
First rig questions

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Hi all,
I plan to purchase a used first rig that both me and my wife can use. We are currently going through AFF but I want to have some time to find the right used rig. I have read the general recommendations, and I still have a few questions:
- the main priority is to get a safe rig, but also to make sure my wife can make it back to the DZ when the wind picks up. I have over 250 paraglider rides, she's had a few and has good canopy control for her experience. Our exit weights are 135 & 160 resp., and I am considering looking for a main in the 150 range. With a 170 would my wife have trouble making way in moderate winds? I plan to try a 135 to see how comfortable I am landing it.
- I have seen many spectre and sabre mains in the classifieds, would those be a good choice at those wing loadings (0.9 to 1.15)? I don't want to have to chop because of line twists on opening (I mean not more than with a student main), is this mostly dependent on wing loading or is the chute design the overriding factor?
- Many rigs have a reserve that is larger (sometimes much larger) than the main. Will this make a two canopy out situation significantly less stable? Is this something I should watch for?
- Finally, is anyone 5.7" & 140 pounds using a Javelin J1 rig? How does it fit?
Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks,

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You shouldn't have any problems getting back - if the winds are that strong, you might want to reconsider jumping in them.

The design of the canopy is a more important factor - some canopies have a much flatter glide than others. 9 cells are usually flatter that 7's.

HookandSwoop has tested with lots of canopies in a 2 ou situation and has flown canopies of very different sizes ok.

A Javelin J1 is the container size - it all depends on the harness if it will fir you or not.

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i know advertising in the forums is not allowed but since franck102 did not leave an email address i will post here.

I will be purchasing a new rig and am going to sell my current one. I am 5'6 145lbs; It is a Javelin Odyssey J1 with Sabre2 150 (excellent beginner canopy for your weight) with a PD 143 Reserve. Cypres not included. Email me at freeflyheaddown@aol.com or drop me a private message here on DZ.com and well talk.
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I know that first rig is expensive, but I would try to get the two rigs. First it's more likely to fit each of you better if you buy closer to your own size. And, what I think is the most important reason, so you two can jump together.



"Five days? But I'm angry now!"

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Thanks for all the replies!
I added an email to my profile... I am not too familiar with the site's features yet.
We'll definitely want to jump together at some point, but I am assuming this isn't the safest thing to do right off student status, so 1 rig would do for some time (we can always rent) - and we'll be able to make a more educated choice later if we decide to buy a second rig.
As for the fit we'll have to try a few harnesses I guess. We have used the same student rig but of course neither of us knows what a properly fitted harness should feel like...

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Even if you're the same height and weight it's a pretty safe bet that your inseam measurements are different (which will make your torso lengths different) and you probably have bigger legs than she does (which will make the leg strap lengths different) and torso length and leg strap length are important issues in harness sizing. A rig sized to fit you will likely be a bit big on her; a rig sized to fit her will likely be a bit small on you.

As for canopy sizing, what size canopies are you jumping now? If you're jumping big ones, are there smaller canopies available for you to rent/jump before jumping your own gear? Will she need to wear weights to stay down with others (remember, weights add to your exit weight too)?

Based on your paragliding experience, you'd likely do fine with a 150... but I highly recommend waiting until you've slowly downsized and jumped a 170 a few times before buying anything smaller than that. Depending on your wife's ability, fall rate and how she wants to land, she may be happier with a 170 at first too.

Overall, my recommendation would be for each of you to buy a rig that is a) sized for your body and b) has canopies sized for your experience, exit weight, ability and risk tolerance.


I am assuming this isn't the safest thing to do right off student status

Once you have your A licenses, you can jump together all you want. How safe it is is up to the two of you. My ex and I started at the same time; we were jumping together before we had 30 jumps each. The jumps weren't pretty, but we were learning together and having a great time. Even if you're doing solos, it's fun to be on the same load with your S/O - nothin' like a kiss before exiting (well, kisses in freefall are better but anyway...).

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