
Z-Hills Pond Swoop Pics

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We have some cool photos from the Pond Swoop Meet this past weekend. 12 competitors, $1000 in cash (Ian Bobo won that) and lots of other draws and prizes were given away. Laura played the chief judge and thanks to everyone else that helped with the judging;)


Especially thanks to ERIC HILDEBRAND - who did a super job in organizing the whole event and raising $$$ and the prizes. Also for the nude and panties jumps -
thanks again everyone

TK Hayes
Skydive City

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I believe that there was one Sensei out there.

RDutch(Deland) on the forms here, a couple of others from Deland who I must apologize b/c I do not know everyone's name. Eric H.(Z-Hills),
PLF(Z-Hills), Dwayne(Z-Hills), Jaime(Z-Hills) and a couple of others.

The best thing about the meet was that no-one got injured. There was a serious cross-wind wich added the extra difficulty to the competition.

Thanks Eric!!!!! Hopefully I can get in on the next one. B|



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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What's Up Kramer...I have the complete list of twelve competitor and their placement...as far as canopy sizes and types not sur...I could get that info

1st Place Ian Bobo
2nd Place Chris Hayes
3rd Place Eric Hildebrand
4th Place Ed Pacheco
5th Place Scott Roberts
6th Place Duane Hall
7th Place Devon Cruson
8th Place Paul Fairbanks
9th Place Jamie Knoop
10th Place David Byrns
11th Place Justin Thornton
12th Place Ray Dutch

The event was a huge success thanks to the competitors

C. J. laura

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Ray, I know this doesn't make it any better for you, but...If you look back at the almost points you actually placed 7th. The almost points were incorporated so that you guys would know the minor adjustments that you need to make for future compitition. You are an awesome young swooper and this compitition is not a reflection of your abilities as a whole.

But you do know the almost saying?
"Almost only counts for horse-shoes, hand-grenades and atomic-bombs"...hehehe...hurry back, you guys are so much fun...yeah

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Hey I heard that everyone did well! Just wish I was there to see it... maybe when i get back in the states, They will hole another.... did anyone see any xfire2s' or was it only the Xaos'? BLUE ONES
What doesn't kill you... only requires brief hospitalization!!

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