
Flat packing an eliptical

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Well without getting into a long story my Heatwave ended up flat-packed last saturday. On deployment the canopy went into an immeadiate spin with line twist. It was so violent that it ripped the hide off my left arm, it looks like I was in a motorcyle wreck. I don't know what my arm hit. I had deployed high and was luckey enough to pull the risers even and it stopped spinning I then just kicked out of the twist.
So my question is has anyone else had this type of problem flat-packing an eliptical canopy? Or was there maybe just a packing error made while flat-packing? Before anyone asks I do not flat-pack I normally psycho pack or pro-pack a friend jumped it and then flat-packed it. My Heatwave normally opens very soft and on heading so this was quite a surprise! Just for info Heatwave 150 loaded at 1.4

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How do you flat pack an eliptical? The cells don't stack up, and there are no packing tabs?
Despite what other people've posted, I've never seen anyone flat pack an eliptical. I can't imagine flat packing my stiletto...
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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A group from my DZ came back from Eloy in February - they learned how to flat pack their elipticals - from Batwings to Stilletos. They appear to pack faster ,but looks sloppy from nose to tail. Each person has put their own personal touch to each pack job. At this point there has been nothing unusual except an occasional snappy opening, but normally on heading.

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There are a couple of different ways to flat pack. A stack pack will have the nose pointed at the ground with the rest of the canopy stacked on top of it. This "should" result in an on heading opening. The other way to flat pack is called a roll pack- where the nose and tail are rolled towards each other after the canopy is flaked on it's side. This results in the canopy going into the bag 90 deg. off heading.

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The problem with some methods of stack-packing is that one end cell inflates first. That end cell is off and flying long before the rest of the canopy catches air. ergo turns leading to line twists.
The other problem with stack packing is that one end cell takes all the initial opening shock. Can you say "bruised collar bone?"
Ellipticals are not the only canopies that open weird when stack-packed. Line twists and hard openings were common back in the god old days when everyone stack-packed rectangular F-111 canopies. Back then we were loading them so lightly that it was not a major problem. We only ran into problems with stack-packed F-111 rectangular canopies when we started loading tandem mains more than 1:1. Tandem instructors bruised a lot of collar bones before we learned to PRO pack F-111 tandem mains.

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I flat pack my "semi-elliptical" Diablo with no problem.

Completely off topic, but it was GREAT jumping with you on the weekend. First the Three-way, and then the 20 way... I didn't know you were on here.
See ya!
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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I have flat, psycho, pro packed both ellipticals, semi-ellipticals, and square canopies, and have not had any off heading openings. I have noticed that a flat pack tends to open quicker when packed a certain way.
Skydiving at Above the Poconos, you can see their rigger flat pack their stiletto's quicker than a pro pack!!!!
Just my 0.02 worth.

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Completely off topic, but it was GREAT jumping with you on the weekend. First the Three-way, and then the 20 way... I didn't know you were on here.

I had a good time too!! Except for the winds it was a good day.
I'm new to Dropzone.com. I've been lurking a bit. After I met you and Val I figured I should jump in once and a while. See ya soon!

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(much to brian's dismay) i flatpack samurai 150s and 136s.. I get with no ill-effects....
eveyone at my DZ fat packs their elipticals.... even FXs.. fine... my DZO & wife have over 15,000 flatpacked stiletto jumps between them with nary a problem.
and yes.... harry(above the poconos) is amazing....a 6min (rig dropped to sitting on the rack) packjob is taking his time.
flatpacking an eliptical isn't a problem if you do it right.

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>How is it possible to flat-pack faster than a psycho or pro-pack?
(this is my not-in-a-rush version) grab rear lines in right hand, front lines in left hand... walk up lines... shake, lay canopy out on side, flake tail, flake nose, roll nose, accordian fold (or pro-stack, whatever suits yer fancy, i alternate), bring up slider, cocoon.
i think the biggest time savers are not having to search for a weight, and when you lay the canopy out, everything's clear.. you just stack & wrap.. no mucking about in the middle.
the tail generally isn't rolled as tight, if at all, so getting the air out of the cocoon is a lot faster.

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I flat packed my stiletto 120's for about 600 jumps. Never had a problem with it. I had to start Pro packing when I went to a DZ with a small packing area.
Who says you need tabs to flat pack?

I have no friends under 2K

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