
Wing Load: Profile Update

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Heya all,

There's a cool feature in the new Skydiver's Profile. Enter the size of your canopies, main and reserve, in ft^2. Enter your weight with gear in lbs. There's a converter to convert kg to lbs. When someone view your profile the wing load on your main and reserve will be displayed in brackets next to your canopies. :)
Safe swoops

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No way I'm filling that out. Don't want a canopy Nazi complaining that I'm 0.06 over a 1 to 1 wingloading on my first parachute.

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Hmm my profile gets interesting this way, since I crammed 2 rigs in the entry fields.....

Maybe you could put in some more fields, for adding more rigs? There's got to be more people who jump at least 2 different rigs (or mains), ie for back-to-back, CF, BM...

ciel bleu,

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good luck getting the women to fill out that bit of info, HH.

Um yeah. Quite true. Would that wingloading be before or after what I pretend breakfast weighed? :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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