
Canopy Piloting World Cup

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Final Results:


1st Jonathan Tagle (USA)
2nd Jay Moledski (CAN)
3rd Shannon Pilcher (USA)
4th JC (USA)
5th Clint Clawson (USA)
6th Drew Lipinski (Australia)
7th Jim Slaton (USA)
8th Bruno Brokken (Belgium)
9th John Zuliani (CAN)
10th Cisco Neri (VEN)
11th Andy Farrington (USA)
12th Brian Vacher (UK)
13th Luis Cani (Brazil)
14th Ian Bobo (USA)
15th Fabio Brandt (Brazil)
16th Paul Rademacher (CAN)
17th Clint Macbeth (CAN)
18th Robbie Macmillan (Australia)
19th Michael Vaughan (Australia)
20th Jason Eames (USA)

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Well done Brian, you've made a lot of people in the UK very proud. Also well done for such a great job training Pablo!

Graet job Chris for getting to semis and for doing so well in the distance rounds, especially as you probably have less than 100 swoops in the last 6 months. Only 6 months till the next one, hopefully we'll have some good weather.


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Congrats Brian!
Thank you very much for the updates, give nadie a big kiss for also writing back.
I cant be happier than what I am. Today is sunday and Pablo is not getting here untill tuesday morning, time is just moving so slowly!! there are going to be a few of us in the airport with signs making noise!

Everybody here is so excited about Pablo(I couldnt hold my tears when he called 2 oclock in the morning singing "we are the champions"from Queen)everybody just keeps calling me to know when you guys are going to be back.
Im going to spend the whole next week at the dropzone, we have to celebrate this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you everybody for writting and keeping me informed.
Now what we have to do is partyyyy!!
Nadine are you coming to visit us soon??
Bruno!! Congratulations!
Conor are you the super swooper that visited us for the christmas boogie? Im lucia the blond girl in the manifest.When r u coming back?

Loads of congrats to all the people that participate , you guys really do something for the sport.
Lucy in the Sky

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Bruno was the first to break the record;
20 minutes later the 2 Pd boys went a few meters further.

THREE people broke the world record at the same location over the span of 20 minutes? Anyone care to offer a theory to explain this statistical anomaly?

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Bruno was the first to break the record;
20 minutes later the 2 Pd boys went a few meters further.

THREE people broke the world record at the same location over the span of 20 minutes? Anyone care to offer a theory to explain this statistical anomaly?

Maybe because of the perfect wind conditions( 3/4 m/s downwind push (6-8 knots) ),maybe because of the white sand at the end of the pond that was giving some lift ,maybe because there was a world cup going on and everybody was going for it,...then again ..maybe....


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I believe that guy was just trying to figure out how, exactly, you three guys all broke the record in such quick succession, Bruno. The answer is that Bruno was on one load and broke the record. Both Shannon and Jonathan were on the next load and broke the record one after the other.

Fabulous job by the way, Bruno!


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As canopy pilots, we are always looking for ways to improve our techniques and better our skills. The reason that canopy piloting has gotten to the place it is now is because people are continually trying new things to get the most out of this discipline. Over the last few years especially, there have been some major changes in what people thought were the best canopy sizes and wingloadings for certain events.

I would say that 3 people breaking the World Record distance at the same meet merits some looking into. I would only hope that this type of information would be passed down to the people who are wanting to learn. We are all just trying to better ourselves and learn from performances like these.

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I heard that this competition had some pretty good carnage going along with it, including broken bones and some pretty hard skips, some even by factory pilots loading their canopies way up there. this just reiterates the point and puts into perspective that even when you're one of the best you can't always be right. so be careful out there eh.
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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