
Naro container

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Yeah. Can't recommend it.

- AFAIK it comes with no options. You can only decide the colors.
- The shoulderflaps are closed with velcro. This is not considered the hot ticket nowadays.
- The reserve is a bitch to pack.(Then again I only have <20 packjobs done, but I know the geometry of the container was different from anything else I've packed.)
- It doesn't look too good...:P

+ It's cheap though!


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Check on the TSO of it if you plan on jumping it in the States. PISA makes some stuff that can't be jumped in the States unless you are from SA.


The Naro is TSOed in the States. I hade one for my first container -- actually Rocky sold me a virtually new one complete with Skymaster and Tempo canopies. It makes a great first rig for us big boys. Just looks a bit funky with the static line loops sewn on to the back panel.

I wouldn't think any "normal" size jumpers would care for one any more than they would a Student Vector, however.

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I have seen a few. they are a low end container, comparable to a Dolphin. The price is right.

You might want to check out the Teardrop. It's a great quality container that is TSO'd (single pin reserve) with a good price.
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Old Man Crawfish

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I pack a naro quite often. as an experinced master rigger I like the the fact that the reserve free bag has a kicker plate/stiffener build in reducing the total number of flap involved in closing the the rig. the velcro for the rizer covers is almost identical to the racer NOS (narrow over the shoulders) and no one seems to poo poo them. They are more than adequate for rw and free fly IF WELL MAINTAINED. reserve pin protection is great, the main is adequate. They do have some options like stainless 3 rings and collapsible p/c. I admit that the one I pack is a little older so they may have even more options by now.


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;) Phreezone, I am looking at the narrow container that I sometimes use as a back-up rig. It is TSO'd for the States. TSO C23c. The rig has been around for the past 12 years. If you look after the Velcro and can live without the options it makes a safe rig for flat end freeflying. It is a budget rig though and IMHO the Chute shop Vortex 11 container is a much better buy at a very good price. Much like the Javeline and Wings container $850 with full options.

" It is not flying, just a sofisticated way of falling" -ANO-
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