
The love of my life Nathan gilbert

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Katie ,

I just wanted to take a few minute to let you know that my thought and prayers are with you and everyone else. Nate is one in a million! No matter what was going on i never heard a negative thing come from him . I count it as a privilege to have known and work with him for the past year. Just let me know if you need any thing.[email]
Live Life to the fullest and have fun doing it.

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Dearest Katie,

You don't know me at all nor did I know Nate, and I know that no words I type down could possibly console you enough in your time of grief. I haven't been in the sport that long, and fortunately have never lost anyone really close. Still, it kills me a little more inside every time I hear of someone else that pays the ultimate price in this inherently dangerous sport that we all love so much. I guess it might have something to do with the idea that it snaps me back in touch with my own mortality, or the idea that it could very well happen to someone I truly care about, at any given time. Again, I know that no matter what is said in these forums could ease your grief in this time of suffering. All I will offer you is this; if Nate was as passionate about his sport as most skydivers are, then rest in the comfort of knowing that he died doing what he probably loved doing more than anything in the world, second only to spending time with family and friends that loved him, like you and all of the people I've seen posts from so far. My prayers and sincerest condolences are with you and your family.

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Here's the updated info. Fred Woods Funeral Home
36100 5mile road, Livonia MI, 48154
734-464-8060 number to the FH
Weds. is a viewing from 2pm-9pm
Thurs. 2pm-7viewing
At 7pm there will be a rememberance and funeral.
I will keep you posted about the skydive memorial.
Again thank you everyone. This as been the hardest day yet.

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Katie, Nate is only on vacation,teaching angels how to freefly,you will see him again.
Be strong in the Lord, and lean not on your own understanding.
Love and prayers to you and his family.


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katie, sweetheart.

there are sooo many lessons to be learned in life, nate's soul paid his dues and dies trying to help somone else. he is most defiantly in heaven. take his energy and grow. live and learn. i wish so much sometimes that i was able to be as open and posative as nate. i wish i could go after my dreams like nothing else matters. that is what attracted you to nate. that is what made him so attractive to soo many others. his love for you will always be there. and all your freinds love for you will always be there... this is not the end sweethert. it is just the beginning.

i love you. and so do many others. and i can honestly say a piece of nate lives inside of me and all your friends.

it is a hard time for you, i know. but you have to be strong katie, conner looks up to you for guidance.

katie, just remember i care. and so do many others.

i dont know what else to say katie. but this next weekend when im feeling depressed, you have to tell me it will be ok, just like you always do. even without saying it. you make me feel better by just being around. i look up to you in many ways. i look at what you and nate have, and only wish i could find love like that. katie. you have a beautiful thing with nate. i only wish i could be that lucky.

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Be strong sweet girl. It's been said many times, in many ways and sometimes you just don't want to hear it at all but Nate touched your life and will have a place in your heart always. Hold on to that thought when the times get tough and know it is yours always!

It's hard now but I can promise you, it WILL get easier. As you cope with all these emotions and learn to accept them peacefully, it will allow you to refocus and simply appreciate ALL he gave to you - all that will make you stronger for tomorrow...it will help and it WILL get it easier.

And on those days when it is not easy and you just can't see the light, that is what you have all of us for. We are here to give back some of the support and smiles you and Nate gave to us along this journey we call life. Lean on us sweetie and let us be your strength, until you are back up to speed.

I know Nate probably mentioned more than once, as so many do, that he didn't want something like this to be such a sad time, we all know it is a possibility with what we do but we are also human - Take your time to deal, make sure not to bottle up your emotions, take some alone time and absorb yourself in your friends and family - then remember happily once again, all you've been blessed with, all he has shared and all he will continue to give and bravely take the next step forward.

Love you Katie......

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Dearest Katie:

There is so much we do not understand, Nate and I did not understand the lose of our 10 friends in 1999, nor will you understand this! But know this do not be angry at the Lord or at the situation, if Nate could talk to you right now he would say the same. Instead thank God for the time that was shared and for the life that was lived and lived larged, you honor God and Nate, and he will always live in your heart and soul. I hope to see you at the home going, and believe me, he is now home!

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When you can't do anything else, start with the little things.

Just breath. Listen to your breath. Feel your breath move in and out of your body. Feel your love move through you. Feel his presence. Breath. Just breath.

Everything else will come with time. There is no way to go around what you are going through, but go experience it. It sucks. It's hard. But I truely feel that you are not alone. He'll stay with you as long as you need help catching your breath. And when you have the strength to open your eyes, you have a tremendous support system around you.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I knew Nate from marine city. He was always happy to see ya' and one of the most genuine people you were ever gonna meet.The fact that he was such an amazing skydiver was secondary because he was so humble about it. He just loved life! And isn't it just like Nate to leave us doing a kind jesture for another person. Just an amazing guy who will be soooo missed. Blue Skies forever

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Katie, You don't know me but my son, Frank Murphy, knew Nathan and considered him a good friend. He always spoke highly of Nathan. They skydived together at the Marine City Parahawks and since Frank has moved to Florida, they had been in touch and have seen each other. They had a phone conversation last week but had to cut it short but said they would catch up later....
My heart goes out to you and to all who knew Nathan. Since I've been around for 60 years, I know this is not the time after we just lose a loved one to be grateful or happy about the time we spent together. This is the time to grieve and let it all out. God gave us tears to use, to release all the pain. There will be time for the memories, but right now you just want him back. Be honest with yourself, feel what you feel and that will help the healing process.
My husband and I will keep you in our prayers. God Bless. Frank's Mom.

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My thoughts and prayers go with you in your time of need. Nate showed me so much about what it means to be a skydiver. I always will have a place for him in my heart. Just remember he will always be with you. All you have to do is look to the sky to see him.
If you need anything don't hesitate to let me know.

