bobsled92 0 #1 April 17, 2004 I'm jumping it at Chambersburg in 16 hours. My custom Comp. Cobalt 170. Hi opening and taking it easy. This will be my 1st jump on "my own" Cobalt rather than the Demos. (Long healing time from ladder accident held me up) I'll write about it after I jump it also. (in honest details too) NO thoughts of swooping until I show positive signs of skill while in a canopy pilot training course or professional coaching. eg: Ian Bobo or Chuck Blue._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #2 April 17, 2004 "Look ma, double diamonds!!" That's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I dig it. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowflake 0 #3 April 17, 2004 Nice......question...are the jump numbers in your profile correct? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJ269J 0 #4 April 17, 2004 Very sweet!! But why did you get a competition cobalt if you have no plans to swoop or use it to its potential? Just wondering Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bobsled92 0 #5 April 18, 2004 QuoteVery sweet!! But why did you get a competition cobalt if you have no plans to swoop or use it to its potential? Just wondering **not until I'm ready** This month is: "get aquainted month with new canopy" time. I would also like good coaching, as I am a low numbered jumper._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bobsled92 0 #6 April 18, 2004 Quote"Look ma, double diamonds!!" That's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I dig it. <><> Big picfrom today at Chambersburg._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites isaiah85 0 #7 April 18, 2004 Averaging 10 jumps a year........maybe something a bit more docile would have been 2 cents Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bobsled92 0 #8 April 18, 2004 USPA has me listed as 13 years. I have been in skydiving since '91 stopped for 6 years and came back (this time=better job) 2yrs ago._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites hookitt 1 #9 April 18, 2004 I agree that it's a serious canopy and I'm actually surprised you're under it. You'll see what I mean when you have to land in a back yard between the porch and a swingset. That said.. Damn dude, that's nice looking color combination.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ramon 0 #10 April 18, 2004 Very nice. Don't forget to practice flat turning and accuracy. Those canopies can glide..... Ramon"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites grega 0 #11 April 18, 2004 QuoteI agree that it's a serious canopy and I'm actually surprised you're under it. You'll see what I mean when you have to land in a back yard between the porch and a swingset. You just reminded me that i did just that a couple of hours ago (today on a dz). Did a braked approach. I slowed it down for about 20-30% (toggles little higher than shoulder height) and at what seemed to be the right height finished the flare. I did 2 steps which equals about 2m. and the landing was like stepping from a chair, not hard at all. but if i'd brake it to 50% before, that could be a little harder landing. But it sure is doable. So what i want to say is that Competition cobalt can be landed on very small places too, if you have the skills. Mine CC 120 is loaded 1.75. You just have to practice "George just lucky i guess!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bobsled92 0 #12 April 19, 2004 I plan on staying at wide open DZs and getting coached training. Without taking all precautions, I would be adding bullets in Russian Roulette._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites LawnDart21 0 #13 April 19, 2004 I'm kind of wondering what added benefit buying a Comp Cobalt can provide, given your jump numbers, over a regular Cobalt, or even going to a square or semi-elliptical canopy? Atair's website lists the CC as an Ultra High Performance canopy, and states "Pro Pilots Only" and "for experienced pilots only" on two differnent pages on their site. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, but also a bit niave about canopy progresion. At 150 jumps, you shouldn't be under such a high performance canopy, regardless of your years in the sport, or your intended slow progression. Plus, a 1.45 wing loading is well within the "danger area" of canopy flying. Just my .02. Stay safe and please, please be careful if you are intent on jumping that canopy. -- My other ride is a RESERVE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites GeeeeeeFly 0 #14 April 19, 2004 What is the magical number that makes wing loading scary... 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 ??? Just curious, because Atair recomends people to wing load their products a little higher than you would PD's canopies or something similar. But I agree with you and this guys new CC. Why the decision for a CC than there standard canopy, it's not like he's going out to competitions with it... Kind of a waste, but nice job picking out the colors and way to keep Atair in business... ~G~ "The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites ManBird 0 #15 April 19, 2004 QuoteBut why did you get a competition cobalt if you have no plans to swoop or use it to its potential?No, that IS why he got a CC. :)"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯" Click Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Brains 2 #16 April 19, 2004 Quote. . . But