
Lifespan of F-111

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I have a Falcon 195, estimate about 300-350 jumps on it (I bought it used). How will I know when it's time to replace it?

A few riggers have mentioned "mushy flares" as a warning sign. Does when I start planting my ass on the grass more often it's time for a new one?

Anyone know what the 'replacement' range is for porosity? I have access to several porosity testers.

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I used to jump a falcon 175 that had at least 600 jumps on it. My estimation would be closer to 800 jumps although i would not be surprised if it had 1000. I knew the canopy was very porous and fabric was very worn (it even had many holes and patches) and in the end i stopped jumping it because i was scared i would blow one of the cells. However my friend now uses it for CRW in his spare rig.
This falcon always had a "mushy flare" in the 100 or so jumps i put on it so i would always build up speed with either double fronts or 180 front on landing which would put me down nice and soft. (I AM NOT telling you to hook it just telling you what happened to me)
With 300/350 jumps on your canopy you can put another couple of hundred jumps on it and then you will be ready for a smaller (150-170zp) and still be able to sell the falcon. ;););)

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>I have a Falcon 195, estimate about 300-350 jumps on it
>(I bought it used). How will I know when it's time to replace it?
>A few riggers have mentioned "mushy flares" as a warning sign.
> Does when I start planting my ass on the grass more often it's
> time for a new one?

Quite simple: When the landings hurt too much, or when the openings take longer than you're comfortable with, it's time to retire the canopy.;)

All canopies are individuals, and as such there are no hard and fast rules for jump numbers after which you should replace a canopy.

>Anyone know what the 'replacement' range is for porosity? I
>have access to several porosity testers.

I think it's the same thing as with the jump numbers; evaluating the way the canopy opens, flies and lands is the best way of... well.. evaluating the way the canopy opens, flies and lands!:)

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It use to be fun to watch my buddy Mark wrap the brake lines a few time so that he could land his old.....Cruiselite, I think.... That thing was so OLD, and he always stood up his landings....was pretty damn impressive actually....heh. He had it in an old Racer with capewells. It had a big yellow hazard sign affixed to the poptop, which also had all kinds of pilot chute material sticking out from under it....lol....this was only about 5 or 6 years ago.... I have to say, he's probably one of my favorite people I've met in my 9 years of skydiving. ;)

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after reading this i am kinda scared to jump the rental gear at my dz. 90% of the canopies are old worn out Manta 288's with more jumps than most high timers. They did get a "new" PD9cell 210.
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My thoughts on jumping the old worn out manta: I would not hesitate to jump it, myself, because it's friggin HUGE. I would expect that even a worn out canopy that big is gonna land ya' fine. Let me preface this by saying that I am a fun jumper ONLY. I have neither instructional ratings nor a riggers ticket, but several years of experience. If you've been jumping this worn out Manta and have been landing without incident, there's probably not a problem.

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The standard for new F-111 fabric is 0 to 3 cubic feet per minute. The better mills -like Gelvenor - are consistently producing fabric that measures 0.5 cfm.
I am guessing that landings will start to suffer when porosity approaches 4 or 5 cfm.
Perhaps we should ask a major manufacturer like P.D. or Precision.

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I have a very worn out PD that I load at 1.1 aprox. My landings in no wind condition always ends with a crash. With a little wind it lands fine. To wrap the steering/brake lines around your hand, won't help you, unless they are too long. You will only stall your canopy, and probably land even harder.
Improved flaring technic and increased speed in the landing helps. But to use the front risers to get high velocity landings can be dangerous, and you could hurt yourself. You probably know that...
If you're in doubt if the canopy is very worn or not, you could ask an experienced jumper (maybe a rigger) to test jump it.

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My first canopy was a PD-210 and I was loading it at 1.1:1. Almost every landing ended with a butt slide. I tried wrapping toggles, low wind, no wind, high wind, and they were all the same - butt slides. I stood up I think 3 or 4 landings out of 30 that I put on it. Two of those landings were downwind, so I am pretty sure that increasing speed would help your landings.

The Verdict: I was overloading it. F-111 Canopies should not be loaded past 1.0:1. I asked a couple riggers at my dz what the problem was, and they told me I was too heavy for the canopy. The previous owner loaded it at .9:1 and had no problems in landing it.

This thing only had 200 jumps on it, with me being the second owner. I now have a Spectre 190 that flares like a dream. The only problem now is I have to "re-learn" my flaring techniques from flaring higher with F-111, to stage flaring with the ZP. I'm about 50/50 now ( and getting better) with landing on my feet - much better than the PD210.

My advice - have an experience canopy pilot with your wing loading or less fly it and see if they have the same problems. That should tell you if the canopy is too worn, or maybe - you just too BIG and it's time to get ZP!! :ph34r::ph34r:

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bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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