
Username: leonwjwritter75 - Classifieds Buyer Scam

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The following scam has been reported:


On 17-Sep-2014 someone submitted their contact information in response to your ad in the Dropzone.com Classifieds. Please reply to this email to contact the person directly.

Username => leonwjwritter75

Name => Leon J Witter

FromEmail => leonwjwritter75@gmail.com

City =>

Country =>

Comments => Hello Seller,

My name is Mr Leon J Witter .

I am interested in your Complete Systems for sale ,Kindly mail me back if its for sale

1. How long have you owned it?

2. Have you owned it from new? If not how many previous owner?

3. In your opinion, what sort of condition is it?

4 Last Asking Price?


Click here to read more about these kind of scams.


  • DO NOT do business with anyone who offers to send you payment for a higher amount than your selling price with the understanding that you'll send back the balance.

  • Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be acting on behalf of a "client" or another "customer".

  • Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be from Nigeria or West Africa

  • If you agree to accept a check payment, then do not send anything, gear or "change" before the check cleared. And be careful, if you manage to clear a fraudulent check then you may be liable for the damages if the bank finds out later. Make sure your bank authenticates the check.

  • If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is.
This username has been disabled.

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I received this this week in reply to a canopy i have for sale... it sounded fish to me!

On 17-Sep-2014 someone submitted their contact information in response to your ad in the Dropzone.com Classifieds. Please reply to this email to contact the person directly.

Username => leonwjwritter75

URL => http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/jump.cgi?Detailed=163759

Name => Leon J Witter

FromEmail => leonwjwritter75@gmail.com

City =>

Country =>

Comments => Hello Seller,

My name is Mr Leon J Witter .

I am interested in your Main Canopies for sale ,Kindly mail me back if its for sale

1. How long have you owned it?

2. Have you owned it from new? If not how many previous owner?

3. In your opinion, what sort of condition is it?

4 Last Asking Price?


If you suspect this is a scam:

1) Visit the Security Forum to see if it has already been reported:
2) If not, forward the entire email to abuse@dropzone.com
At long last the light at the end of the tunell isnt an on coming train!!!

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one step further you'll get this text from him:

Thanks for the mail.

Great, this is exactly what I need and I'd really like to pay you in
cash at hand but right now , I want the car but i live in NY. I can
overnight the payment to you Perhaps, given my job as a set
administrator for a movie. We move from one location to another, so am
just very used to buying and would make arrangements for it to be
picked up after you must have confirmed payment with your bank. So my
means of payment will be Certified Cashier check,which is more secured
and better than any other means of payment.

I'm okay with the price and would be offering you $100 so that you
consider it sold to me including transport logistics fee. The pick up
will be effected by my transporter after you have confirmed the
payment cleared to your account.

If this is ok by you, I will need these information below to enable me
send the payment out to you immediately via UPS so that we can
proceed. (1) Full Name.... , (2) Address to mail the payment....(not a
postbox address). ,(3) Cell Phone number.... , (4) Asking Price

I will mail you the payment tracking number as soon as I get the
information and let you know when you will receive it.

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Here is the last email I got:

Thanks for the mail.I really likes to pay you in cash at hands.but
right now i'm not withing your reach that i could easily comes for the
payment , so why we need talks better on another means of payment
which is by means of Certified Cashier check,which is more secured
and better than any other means of payment.

So,kindly get back to me,so i know which of the two is your most
preferred means of payment for the said item.l...The payment will
being advance by Check and i will need the following info:

The payment will be in advance by Check and i will need the following info:

1)Get back with the name to be written on the Check.

2)Your address where it is to be delivered (not a postbox address).

3) Your cell phone number is needed for an effective communication

PLEASE NOTE: That the Check will be cleared first before releasing
the Item ok


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Likewise. First asked about an AAD from a complete rig I am selling. Replied that I am selling the whole system not component parts to which came a reply today (like all the others) which makes no sense:

Thanks for the mail.

Great, this is exactly what I need and I'd really like to pay you in
cash at hand but right now , I want the item but i live in NY. I can
overnight the payment to you Perhaps, given my job as a set
administrator for a movie. We move from one location to another, so am
just very used to buying and would make arrangements for it to be
picked up after you must have confirmed payment with your bank. So my
means of payment will be Certified Cashier check,which is more secured
and better than any other means of payment.

I'm okay with the price so that you consider it sold to me including
transport logistics fee. The pick up will be effected by my
transporter after you have confirmed the payment cleared to your

If this is ok by you, I will need these information below to enable me
send the payment out to you immediately via UPS so that we can
proceed. (1) Full Name.... , (2) Address to mail the payment....(not a
postbox address). ,(3) Cell Phone number.... , (4) Asking Price

I will mail you the payment tracking number as soon as I get the
information and let you know when you will receive it.

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Just sent this guy several emails back and forth and something just didn't seem right with this guy. I gave him my address before I cut off all contact with him. He can't do much with that. Nothing was shipped to this guy. He never offered more thn what I was asking for but the entire I'm never home and on a movie set stuff just didn't seem right.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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This user is still active. The idiot sent me a message yesterday trying to buy my complete rig. Apparently he lists his occupation as "Set Administrator for a movie" and the pickup "will be effected by my transporter".

Hmmmm, I wonder if Jason Statham is going to show up in a nice Audi. [:/]


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Before I caught on to this was a scam I gave my address and full name. He said the check will be delivered. He said once the check clears he will give me the shipping details. Everything about this smells fishy. I'll probably just destroy the thing if it ever shows up.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Now he gave m a tracking # and said the check is delivered. I checked USPS and they tell me I had a letter delivered. I'll take the check to the bank and see if its real or not. I have a gut feeling to just walk away and not even bother.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Explaining the situation to the bank is often a good measure, they will likely try and get law enforcement involved. There's been several cases where users have received the checks and taken them to the bank for authentication, which then prompts further measures by the bank on investigating the origin.

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This guy is trying the same thing with me. But when a put pressure on him he send me the exact same e-mail of 2 weeks earlier. I just hope DZ.com will make sure this guy won't stay on the system.

Richard Lavoie
When you think you're good...this is when you become dangerous.

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