I agree with you and this guys new CC. Why the decision for a CC than there standard canopy, it's not like he's going out to competitions with it... Kind of a waste, but nice job picking out the colors and way to keep Atair in business... Not just directed towards you Geeeee, i just decided to quote you. In the 170 model, Atair is making them cc's because of some opening issues on the 170 models of the reg. cobalt. I don't _think_ you can get a regular 170 anymore. I do know this has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum in the past.Bobsled92: Congrats on finally getting to jump your new canopy, i know you have been dying to get out and fly it. Treat her with respect and she will do the same for you Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PhreeZone 20 #17 April 19, 2004 QuoteJust curious, because Atair recomends people to wing load their products a little higher than you would PD's canopies or something similar. Atair is full of bullshit on this one too. They claim that their canopies fly slower and have a better glide rate then other similar canopies. I was trying to bump endcells on my old Cobalt 150 and a Stiletto 150. The Stiletto was loaded more then me and I had to keep putting on the brakes since I was passing him. Not only that but I needed the brakes to float with the Stiletto since it was gliding flater then me. I thought that it should be the other way around... Atair has a screwed up marketing department in my opinion that seems to think that by telling people that its a better idea to jump every other canopy at a 135 then theirs at 120 and see which one performs better. Well duh... the 120 will seem better to most people trying a downsize. The CC had to be built in the 170's since there were frequent complaints on here of 170's opening like shit and that was their solution for it.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skydivejunky 0 #18 April 19, 2004 Sounds like sour grapes here to me. But of course everyone has their own opinion. I'm sure mine stinks as much as yours. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bobsled92 0 #19 April 20, 2004 QuoteI'm kind of wondering what added benefit buying a Comp Cobalt can provide, given your jump numbers, over a regular Cobalt, or** even going to a square** or semi-elliptical canopy? ________________________________________________ Well, first I would hope you didn't mean to imply that I should be jumping Rounds still. The COMP has modifications that make the 170 OPENING very nice. The way it flys, opens, and lands for me has been great for MYSELF so far AND as I stated before, I WILL be getting professional coaching for advanced canopy control. Until then I am watching my ass 100% and taking it carefully. p.s. I don't hook turn or 90 degree-in. I am not experienced enough and I'm not willing. "If I bought a Ferrari why would I try/or want to crash it the 1 chance I get?" My life cost more than any car._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites IMGR2 0 #20 April 20, 2004 Don't fret Grant. It doesn't matter what you own there will always be people there to bash the product. I'm trying to buy a car and I have one person telling me the foreign cars are crap and another saying they run forever. Who the hell knows. I have flown good canopies and bad canopies from all the manufacturers. You fly what you enjoy flying and be safe. Too many people here have axes to grind. In the words of one of the coolest chicks; SPREAD THE LOVE-Missy Nelson- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites VectorBoy 0 #21 April 20, 2004 Atair is full of bullshit on this one too. They claim that their canopies fly slower and have a better glide rate then other similar canopies. I was trying to bump endcells on my old Cobalt 150 and a Stiletto 150. The Stiletto was loaded more then me and I had to keep putting on the brakes since I was passing him. Not only that but I needed the brakes to float with the Stiletto since it was gliding flater then me. I thought that it should be the other way around...Quote Phree I've always heard Dan say that the cobalts are trimmed steeper than the stiletto, less front riser pressure, dives more than the stiletto. Atair has a screwed up marketing department in my opinion that seems to think that by telling people that its a better idea to jump every other canopy at a 135 then theirs at 120 and see which one performs better. Well duh... the 120 will seem better to most people trying a downsize. Phree I've had several canopy manufacturers demo rep tell me I need to try one size smaller than what I'm on now. At WFFC one company rep was so adamant that he would NOT let me fly apples to apples and made an excuse about not having any in the size he didn't want to let me try only one and two sizes smaller than my current cobalt. One company ( in my personal experience, in all of the on site gear demo situations I've been to )wouldn't let me try smaller than what I was flying now. Wanna guess who, everybody's favorite? