
Full face vs open face helmets

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I've been jumping with a bonehead mindwarp up to a couple of weeks ago. Then after a particularly ugly opening (I was headdown with the pilot chute in front of me) my helmet got rippped off by the risers. So I ordered a Factory Diver. I was just wondering if its very different jumping with a fullface? Does it affect your vision by much? Are there any pros and cons to a fullface vs an open face?

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Pros of a full face -
face and chin protection
warmth in the winter
don't have to wear goggles
Cons of a full face -
warmth in the summer
can't give or hear exit count
can't give or get kiss passes ;)
slightly reduced vision (be sure to try it on with your gear and be sure you can see your cutaway and reserve handles before jumping it)
lens can fog up
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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BTW....so I got to jump with my new Mindwarp today.....I have NEVER (at least since student status) worn a helmet. Anyway....I was amazed! Could barely tell I had the thing on. Nice..... Thanks, Lisa!
Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun
'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion

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only vision I've lost in comparison with an open face is a little bit under my nose.

Keep in mind thats exactly where your handles are. I also have a Z1 and can't really see my handles with it on. Other than that and the fogging under canopy in cold weather (I just open it a crack), I really like it. One thing I haven't noticed is the noise. I'm sure it is quieter, but its just not something that's really stood out for me. Maybe if I went back to my old protec for a jump I'd really notice.

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Got a Z1 and a Gath.
Z1 is for RW (FS), gath for kiss pass (and that's its only purpose!)
I love the Z1 for its purpose, really comfy for RW training
For other jumps, the reason why I don't wear it is simple,
noise and feel.
Nothing like feeling the wind in your face, and when I'm under canopy, I just love to hear my speed, without a helmet on, I find it easier (and more fun) to judge my speed after manouevres.
Will jump for beer, bs AiRpollUtiOn

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The big goofy flapping laughing smiling faces are a huge part of the magic of skydiving for me and I don't want to lose that by hiding mine behind a full face helmet. My most valuable footage is not of the carefully planned and competently executed jumps (that would be my most rare footage). It's of those jumps when it seems like the sky is full of grinning idiots you are lucky enough to call your friends. It just wouldn't be the same if it was a bunch of full face helmets.

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I have jumped with protec, frap hat and factory diver full face.
Frap Hat: very cumfy, protects nothing (i think), you can wear it from take off to landing with no problem, easier to put on goggles and holds the hair in place, and you get to look like a condom head or a mister conehead.
Protec (open face): kinda cumfy, protects some more, you can wear it from take off to landing with no problem, you can hear the wind, the aircrafts engine and the jump countdown (ready, set, go) and as an extra you can hear the people when under canopy. The looks are so so.
Factory Diver: very warm, very cumfy, protects alot, you cannot wear it from takeoff to landing (that damn thing is so hot that I have to take it off after 1K and under canopy I was suffering) and its so silent that its like jumping on mute. It looks very cool when you are around whuffos.
Of course I live in a country where the temp. is always 29°C.
Am buying a close face boomerang from bonehead cause it looks very cool, but gonna get a protec for those very hot days. The Z1 was my first choice before the boomerang came cause its a flip flop.
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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> The big goofy flapping laughing smiling faces are a huge part of the magic of skydiving for me and I don't want to
> lose that by hiding mine behind a full face helmet.
c'mon, you can see me smiling behind my z1 :)
if everything's under control, you are not going fast enough ...

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I use a Mindwarp for freefly and a beatup old Factory Diver for 'Combat RW' - I found the lens on the fullface helmet to have very poor 'optical correctness', so I removed it and use a set of goggles underneath - no more problems with fogging, poor vision, worrying about the wind ripping the lens off or over heating under canopy in the summer - but still offers good facial protection when the exit funnels and bodies are all over the place :)

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Even though I regularly jump 4way FS, I don't like the idea of jumping with a "mailbox" on my head.

