
Swooping the Moab Cliffs Video

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Dan Oden put this video together for Skydive Moab!
Check out this video

check under videos

It will take awhile if you have dial up.
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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IT's alot of video to watch so it takes alot of memory. It's the only place I can put it. I put it on skydivingmovies.com but they disappeared somehow? IS there a better place to put videos of such large memory?
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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Hey Clint,

I put it on skydivingmovies.com but they disappeared somehow?

When you upload to skydivingmovies Pilotdave checks out the vid for content. Once that's done he moves the vid to the appropriate folder. He could tell you where he's put them.

Also, I wasn't actually referring to the video being slow but rather the actual website. Also some of the tables/frames, etc don't render to the screen properly and scroll off into the distance. I'm no web expert but I know there are a good couple people here who could help you get your site more efficient and loading faster. Remember most of your potential customers may not have access to high speed connections and may not want to wait for a page to load.

Just suggestions, not trying to tell you how to run your site or your business.

Good luck. Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Hi Ian,

It is actually my website and sitting on a DSL connection at the moment. So the upstream is not the greatest.

Also since Clint advertised the video, my bandwidth just got sucked up. I am working on making the site more efficient and fixing the scrolling issues. I whipped it together with Frontpage, so you can imagine the limitations.

I do appreciate the feed back since I do not get the chance to view my work from the outside my home network.


whips n' chains n' hand-grenades with a little ugly on the side.

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For those that are interested the video is up on a proper connection so the download time is highly improved!

Select -RSS Videos-
Right mouse click on "Cliff Swooping"


whips n' chains n' hand-grenades with a little ugly on the side.

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It took 10 sec to pop up, much shorter than the last time.
Just wait a few more months!! You will never believe your eyes when you watch the up coming video.
Coming soon!
Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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I just watched the video....pretty awesome. Even had my wife enjoying it.

So are coming back to Hinckley?

Hopefully I will be back there this season...all I gotta do is get a job back in Illinois and blow the greater Toledo area. Peace.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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