm guessing you already jumped it. If so how'd it go and did you get video?

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