
small canopy

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hey swoopers, i saw some neato skydiving vids with swooping scenes that gave me a real woody!
I currenty banging out 100 degree turns with my st120. i weigh about 175 with gear and full pockets of cash.
am i ready for a vx 55. who can teach me how to fly it? what if the winds are 30 mph? does any one else jump something so small? am i gay?

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Sure. You're good to go. But let's make sure you are familiar with the mechanics of swooping, as detailed in the attached picture:

- Stay clear of any obstacles with which you may collide, such as trees, cars, etc.
- Try to stay out of the path of anything tall enough to send rotors at your canopy, such as trees
- Initiate your front riser turn high enough to allow your canopy naturally return to level flight with minimal riser or toggle input
- Look at where you are going to land, not ground below you
- Minimize drag by presenting as little surface area as possible to the relative wind
- On cross-braced canopies, try not exceed a 2.3:1 wingloading, as you may sacrifice performance and safety in doing so

Studying this picture carefully will unlock the secrets to the perfect swoop. Have fun and good luck! Go kick some balls!
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Instrucitons on flying the vx 55

1. make at least 200 jumps on a sabre 170.
2. While canopy control is still fresh in your mind immediately down size to a stilletto 107.
3. maket 30 jumps on the 107.
4. call PD for the rwl (reccommended wing loading) on a velo75.
5. after listening to a 1 hour discourse on how wingloading is not relevant, but experience is, disgard that information.
6. call 5 major sport parachute dealers, and try to order the velo 75.
7. after being denied by the dealers for liabilty reasons, call icarus canopies directly and ask for simon. order the vx 74 in white w black ribs for future resale value.
8. make 11 jumps on the vx 74 in texas or neighboring state.
9. order the vx 55 in lemon to avoid unneccessary wait time.
10. make 14 more jumps on the 74 while the new zealand ships the 55 cutting patterns to spain.
11. make 16 more jumps on the 74 while spain awaits the zero p fabric from PD.
12. receive the vx 55 in yellow, and get pissed , call for simon , but dont reach him cause he's no where to be found.
13. jump the 55 in yellow even though it does not match your rig colors while spain rebuilds the canopy in lemon.
14. post ravings about your speed exploits and 940 turns from 1000 feet on dropzone.com.

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Hey, Bruno. I'm just messing with you. In all seriousness, go bigger (in canopy size). If you absolutely refuse to do so, then you'd better work your ass off to not go in. The only reason to fly a canopy that small is for glory, not experience. No one is impressed.

How you even acquired that thing...
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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