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites davelepka 4 #22 April 20, 2004 So I read the thread, and while it's sliding toward the 'cobalts are shitty canopies' end, I have to know, who's the fucking retard that thought it was OK for a guy with 132 total jumps, with only a portion of them being in the last two years (and the balance being so long ago they don't mean crap anymore) buy ANY canopy loaded at 1.4+, let alone a Cobalt. You 'WILL' get coaching? The difference between that and I 'DID' get coaching is monumental. Even if you plan to get coaching, you have not done it yet, and your good intentions will not help you if get into trouble. Understand that the choices you are making are contrary to popular opinion, and you are putting yourself at undue risk. Addtionally, if the "ladder injury' that put you out of skydiving for many years has any residual effects that could inhibit your ability to heal from injury, you could be putting yourself at risk for lifelong disability. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PhreeZone 20 #23 April 20, 2004 QuoteAt WFFC one company rep was so adamant that he would NOT let me fly apples to apples and made an excuse about not having any in the size he didn't want to let me try only one and two sizes smaller than my current cobalt. Yep, I had the same company reccommend that I try a 108ish canopy, but this was after the rep saw me land and we talked. On the other hand just getting a 120 out of another company was like pulling teeth since wanted more proof of my experience on the 136 before they would let me downsize. I am happy to say that none of the companies would give me their ultra high proformance canopies with out sitting and watching me jump my current canopy. But we are diverging from the inteneded post... Grant, go and get coaching now. There is no telling when you are going to have to land off DZ and you need to know how that canopy flies now in order to do that. I am quite happy to say I put my canopy right into an out that was no more then 50 yards by 25 yards that was surrounded by obsticals this last weekend, I doubt I could have done it if I had not learned as much as I know about my canopy currently. Get out there and do 12k hop and pops, get a coach, get video of the landings. Start on the flare turns, the brake approaches, and the PLF's. They all are needed on the new canopy.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites nicknitro71 0 #24 April 20, 2004 50 yards by 25 is about the size of 1/4 of a football filed. Quite large if you asked me.Memento Audere Semper 903 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PhreeZone 20 #25 April 20, 2004 Large enough for me too if not for the power lines, the razor wire fence and the trees in the middle of it... I was deffinitally a PRO area if I was going to intentionally land there. I still did a nice carving 90 left front riser into it and swooped a nice chunk of it. I just felt really bad for the 2 guys following me that only had about 70 jumps each and it was their first off DZ landings. Both of them over estimated their glide ratio and about went too far and almost flew into a white picket fence/house. One augered himself in good thinking he was going to fast and was going to hit the hill/fence so he did a hard turn at about 8-10 feet and bounced on impact. He had no canopy coaching or had practiced the flare turns before. Good coaching and skill dives working on the canopy skills would have helped him fly a better pattern and land safe and not all banged up.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0 Go To Topic Listing
bobsled92 0 #5 April 18, 2004 QuoteVery sweet!! But why did you get a competition cobalt if you have no plans to swoop or use it to its potential? Just wondering **not until I'm ready** This month is: "get aquainted month with new canopy" time. I would also like good coaching, as I am a low numbered jumper._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #6 April 18, 2004 Quote"Look ma, double diamonds!!" That's sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. I dig it. <><> Big picfrom today at Chambersburg._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
isaiah85 0 #7 April 18, 2004 Averaging 10 jumps a year........maybe something a bit more docile would have been 2 cents Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #8 April 18, 2004 USPA has me listed as 13 years. I have been in skydiving since '91 stopped for 6 years and came back (this time=better job) 2yrs ago._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #9 April 18, 2004 I agree that it's a serious canopy and I'm actually surprised you're under it. You'll see what I mean when you have to land in a back yard between the porch and a swingset. That said.. Damn dude, that's nice looking color combination.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramon 0 #10 April 18, 2004 Very nice. Don't forget to practice flat turning and accuracy. Those canopies can glide..... Ramon"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grega 0 #11 April 18, 2004 QuoteI agree that it's a serious canopy and I'm actually surprised you're under it. You'll see what I mean when you have to land in a back yard between the porch and a swingset. You just reminded me that i did just that a couple of hours ago (today on a dz). Did a braked approach. I slowed it down for about 20-30% (toggles little higher than shoulder height) and at what seemed to be the right height finished the flare. I did 2 steps which equals about 2m. and the landing was like stepping from a chair, not hard at all. but if i'd brake it to 50% before, that could be a little harder landing. But it sure is doable. So what i want to say is that Competition cobalt can be landed on very small places too, if you have the skills. Mine CC 120 is loaded 1.75. You just have to practice "George just lucky i guess!