
180 to 270

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So I'm working on my 270's now, just begininng. It REALLY seems much different than a 180, but I can definately generate more speed and thus a longer swoop. I was having trouble putting it all together this weekend, primarily turning the canopy too fast in order to get back around to my landing heading, this resulted in coming out of the turn too high and having to stay on double fronts the rest of the way. One of my buddies was watching and I commented on how different I thought it was from what I was used to doing, and he said ..."break it down into 3 90's, that's all it is..." I did this mentally in the plane and from opening altitude until my setup time, and I had the best swoop I've had to date, maybe not the longest, (it was performed into a 8-10mph headwind) but definately the most effiecient. I finished my entire flare and had a nice set down with no running or sliding etc. I didn't really do 3 90's per se, just visualized it that way and carved it on around.
So in addition to random nonsense in this post, I was hoping maybe someone else in my shoes would benefit from this. Methinks the best way to learn more turns, is start with the 90's then slowly 100-115 etc, all the way to 180, there just seems to be this huge jump from more than a 180 that has really been difficult for me to visually master. And this comment helped me visualize it, now on to the mastering part, I'll get back at you in about 1500 more jumps. Thanks for listening, any advice is appreciated and flames get me especially excited.

For the record, I have 496 total skydives and for the last 60 jumps am jumping a Vengence 150 loaded at 1.56. Obviously I am a novice so if it sounds like I don't know what I'm talking about, you're probably right.

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It seems you have a decent grasp of the progress.

2200 jumps I have have mastered the 180 and now playing with 270's.

My only advice. Leave yourself an out. Always!

Other than that its nice to hear someone is practicing safely and not trying to rush their progress.


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I never really went for the 180. When I got my new canopy I work with about a 120, because the 90 felt just too damn short. After getting the 120 down right, I went straight to the 270. For me it was a lot easier. You can really target aproaches a lot better, easier to time and hit that needed accuracy to start hitting gates. Its hard to explain the turn, When I first got the canopy I used a lot of risers, now I find myself initiating the entire turn with harness input, and only needing to touch the risers if I was alittle high. I perfer a left 270, so I come into the base leg looking to me right to get the accuracy just right, but still keeping an eye out for other canopies. Then around 600 feet I try to have my spot just right and start the turn, as soon as I start the turn I do a head switch looking the other direction for my target and other canopies as I am coming around. I would 95% of the time I am hitting the entrance gates perfectly. Eventually I would like to get onto the tour, so thats what I am working towards.

Jonathan Bartlett

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