
Large packing value of Spectre…

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Why Spectre –170 has the packing value on 20% larger then Sabre? For example - Spectre 170 has value 455 cu.in. !!! , but Sabre 170 – only 364… As I know Spectre is a 7cells and should be a bit smaller… or no? It is larger than 7 cell Triathlon even! I have Tri-190 at present and that fits to my container very tight. I was about downsizing to Spectre-170 but have founded out that Sp-170 is bigger than Tri-190 per 59 cu.in !!! Why??? I don't understand...

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correct is Spectre 170 - 455 (my-skyworld)...
but Tri-190 is right - 396...
that is why 455 - 396 = 59 cu in :(( It isn't really - press in my contayner so bigger canopy... Although I have Tri190 now and think about smaller Spectre ...170...

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From PIA's charts compiled by Sandy Reid:
Manufacturer Model DOM Volume Area

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Those would be the most reliable numbers, and seem pretty accurate. As a general rule of thumb, published pack volumes are notoriously inaccurate. If you look at the numbers for a Sabre and a Stiletto of the same size in the back of Para-Gear, they say that the Stiletto packs larger than the Sabre, but anyone who has packed both side by side knows that a Stiletto packs smaller than Sabre.

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>My Tri-190 is 98/02 and I think it really has volume 396, because my rig was
>created for Stilleto-170 (volume 385 cu in)… That couldn't be 509….
I'm not sure you can conclude that. In my experience, two rigs of identical manufacture, designed to fit the same canopies, made a few years apart can have two different true capacities. Triathalons are notorious for varying in pack volume; I have a 135 that packs larger than a Sabre 150, and I used a Tri-150 for a little while that packed _smaller_ than the Sabre 150. Go figure.
It's very hard to say with any certianty that canopy X will fit container Y, but canopy Z will not. It depends on age of the canopies, the container, the skill of the packer, the bulk of the canopy, the type of lines, etc etc. Everything else being equal, the PIA chart seems to be closest to reality in terms of comparing the pack volume of two different canopies.
-bill von

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>Everything else being equal, the PIA chart seems to be closest to reality
> in terms of comparing the pack volume of two different canopies.
So where did they get the values for this chart(is it available anywhere on the Net?)? I thought PD stopped giving pack-volume values as there is no reliable way of measuring them?
I remember reading in Poynter's manual that the values vary a lot between one individual canopy and another(with same type and size), and even between two measurements of the same canopy?

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>So where did they get the values for this chart
Sandy Reid and company did most of the measurement. As he's a rig manufacturer, I think he tends to be less biased than canopy manufacturers.
>(is it available anywhere on the Net?)
>I thought PD stopped giving pack-volume values as there is no reliable way of
>measuring them?
Well, but you still have to figure out what will fit in what rig. That's what the PIA list at least attempts to do.
>I remember reading in Poynter's manual that the values vary a lot between one
> individual canopy and another(with same type and size), and even between two
> measurements of the same canopy?
Definitely - I have that Tri-135 that packs bigger than a Tri-150, due (I was told) to a batch of bulky blue fabric. Even in the PIA lists, Amigo 152's range from 330-380 and PD260's range from 545 to 650 cu in. Tri-135's range from 356-560 cu in! One of the nice things about the PIA list is that you can see what range of sizes are out there.
-bill von

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Thanks to all for responses!
Unfortunately, I didn’t find my canopy (Tri-190 98/02) in Sandy’s chart.
Looks I have simple to buy a new canopy (Spectre-170) later and in case if it will not fit in my container – to change the container.
Only the practical experience may help here…

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I'm living in Eastern Europe....Latvia...

Then you can ask what it'll fit.
I had a triathlon 190 in a Javelin J-3. I also had a specter 170, a stiletto 170, a safire 170, plus a bunch of 150's. The only one that didn't fit was a heatwave 150, which was too small.
What brand of container are you getting?
Once you decide which canopy you want, email the container manufacturers and tell them what main you're buying. They'll size the container for it.
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