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #12 April 19, 2004 I plan on staying at wide open DZs and getting coached training. Without taking all precautions, I would be adding bullets in Russian Roulette._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LawnDart21 0 #13 April 19, 2004 I'm kind of wondering what added benefit buying a Comp Cobalt can provide, given your jump numbers, over a regular Cobalt, or even going to a square or semi-elliptical canopy? Atair's website lists the CC as an Ultra High Performance canopy, and states "Pro Pilots Only" and "for experienced pilots only" on two differnent pages on their site. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, but also a bit niave about canopy progresion. At 150 jumps, you shouldn't be under such a high performance canopy, regardless of your years in the sport, or your intended slow progression. Plus, a 1.45 wing loading is well within the "danger area" of canopy flying. Just my .02. Stay safe and please, please be careful if you are intent on jumping that canopy. -- My other ride is a RESERVE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeeeeeeFly 0 #14 April 19, 2004 What is the magical number that makes wing loading scary... 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 ??? Just curious, because Atair recomends people to wing load their products a little higher than you would PD's canopies or something similar. But I agree with you and this guys new CC. Why the decision for a CC than there standard canopy, it's not like he's going out to competitions with it... Kind of a waste, but nice job picking out the colors and way to keep Atair in business... ~G~ "The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ManBird 0 #15 April 19, 2004 QuoteBut why did you get a competition cobalt if you have no plans to swoop or use it to its potential?No, that IS why he got a CC. :)"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯" Click Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brains 2 #16 April 19, 2004 Quote. . . But I agree with you and this guys new CC. Why the decision for a CC than there standard canopy, it's not like he's going out to competitions with it... Kind of a waste, but nice job picking out the colors and way to keep Atair in business... Not just directed towards you Geeeee, i just decided to quote you. In the 170 model, Atair is making them cc's because of some opening issues on the 170 models of the reg. cobalt. I don't _think_ you can get a regular 170 anymore. I do know this has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum in the past.Bobsled92: Congrats on finally getting to jump your new canopy, i know you have been dying to get out and fly it. Treat her with respect and she will do the same for you Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #17 April 19, 2004 QuoteJust curious, because Atair recomends people to wing load their products a little higher than you would PD's canopies or something similar. Atair is full of bullshit on this one too. They claim that their canopies fly slower and have a better glide rate then other similar canopies. I was trying to bump endcells on my old Cobalt 150 and a Stiletto 150. The Stiletto was loaded more then me and I had to keep putting on the brakes since I was passing him. Not only that but I needed the brakes to float with the Stiletto since it was gliding flater then me. I thought that it should be the other way around... Atair has a screwed up marketing department in my opinion that seems to think that by telling people that its a better idea to jump every other canopy at a 135 then theirs at 120 and see which one performs better. Well duh... the 120 will seem better to most people trying a downsize. The CC had to be built in the 170's since there were frequent complaints on here of 170's opening like shit and that was their solution for it.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivejunky 0 #18 April 19, 2004 Sounds like sour grapes here to me. But of course everyone has their own opinion. I'm sure mine stinks as much as yours. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #19 April 20, 2004 QuoteI'm kind of wondering what added benefit buying a Comp Cobalt can provide, given your jump numbers, over a regular Cobalt, or** even going to a square** or semi-elliptical canopy? ________________________________________________ Well, first I would hope you didn't mean to imply that I should be jumping Rounds still. The COMP has modifications that make the 170 OPENING very nice. The way it flys, opens, and lands for me has been great for MYSELF so far AND as I stated before, I WILL be getting professional coaching for advanced canopy control. Until then I am watching my ass 100% and taking it carefully. p.s. I don't hook turn or 90 degree-in. I am not experienced enough and I'm not willing. "If I bought a Ferrari why would I try/or want to crash it the 1 chance I get?" My life cost more than any car._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites IMGR2 0 #20 April 20, 2004 Don't fret Grant. It doesn't matter what you own there will always be people there to bash the product. I'm trying to buy a car and I have one person telling me the foreign cars are crap and another saying they run forever. Who the hell knows. I have flown good canopies and bad canopies from all the manufacturers. You