Strive for the best in everything you do

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When my team was training at ASC, June 26th I believe, we met Nate.

My parents were there taking pictures of the team and when they called me for a shot (my name is Nate as well) he kept turning around so they took this one of him. Its a good shot and I'd like to mail the photo to friends or family. My email address is nsf@wrek.org.

My deepest regards,
Nate Fisher

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You're right. I just want him back. I am thankful for the good times. that's all we had. Right now I just want him back. I hav a text from him that I saved. it says,"u r perfect. So perfect. I can't imagine life without you." Yet he leaves me here to do just that. He used to pull me into his hugs, and tell me to be careful, at least 3 times a week. I am careful. Why wasn't he. All the wine in the world is not helping my shattered heart. Who knew living could be so incredably painful. His ash memorial will be the weekend of the 24th at ASC.


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Katie, I knew Nathan, TJ and SteveO from Pahokee. As Tracy and Ricardo mentioned in their reply, we were all so sad to see them leave! I was crushed to hear about Nathan, as he was such a sweetheart...helpful, humble and always smiling. I cannot imagine your pain at this time.

Please know that many, many people are thinking of you and Nate's buddies and family and your devastating loss. My sincere condolances.
Cindy W

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Dear Katie
Im Chilean . I met Nate in Pahokee, he was my freefly instructor for many times while he was there.

What a wonderfull man was nate, he was special, not only because how he taught me freefly, also because his vibes and energy.

Katie, I send you my condolences , Im sure that all who met him, will pray for his soul.

Orbital Flyer

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katie, i will be there saturday. is it going to be an all day kind of thing or will his memorial be at a certain time? ill keep you in my prayers. i dont know if you will know who i am by my name, although you would know me if you saw me. we only talked only a few times mostly about conner since i have a son close to his age. nate, you and everyone else at asc made a new jumper feel welcome with the big dogs of the sport. truely the DZ wont feel the same. i hope God gives you and his family peace


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As strong as I can be. It sounds crazy, but I think he is greiving as much as me. I take a bit of comfort in that. Our love for eachother created a energy that only him and could experiance. Because of that I feel we are still connected, and always will be. Everyday hurts. They are as empty as death. I am jumping and trying to do what I do. I have to admit, there is a huge part of me missing in the sky. God willing, I get it back. My flying and swoops are not axactly looking there best! I'll just keep training and making it one min. at a time. Thanks for all the love!!


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I'm sure Nate would rather be down here with the people he loved the most. He's probably belly aching and arguing up there saying that someone made a mistake and it wasn't time for him to leave us.

On a more serious note, I'm so glad that you are letting your feelings and emotions out. It will be the only way that you will be able to heal in the long run. I know that probably everything you do right now, specially jumping, does not feel complete. However, with time that feeling of emptiness will disappear. What will always remain with you is the memory of Nate.

I wanted to mention to you before that back in March (or April) when we last saw Nate in the Skydive Sobe Boogie he ranted and raved to my girlfriend about how happy he was of being with you. After Reading all the posts on this site I have no doubt that you guys had an incredible bond. Tracy and I knew one half of that "special bond" (Nate). Hopefully one of these days we will get the chance to meet that other half. If you ever decide to come down to Miami, please let us know as we would love to meet you.

We send you our love,

Ricardo and Tracy

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Dear Katie,

We don't know each other and I didn't know Nate either but being a skydiver obviously I heard what happened. I read all the posts I have found and I'm heartbroken for you.
I completely feel with you darling as I lost my husband, the love of my life and my soulmate in a car accident 3 years ago, 8 days before our 3rd wedding anniversary. We were both racing drivers and ironically he died on a motorway at 67 mph with no warning beforehand whatsoever. When it's so sudden so unexpected it's the hardest to cope with. Everybody even to date keeps telling me how strong I am and they couldn't have lived through something like this but unfortunately whether we like it or not life goes on and we have to deal with it. Our darlings are always with us and want us to be happy. I cannot say it's going to be easier with time , it will change and you'll learn to live with it. Neiter of us deserve this pain but we still have some work to do here before we can be properly together again with them. It's not our time yet...What helped me a lot was to know how much it would upset my darling to see me upset, as i figure just like Nate, Jamie didn't like to see anyone upset, especially not the most precious person in his life. I still have text messages from him too and read them regularly. I miss him every day, still discuss everything with him and I feel his presence all the time. His energy, his soul and love for you doesn't disappear just you can't see him but he's definetely here with you, holding your hand and consoling you. Watch the signs, if you're prepared to see them he'll show you that he's here. Even 3 years on I can still feel Jamie's arms around my shoulders sometimes (like on our wedding anniversary on 11th July). It makes all the difference.
Since the accident i started skydiving and I'm writing a book about the amazing things he's done before and since he died. I know you have a lot of loving people around you right now but if you'd like to speak to me I would be very happy to share a lot of things with you. Though i don't know you but i feel we have a very sad but powerful bond. I just so wish I heard about you guys under totally different circumstances.
I pray for you honey, send you lots of energy and love and remember what Nate would do and say in certain situations.

Take care honey and hopefully i'll meet you one day.


P.S: Here is the speach Jamie "wrote" to tell on his funeral:

Love each other, tell each other, cherish every minute of your life because one day all you’ll have is memories and only the good memories can ease your heartbreak. Live so you’ve got nothing to regret and don’t hold your feelings and words back because one day there won’t be anyone to tell them to. Remember! Work and money is not important. The only important thing in life is love but most of the time you only realize it when it’s too late. Live like we did – love each other in every single possible second.

Take risks not to escape life but to prevent life from escaping

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