
ATTN NW canopy pilots: Swoop Comp. coming up

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Oh well I guess we'll have to get Hi-Per or Icarus or Precision Aero, or Aerodyne to send us a free canopy... maybee half off a new canopy or a free reserve would be good!?

How are the prizes coming, STU? What's the grand prize so far?

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but one of our regulars is also a Portland jumper, so he kind of don't count for us.***

Hey - I resemble that remark!!!!:S My ex agreed to swap weekends - so no kid, so I will be able to attend. are you and loren coming up thursday night? your welcome to crash at my place, See you in Richland this weekend.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Sounds cool, do you have beer at your place? You know how much I adore free beer! Especially the good beer, not the cheap shit!

Currently is looks like a go for Loren and I, but you know how that can change. If Loren does not make I should be able to regardless.

Anybody able to tell me when this will start, or better yet, when the competitors should arrive?

whips n' chains n' hand-grenades with a little ugly on the side.

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There will ba mandatory safety meeting Saturday morning @ 8am. Practice jumps friday, the course will be set up. It's this early because we're trying to avoid winds. You can crash at the dz with other folks that will be there. see ya there, glad you guys are comin.
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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the best time to show up would be friday afternoon, that way you can make a couple of jumps and check out the landing area and where we'll have the courses set up. Even if you have jumped down here before, Stu may be setting up the course east-west instead of North-South like the normal pattern in the main landing area is set.

We're a pretty decent bunch to party with, of if you just want to cool out and collect your thoughts for the comp in the morning that works too. Either way bring a sleeping bag. Or, if a group of you wanted to get a hotel in town it's about 2 minutes away.

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We can not make it Friday, on account of some tandems we need to do. Kind of sucks we do not get to practice, but if the course is being changed around, maybe we will have a small chance against the locals!:)
Roy - If you are up for it, we could head down there to party, but I am not sure when we will be getting out of here. Might be easier to go straight there then get up way early for the safety briefing.

Let me know what you think.


whips n' chains n' hand-grenades with a little ugly on the side.

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I live in Wilsonville and will have to come home to let the dog out at night, unless you have somewhere we can camp? does the dz allow dogs *(on a leash/ cable)

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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dogs have traditionally been ok with the dz folks -a leash is always a good idea obviously, we've even got a dz doggie water dish.

you can stay in the hangar, no need to bring a tent, just a sleeping bag. you can shower accross the way at the old KOA camping area

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dude, jeff come on man you gotta come. PD has hooked us up with some great stuff and there will be a raffle and you could still win a 35% off any PD canopy gift certificate.

also, this will be one of the best places to practice. there will be very knowledgable canopy pilots there and you'll learn a hell of a lot.

later man,
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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no worries, come out friday afternoon, get a few practice jumps in, and get a few hints/tips. it should be cool.
there might be an air mattress at the dz or you can take some pillows of the couches.
by the way have you seen the flier up there at SDO? just wondering how many people have seen it and are planning on coming.
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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alright everyone, just making sure everyone knows the start time and what to bring.
8am manditory safety meeting and registration, hopefully jumping by 8:30
$75, which includes jumps, registration, food, beer. (try to bring cash)
Bring log book and in-date rig
Practice jumps friday

PD sent us some great stuff as well so be prepared to win stuff.
see ya all there.
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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I don't think I can make it for practice jumps, but I'm definitely there for the meeting at 8am. I might try to cruise out Friday night, as opposed to early ass Saturday AM. I don't need practice jumps, anyway, because I'm rad and I'll win anyway. I'll win distance, accuracy, freestyle, and a special new competition that you haven't even heard of. Yeah... rad!

Actually, if I don't pound in, I'll be happy. Making gates would be a good bonus.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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I'll win distance, accuracy, freestyle, and a special new competition that you haven't even heard of.reply]

would these special competitions you speek of have to do with how big of a hole you can leave?:D

Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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so far bobby cant go he has to work at the dz. im trying to convince jared and zaz. jared needs a confudence boost. hes a sick ass swooper that underestimates himself. zaz does alot of family stuff on weekends but shouldnt be too hard to convince. all the other swoopers are staff so i think myself and steve are the only deffinates. we loose alot of talented jumpers to working in the sport. keep that shit in mind when you get a rating people. dont fall into the "trap" !!! keep jumping for yourself always.
die trying

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we loose alot of talented jumpers to working in the sport. keep that shit in mind when you get a rating people. dont fall into the "trap" !!! keep jumping for yourself always.

And don't have kids!
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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