fly what you enjoy flying and be safe. Too many people here have axes to grind. In the words of one of the coolest chicks; SPREAD THE LOVE-Missy Nelson- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites VectorBoy 0 #21 April 20, 2004 Atair is full of bullshit on this one too. They claim that their canopies fly slower and have a better glide rate then other similar canopies. I was trying to bump endcells on my old Cobalt 150 and a Stiletto 150. The Stiletto was loaded more then me and I had to keep putting on the brakes since I was passing him. Not only that but I needed the brakes to float with the Stiletto since it was gliding flater then me. I thought that it should be the other way around...Quote Phree I've always heard Dan say that the cobalts are trimmed steeper than the stiletto, less front riser pressure, dives more than the stiletto. Atair has a screwed up marketing department in my opinion that seems to think that by telling people that its a better idea to jump every other canopy at a 135 then theirs at 120 and see which one performs better. Well duh... the 120 will seem better to most people trying a downsize. Phree I've had several canopy manufacturers demo rep tell me I need to try one size smaller than what I'm on now. At WFFC one company rep was so adamant that he would NOT let me fly apples to apples and made an excuse about not having any in the size he didn't want to let me try only one and two sizes smaller than my current cobalt. One company ( in my personal experience, in all of the on site gear demo situations I've been to )wouldn't let me try smaller than what I was flying now. Wanna guess who, everybody's favorite? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites davelepka 4 #22 April 20, 2004 So I read the thread, and while it's sliding toward the 'cobalts are shitty canopies' end, I have to know, who's the fucking retard that thought it was OK for a guy with 132 total jumps, with only a portion of them being in the last two years (and the balance being so long ago they don't mean crap anymore) buy ANY canopy loaded at 1.4+, let alone a Cobalt. You 'WILL' get coaching? The difference between that and I 'DID' get coaching is monumental. Even if you plan to get coaching, you have not done it yet, and your good intentions will not help you if get into trouble. Understand that the choices you are making are contrary to popular opinion, and you are putting yourself at undue risk. Addtionally, if the "ladder injury' that put you out of skydiving for many years has any residual effects that could inhibit your ability to heal from injury, you could be putting yourself at risk for lifelong disability. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PhreeZone 20 #23 April 20, 2004 QuoteAt WFFC one company rep was so adamant that he would NOT let me fly apples to apples and made an excuse about not having any in the size he didn't want to let me try only one and two sizes smaller than my current cobalt. Yep, I had the same company reccommend that I try a 108ish canopy, but this was after the rep saw me land and we talked. On the other hand just getting a 120 out of another company was like pulling teeth since wanted more proof of my experience on the 136 before they would let me downsize. I am happy to say that none of the companies would give me their ultra high proformance canopies with out sitting and watching me jump my current canopy. But we are diverging from the inteneded post... Grant, go and get coaching now. There is no telling when you are going to have to land off DZ and you need to know how that canopy flies now in order to do that. I am quite happy to say I put my canopy right into an out that was no more then 50 yards by 25 yards that was surrounded by obsticals this last weekend, I doubt I could have done it if I had not learned as much as I know about my canopy currently. Get out there and do 12k hop and pops, get a coach, get video of the landings. Start on the flare turns, the brake approaches, and the PLF's. They all are needed on the new canopy.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites nicknitro71 0 #24 April 20, 2004 50 yards by 25 is about the size of 1/4 of a football filed. Quite large if you asked me.Memento Audere Semper 903 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PhreeZone 20 #25 April 20, 2004 Large enough for me too if not for the power lines, the razor wire fence and the trees in the middle of it... I was deffinitally a PRO area if I was going to intentionally land there. I still did a nice carving 90 left front riser into it and swooped a nice chunk of it. I just felt really bad for the 2 guys following me that only had about 70 jumps each and it was their first off DZ landings. Both of them over estimated their glide ratio and about went too far and almost flew into a white picket fence/house. One augered himself in good thinking he was going to fast and was going to hit the hill/fence so he did a hard turn at about 8-10 feet and bounced on impact. He had no canopy coaching or had practiced the flare turns before. Good coaching and skill dives working on the canopy skills would have helped him fly a better pattern and land safe and not all banged up.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0
