
going to buy. help to see if i'll be safe

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I'm about 34 jumps. Just going to buy second hand system
Atom, PD-170 main, and Raven1 reserve (both are from 91 year) with Cypres (96 yr)
system has 130 jumps with 0 or reserve deployment.
is it a good system for me as a beginner?
my weight is about 190- 196 lbs or 85 kg
please help to decide buy or not ;)
also owner want 2000$ for this. i think it's too expensive for such system or i'm mistaking ?
thank you for help!

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If your body weight is 190 pounds, do not buy an all F111 PD170 - you overweight that canopy, it will wear out fast and was not designed to be jumped by someone of your weight. Same goes for the reserve - you do not want to overload a standard Raven I (if it was built in 1991, it is a standard Raven I - 181 square feet).
Based on your experience and a body weight of 190 pounds I'd suggest looking for something with a zero porosity main 190-210 sq ft...
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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I've seen so many of these posts at this stage... I'll jump in before Lisa does ;).
Simple calculation - your wing loading: 195 pounds + 25 pounds of gear = 220 over 170 square feet = 1.3:1. That loading is too high for 34 jumps. Others will have opinions (as always) that you'll probably be alright etc. Until you have a long spot into someone's back garden that is. Smallest I'd go with that weight is 190 and even then... Look around for a used 210 sized canopy.
$2000 seems ball park but 130 jumps? Hmmmm. Hard to believe that....

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Problems I see with that purchase:
* The PD170 is an F111 canopy. They don't age well. Stay away.
* The PD170 is an F111 canopy. They don't like to be loaded at greater than 1:1. Stay away
I would keep looking, you can find something better and ZP for about the same price if you look hard enough. It might be easier though if you spent a bit more to get a bit more.
Don't buy it, keep looking.

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I am a Newbie consult my post with others.
I think your wingload (your weight + gear weight (15 - 20lbs) / parachute size = 1.2) is a bit high, try going for something a lil big bigger, and if you can get a ZP better, its easier to resale after. I think if you make a good search and email every company (aerostore, sunshine, etc..) you might get a better deal.
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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Damn. Lisa got in first :)I don't see anything wrong with the right size of F1-11 canopy, although you do need to load them correctly. F1-11 is easier to pack, a beginner could find ZP just too much of a struggle. Also, F1-11 canopies are way cheaper at this stage. I bought a nice PD-170, 50 jumps, made in Oct 2001, for $450.
By the way, after you buy a rig, especially with the larger sizes of canopy, check the pilot chute. I just saw a 24" F1-11 on a Fury 220. Was this guy having problems or what!

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thank you gus for help. you realy proved my mind to keep looking and stay away.
it's intresting situation ;\
my instructor said that i can even try 150 sized canopy but not now.
about price. I'm from Ukraine (near Russia) here we get lowest second hand gear prices and also for jumps (9$ /jump from 12000 ft.) but i think it's to high for old system.
blue skies!

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