
Techno 155 Reserve

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I have one jump on the Techno 155, at the time my exit weight was around 110kg.

Opening was great. In flight the canopy was quite responsive. Nothing spectacular, but remember it is a reserve canopy designed to get you down after a malfunction...;)

Landing was fine, very long toggle stroke, but still with good useable lift at the end.

All in all, given the situation I had to use it, it was very good, but hopefully I wont see it again..........

Journey not destination.....

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sorry, I have only flown the Techno 128 twice and the Techno 115 twice.
Exit weight is around 78kg. I noticed on the 115 there was not a lot of play in flare, but I landed all of my reserve rides standing and with my handles either in my jump suit or in my teeth B|

Fallschirmsport Marl

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Deployed a Techno 155, after cutting away from a spinning mal, in a feet-to-relative-wind position. Exit weight approx. 100 kg.

(Subterminal) opening was good, not too hard, not too slow, no line twists, presumably on-heading.
Handling was easy, flare was good. Stand up landing on the DZ, next to my freebag and chopped main.

I'm keeping it.
I am. I think.

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