IMGR2 0 #20 April 20, 2004 Don't fret Grant. It doesn't matter what you own there will always be people there to bash the product. I'm trying to buy a car and I have one person telling me the foreign cars are crap and another saying they run forever. Who the hell knows. I have flown good canopies and bad canopies from all the manufacturers. You fly what you enjoy flying and be safe. Too many people here have axes to grind. In the words of one of the coolest chicks; SPREAD THE LOVE-Missy Nelson- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VectorBoy 0 #21 April 20, 2004 Atair is full of bullshit on this one too. They claim that their canopies fly slower and have a better glide rate then other similar canopies. I was trying to bump endcells on my old Cobalt 150 and a Stiletto 150. The Stiletto was loaded more then me and I had to keep putting on the brakes since I was passing him. Not only that but I needed the brakes to float with the Stiletto since it was gliding flater then me. I thought that it should be the other way around...Quote Phree I've always heard Dan say that the cobalts are trimmed steeper than the stiletto, less front riser pressure, dives more than the stiletto. Atair has a screwed up marketing department in my opinion that seems to think that by telling people that its a better idea to jump every other canopy at a 135 then theirs at 120 and see which one performs better. Well duh... the 120 will seem better to most people trying a downsize. Phree I've had several canopy manufacturers demo rep tell me I need to try one size smaller than what I'm on now. At WFFC one company rep was so adamant that he would NOT let me fly apples to apples and made an excuse about not having any in the size he didn't want to let me try only one and two sizes smaller than my current cobalt. One company ( in my personal experience, in all of the on site gear demo situations I've been to )wouldn't let me try smaller than what I was flying now. Wanna guess who, everybody's favorite? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davelepka 4 #22 April 20, 2004 So I read the thread, and while it's sliding toward the 'cobalts are shitty canopies' end, I have to know, who's the fucking retard that thought it was OK for a guy with 132 total jumps, with only a portion of them being in the last two years (and the balance being so long ago they don't mean crap anymore) buy ANY canopy loaded at 1.4+, let alone a Cobalt. You 'WILL' get coaching? The difference between that and I 'DID' get coaching is monumental. Even if you plan to get coaching, you have not done it yet, and your good intentions will not help you if get into trouble. Understand that the choices you are making are contrary to popular opinion, and you are putting yourself at undue risk. Addtionally, if the "ladder injury' that put you out of skydiving for many years has any residual effects that could inhibit your ability to heal from injury, you could be putting yourself at risk for lifelong disability. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #23 April 20, 2004 QuoteAt WFFC one company rep was so adamant that he would NOT let me fly apples to apples and made an excuse about not having any in the size he didn't want to let me try only one and two sizes smaller than my current cobalt. Yep, I had the same company reccommend that I try a 108ish canopy, but this was after the rep saw me land and we talked. On the other hand just getting a 120 out of another company was like pulling teeth since wanted more proof of my experience on the 136 before they would let me downsize. I am happy to say that none of the companies would give me their ultra high proformance canopies with out sitting and watching me jump my current canopy. But we are diverging from the inteneded post... Grant, go and get coaching now. There is no telling when you are going to have to land off DZ and you need to know how that canopy flies now in order to do that. I am quite happy to say I put my canopy right into an out that was no more then 50 yards by 25 yards that was surrounded by obsticals this last weekend, I doubt I could have done it if I had not learned as much as I know about my canopy currently. Get out there and do 12k hop and pops, get a coach, get video of the landings. Start on the flare turns, the brake approaches, and the PLF's. They all are needed on the new canopy.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicknitro71 0 #24 April 20, 2004 50 yards by 25 is about the size of 1/4 of a football filed. Quite large if you asked me.Memento Audere Semper 903 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #25 April 20, 2004 Large enough for me too if not for the power lines, the razor wire fence and the trees in the middle of it... I was deffinitally a PRO area if I was going to intentionally land there. I still did a nice carving 90 left front riser into it and swooped a nice chunk of it. I just felt really bad for the 2 guys following me that only had about 70 jumps each and it was their first off DZ landings. Both of them over estimated their glide ratio and about went too far and almost flew into a white picket fence/house. One augered himself in good thinking he was going to fast and was going to hit the hill/fence so he did a hard turn at about 8-10 feet and bounced on impact. He had no canopy coaching or had practiced the flare turns before. Good coaching and skill dives working on the canopy skills would have helped him fly a better pattern and land safe and not all banged up.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites