ianmdrennan 2 #1 June 10, 2004 I just ordered mine....Did you?? Blues, IanPerformance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skygod7777 0 #2 June 10, 2004 yea i ordered mine yesterday, i just have to call em back still to let them know my address is correct. later Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeedToJump 0 #3 June 10, 2004 Just ordered it Ian? It's too bad you live so far away, I'll be watching my copy of it tonight Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflydrew 0 #4 June 10, 2004 Which means hopefully I'll be watching it this weekend... Yeah Ari! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skipro101 0 #5 June 10, 2004 Is the footage on this dvd any different from the promos that one can download on their webpage for free? I only ask because it says "promo" under the dvd. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivanrockon 0 #6 June 10, 2004 I just did! Ivan "Rock On" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolla 0 #7 June 11, 2004 Yeah you will :) Provided we can wrestle it back from Ari, as it's my copy that he's having fun with right now Blooos, KollaBlue Skies Magazine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dominik 0 #8 June 11, 2004 Is this DVD compareable to the one by Icarus (Out of the Blue) ... What kind of features has this DVD? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
addicted 0 #9 June 13, 2004 Any trailer available? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianmdrennan 2 #10 June 13, 2004 Yep, if you go to PD's site you can get 2 promo clips there. Blue skies, IanPerformance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #11 June 14, 2004 Any chance it's available in Region 2 format? [mutter] cheap, lousy, stinkin' DVD player... grumble grumble[/mutter] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kolla 0 #12 June 14, 2004 You know Yoink... I don't think there are region restritions on it, but I could be wrong. Do let me know if you find out otherwise! Bloooos! kollaBlue Skies Magazine Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianmdrennan 2 #13 June 16, 2004 Hi Dominik, I got the dvd today and have watched it twice trying to come up with some sort of a review, so here goes... As a PD fan, and customer, I've come to expect superior products and service from them and have never been let down....till now. The service I received from PD was still superior and prompt, but I'm afraid the product falls flat. The total running time of the "movie" is 12 mins 30 secs. The "movies" footage was good, but the editing and music choice (basically 1 song for the entire 12 mins) left me feeling bored after the first 5 mins. I think this is largly due to the monotonous techno track that left me feeling like my cd player was skipping to the beginning of the same track over and over again. There are nice bonus features like interviews with the team members, which were interesting to watch; a gallery;and 3 different promos for the dvd. Personally I liked the promo's better than the "movie". The first 2, available on PD's site for free, felt well put together and that they had the editors "heart" in them. The 3rd was pretty good as well but not as exciting as the prior 2. Interestingly enough the combined time of the 3 promos was almost as long as the "movie". All in all I have to say that I MUCH prefered "Out Of The Blue" and the "PST 2003" dvd. I believe this is PD's first DVD and I remember Icarus taking a bit of heat for their overediting style in "Out Of The Blue" and toning it down in their next endevour to a well produced "PST 2003" dvd. I believe PD will do better next time, I KNOW they are capable of it. Flame on Blues, IanPerformance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brains 2 #14 June 17, 2004 Damn Ian, i just got mine in today. I hope i disagree with you, i was really looking foward to a high quality "movie" as well. hmmm, 12 mins? Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianmdrennan 2 #15 June 17, 2004 Hey Brains, Please post what you thought of the vid when you're done watching it. Hopefully my thoughts won't swing you in a direction, I'm interested to see what other peoples "untainted" opinions are Bear in mind I liked the extras (interviews, promos), it was just the "movie" itself that disappointed me. Blues, IanPerformance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflybella 0 #16 June 19, 2004 I think the video is a brilliant first effort from the team, who built it from start to finish themselves. The footage, the editing, the music, all done by hand by members of the team. Put together from footage gathered over a year, that consisted of something like 20 competitions (many of which resulted in top honors). Instead of 'telling' us what they did or where they went - they made a video that lets us fly with them on their journey. The video has alot of heart and soul. And plenty of inspiring and just plain badass swooping from the best canopy piloting team of 2003. un-biased? hell, no. Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianmdrennan 2 #17 June 21, 2004 Hey Bella, Please don't get me wrong, my thoughts on the DVD don't reflect my opinions of the team or their capabilities as canopy pilots. I've been lucky enough to meet and talk to everyone but Heath and watch them all in action on the screen and in real life. They are unquestionably top notch, helpful and inspirational folks with amazing piloting skills. My thoughts on the dvd were as a consumer comparing it with what's currently available for entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. It's never pleasant hearing someone say something negative about something that somebody put time and effort into, but I felt as a consumer of the product I should share my opinion of it (right or wrong). The idea was that maybe if there were others out there who felt the same way, the people involved would take those opinions into consideration when taking on their next production. Guess there's not much more I can really say. Sorry Blues, IanPerformance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflybella 0 #18 June 21, 2004 Hi Ian, don't sweat it. You're a smart, safe and obviously thoughtful person. I know constructive criticism will be well received. I thought those involved - and future video-watchin' swoopers - might appreciate another viewpoint! Wildwood? Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianmdrennan 2 #19 June 21, 2004 Hey Bella, QuoteWildwood? Sure, if you're paying !! I'd love to go but the Florida Swoop League is chewing away all my funds this season (and it's been great so far!). Hopefully next year I'll be ready to come and play with the big boys on the PST! Blues, IanPerformance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Samurai136 0 #20 June 21, 2004 I really liked the video.I showed it on a big screen for about 15 friends at the DZ this weekend. They liked it too. It's not the PST video so there's no footage of awards ceremonies, parties, editorial commentary from competitors, or geekin' the camera. Just [3] 5-minute promos and a 13 minute movie. All canopy flight and swooping. At the end of the movie, did Jay do 3 or 4 360's? I can't remember. I'll have to go watch it again. Ken"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian Ken Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #21 June 22, 2004 Hi all, Got my DVD yesterday and firstly I'd like to say thanks to PD - 6 days from my initial inquiry to arriving over here, and yes, the DVD is region free OK, on to the good stuff - as a first attempt it's a good try at a great flying vid. The PD team make canopy flying look like fast jets ripping up canyons and ponds all over the place, and some of the images are amazing. The DVD has an interviews section with the team which is worth a watch, as well as 3 promos (I have to admit that the 2nd promo 'Playing With The Planet' is my favourite part of the DVD' ) and then a short film that comprises most of the promo footage strung together in a different way along with some additional bits n pieces... Unfortunately, the skill of the flying was let down by a few minor features on the DVD - I really didn't think the music did anything to help the movie (I had to turn the sound off after 7 minutes - techno isn't really my thing) and the editing of some of the footage was amateur - I know these guys aren't producers or anything, but please, simple stuff like stop fading out when people are talking... it gets dead irritating after a while. Having said all that, it's worth getting this DVD just to see the promos on big screen - They're jaw dropping. I look forward to PDs next attempt at a DVD and hope that they'll supass themselves and a few minor tweaks could make this film so much better. Will Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites