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I have over 2400 jumps and have not been able to find a good way to hold my slider down. I used to hold it in my teeth until one day a newbie jumper cut me off and when I yelled at him my slider blew up in my face in the middle of my turn and I broke my leg.
So now I have an 80 lbs piece of brake cord tied to my container and one end tied to one side of a 4" zipper. And on my slider is the other side of the zipper. This way after I zip my slider down and have to cut away the brake cord will brake.


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There was recently a post in Gear and Rigging on this topic. I personally use a slider keeper (velcro on my reserve flap) however this other post shows type 17 webbing sewn to the risers so that once the slider is pulled down the webbing holds the it in place. This way slider stays down but no attaching it to the container. I'll post the post for you

Wish I could do that!
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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Look torward the middle of the strings and there is a picture about doubled type 8 webbing. I friend of mine has this and loves it. I think the rigger/gear store owner at CSS did it.
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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80 lb break cord? I don't know if that'd break or not when you unloaded the canopy by cutting away. I don't think it would. I use velcro and elastic sewn to each jumpsuit. I also have one made up on tape to slide over the reserve flap if I want to go "suitless."
I had to experiment with the amount of velcro and such, but when I come in, I just throw down the canopy, reach behind my head for the slider and pull it up and the velcro releases. The velcro also holds 95% of the time under canopy (and probably the other 5% is when I don't mate it well).
I know in my heart it will release if I induced linetwists or had some other issue requiring a cutaway after stowing the slider.
80lb break cord takes alot to break (80lbs). I've seen it used for static line on base jumps, it takes alot of force to break it.
Think it through.
Glad you gave up on the teeth thing, having the slider infront of your head is a bad idea, which has been well discussed here.

I am now free to exercise my downward mobility.

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Here are the pictures of the "zip-it" if any questions feel free to ask. It is quick and relable I have over 100 jumps on it and no problems


Its way easier to have the caps down than hold the shift down the whole time

Try not having the caps lock on or holding down the shift key. Thanks, Derek

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Have you done any hanging harness cutaways in it to verify that the break cord will break? An actual cutaway in a 3 canopy rig would be ideal to verify that it will actually break.

People have always suspected that a velcro wrap might have been able to hold it in the case of a cutaway and the velcro is only about 30 pounds sheer and only a couple pounds peel force.

There are way easier and faster ways of stowing the slider then the zipper that you are posting. The velcrowrap, the slider locks and even the elastic ball all are proven methods that have been in the field for a while and work.

And you don't need to capitalize every letter. All caps is the equalavent of shouting on line.
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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80 pounds won't break in the case of a cutaway. 80 pound break cord will turn the main into a streamer that you are dragging behind you.

80# most definitely won't break. :| If you cut away your main with that thing on your day has just gone from bad to....well, let's just say you don't wanna go there.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Well, after looking at the pics. I'd say the zipper will break long before the break cord. You need a better system. It looks clunky and troublesome. Look around and see the stuff others are doing. You can even have tabs sewn on your risers if you don't want to tie it down behind your head.

I am now free to exercise my downward mobility.

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My slider has 2 kill lines on it and I just take the slider down behind my head, roll it forward a few times in my hands, and flip the kill lines out under the last roll, I have no problems with it staying down and behind me now. Your mileage may vary.

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Actually... I'll say it as nicely as I can.

I hope you don't cutaway soon with that attached or else we'll just have to read about this in the Incidents fourm.

3000 feet up at terminal velocity with a main in tow on a piece of rope thats firmly attached to me does'nt sound like "loose ends" it sounds like a really stupid idea!

Have you tried the velcro wrap yet?
Yesterday is history
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you may be right, but until there is some more thought into it, and it is a safer design, i don't like it.

have you ever tested this design on a cutaway?? even a practice one on the ground?

and it seam like to me, and this may just be what i think and not be true, but it would seam like it takes a while to get done. hell, i thought putting them in velcro takes too long, so i put stops on my risers about 2" from the bottom to hold it down.

again, this is just my opinion. obviously you like it, and no one will change your mind about it, i just hope you do a little more "thinking" on it and make it a safer design.


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As far as I can see, no one is bashing you. I can understand it may seem that way from your POV though.
The point being made here is that your 100 jumps (testing it) have not (NOT) tested anything except how well it holds the slider down unless you have tested cutaways. We all make mistakes, and sometimes what seems like a good idea turns out to be a bad one. This idea is one of those... may seem good on the surface, but you have gotten nothing but advice to get away from it from some very experienced folks (myself not included in "very experienced"). I promise you that zipper will break before the break cord, this is the first hicup (since you intend for the breakcord to break). Then the zipper can catch lines (the part that is left, or both halves if it doesn't break all the way). I was nervous about my velcro system until I got it ironed out, but your system I wouldn't even consider jumping. The chances of a cutaway after you stow your slider are small, especially if you fly responsibly (so as not to induce line-twists), but if you had too, you could be in serious trouble.
There are 3 very accepted methods of securing your slider, one is velcro (either on your suit or on the rig), the second is the tarp elastic tie&ball, the third is tabs on the risers.
The only other commonly accepted method is stowing without securing it (If I don't secure it, after I open my chest strap it never goes over the top of my head). It's great you're trying to think of new things, but this idea is not a keeper. If you brought me the idea, I would not have built it for you.
Also, I'll again repeat that I am happy you gave up stowing it infront of your head (either in your teeth or under your chin). Now , think of a different idea, or do it like everyone else is.
You'll find plenty of open minds here, but even open minded folks don't generally drive 100mph into brick walls. Open minded doesn't always mean oblivious.

I am now free to exercise my downward mobility.

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Agreed that no one is bashing you, however it seems the general consensus is that the idea might not be the best thought out. I sure Bill Booth had a few glitches in the design of the three ring before he developed what we all use today. Perhaps you are on to something here but you're facing a glitch. Go to Kelly and talk to him about your idea. Maybe something can evolve from your idea. Or talk to a variety of riggers and get thier suggestions. As many others have said, test jump it allowing the 80lb cord to break. Nobody wants to see another incident report either here or in the USPA pub.
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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