BWAHAHA!:D I personally refer to them as either "dog houses" or "bug hats", but "mailbox" is cool too.
Anyway, I have at least one of every type of helmet type there is, but generally just wear my very-stylish, flamed Mindwarp. It weighs next to nothing, looks good, and provides all the protection I generally need.
I have a non-flip factory diver (just like the GK RW team still uses) and wear it for fast 4-way and when it's really cold outside. If I am wearing it in the summer, I take the lens out; I can't stand being hot. I also wear it in the wind tunnel, also without the lens (skyeyes goggles over the top) when I am not wearing my Gentex for a demo.
So long as it's warm, I have to have the wind in my face. I stick my tongue out at people all the time and love to geek the camera.
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I'm all about open faces. I've had an Nvertigo for about 2 years and it's very comfy. No complants. And if I ever get an audible it'll fit right in there!
Maybe eventually I'll get a full face if I find one that doesn't make me feel claustrophobic.
blue skies,

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On a slightly different subject, is it OK to use a non-skydiving helmet for skydiving? Specifically, I have a Boeri snowboarding helmet that I'd like to use until I get a Mindwarp. Are major cons? If not, I'm gonna bring it next time and see how it goes.

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Cons of a full face -
warmth in the summer
can't give or hear exit count

I agree on the give exit count and disagree on the hear exit count. In my OXYGN I can even hear the exit count when I'm rear-rear float way back on the camera step.

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On a slightly different subject, is it OK to use a non-skydiving helmet for skydiving? Specifically, I have a
Boeri snowboarding helmet that I'd like to use until I get a Mindwarp. Are major cons? If not, I'm gonna
bring it next time and see how it goes.

There are no ASTM or UL or any other official or semi-official specs for skydiving helmets, so any helmet will do. Most "Skydiving" helmets come with a warning saying they provide no protection for skydiving.

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is it OK to use a non-skydiving helmet for skydiving?

If it can buckle up and you are 100% sure that it wont fall, it's ok, just make sure its not to heavy. The gath hat was used for surfing and if am not mistaken the frap hat too.
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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If it can buckle up and you are 100% sure that it wont fall, it's ok, just make sure its not to heavy. The gath hat was used for surfing and if am not mistaken the frap hat too.

It is pretty secure (it buckles and is snug on my head) and is rather light. I'm going to see how it works out. I don't want to get something like a Mindwarp until I can try it on in a shop, anyway. Thanks!

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I bought a ski helmet for skydiving. But I later got a super deal on a used Z-1, so I never jumped it. I love skiing in it though. If you go with a ski helmet you might have to cut off any snag points. Most of them have some type of hook or loop to hold your ski goggles on the back. I've always jumped with a open face helmet, but now I really prefer jumping with a mail box on my head. Maybe on a hot summer day I'll go back to an open face, but for most jumps I like the z-1 a lot better. I'd hate to buy one new though. They are really over priced. Steve1

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Be patient & browse the classifieds online or ask around the DZ. I bought my Z1 last yr w/ 25 jumps on it for 110 (w/ a bag)....and I just bought a Bonehead for 100! Also, look at Roy's website (rigs & things) www.para-service.com. I think he has a few old (still new) Nvertigo (open face) for $120.
To address the original post, I've been jumping my Z1 & I freefly...at least I like to think that I do! ;) The only problem I have is when going head down...my visor blows back! It hasn't broken off (yet), I just reach back & close it. W/ a factory diver, if u are using it to freefly mainly, I would remove the visor (when it's time to replace the lens) & use goggles...just my 2 cents worth.
**I'm a Pschydiver!

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> The only problem I have is when going head down...my visor blows back!
check that visor snap. i do speed dives with my z1 and I'm constantly going
over 250 mph headdown. And I don't keep my head even witht the horizon, I look
down and that should put a lot of stress on the visor. In regular headdown
relative winds goes with the direction visor closes, so I'm surprised that
your visor opens. I'd expect this to happen goin stand.
I can see that my visor bends on high speed, coz my field of view distorts
and sometimes it feels like the helmet will be blown from my head, but I never
had problem with the visor, even after I hit the door of the plane with my visor
open and almost broke it. I screewed it back on the ride to the altitude and
everything was fine.
if everything's under control, you are not going fast enough ...

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I jumped an open face until I got an altimeter in the lips on exit. That certainly did not make for a pretty sight for a few weeks :D. My full face has been great for me. I had to learn a few new techniques to keep it from fogging up in the winter, but I've got that handled now. :)tee

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