
Front riser pressure: Crossfire2 vs Xaos 21 vs VX

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I jump a Crossfire2 at around 1.7 or 1.8 and I find the riser pressure 'moderate'. I'm not a strong guy by any stretch of the imagination. I can adjust my 180 part way through the turn and end in double fronts if need be. Last weekend I put a couple of jumps on an VX 84 (2 or 2.1) and the front riser pressure was off the scale. I tried starting my turn from brakes and using harness input but I couldn't hold a 180. Pathetic eh? ;)

I'd quite like to try a Xaos 21, there are plenty of posts saying that the riser pressure is much more manageable than the VX's but how does it (the Xaos 21) compare to the Crossfire2?



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learn to fly with the harness...

less distortion to the wing, on slow carving turns to build up speed seems to fly much cleaner like that anyway.

riser pressure on the xaos is about the same as a crossfire, if i remember correctly.

if your wanting a xaos or a vx for swooping, or even being competitive, i would by far,go with the vx.

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if your wanting a xaos or a vx for swooping, or even being competitive, i would by far,go with the vx.

Gus, I would lean torward the Xaos, but a 27 instead of a 21. The 27 and VX have a lot of similer flight characteristics but the 27 has much better openings, the front riser pressure is much more tolerable, and the rear risers give you just the right amount of pressure.

I say the 27 instead of the 21 because the 27 has a noticable bit more lift over the 21 and the openings are still fine (I regularly jump tandem video with mine)...although the 21's that I had were hands down the best opening canopies I ever had.

If you are looking at the 7 cell platforms I would suggest the 21. The Velo's I have jumped all seemed to fly rough, never really a smooth flight, and the FX's are very similer to the VX...very heavy front riser pressure and the occasional spank on opening. The 21's I've had opened amazing, flew smooth, and landed great!

But, this is just my opinion, you will most likely get many more, but I hope this helps...

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if your wanting a xaos or a vx for swooping, or even being competitive, i would by far,go with the vx.

Realistically I'm never going to be a competitive swooper, if I change canopies it'll just be for fun.


But, this is just my opinion, you will most likely get many more, but I hope this helps...

It did. Thanks guys.


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it does take some getting used to. i went from an alpha to a xfire and thought the riser pressure was enormous. then i went to a vx and thought i was about to die trying to hold the fronts down. now that i've gotten used to it and have a few more "tools" in my bag of tricks its really not that bad. i can hold the fronts down for a full 270 starting from the 700' range.
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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I'd be interested in hearing more on the tools in your trick bag! I just started jumping my new to me vx 98, had an fx for couple of years, but still having managed to put the canopy in a dive\and stay there, riser pressure too high, working on the harness piece to help me out.. I have some canopy coaching coming up in few weeks, but would like to hear more.
Just Go with it

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Seriously, Any VX pilots out there, (currently or formerly)care share some of there techniques, I'm working on 270 the front-riser-harness combo(harness mostly for the last 90).
A few questions?:

Riser lengths?
regular dive loops? ( having a hard time grasping mine quickly, have to fiddle with them for a sec)
Braked approached?
then double fronts and let the opposing one up?
loosening leg straps? particularly with hip rigs.

Whatever you have to offer will be cool

Just Go with it

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I never had a problem with the VX when I flew it. I actually really liked it, yes the front's did build up, but I could easily do a 360 turn with it. You may not want to hear it, but hit the gym. I did my turn from full flight, as I found it carried more power into the dive. I just didn't want to be to hi on my entry point. You can try using a braked approach as it will lower your front riser pressure for a little while. If you are having a hard time finding your front's you need to get new risers, as this can put you in an early grave. I have no idea what you mean about lossening your legstraps. I have never loosened my leg straps, and I have always had leg rings for my harness, and have never had a problem. If you are talking about a riser turn, then you need to lean more to one side instead of shifting weight forward or backward in your leg strap. Please be carefull as the vx isn't the most forgiving canopy out there.

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currently fly a vx and for the first probably 400 jumps i did my 270 with all harness and the last 90 degrees or so I would gently add 1 front riser to get my butt in the air higher and get the canopy diving more.

now after some coaching with Slaton, i have found out that this is definetly NOT the most powerful way to fly the vx. so now i do a turn with a lot more front riser and harness input, however, it's hard to tell you how i fly by typing it on the computer. Slaton just posted in the tips N tricks of canopypiloting.com about active piloting. read that and really think about every sentance.

forgot to add that i have 23'' risers, start in full flight, use risers and harness, and move my leg pads down my leg a little bit
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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I never had a problem with the VX when I flew it.



I actually really liked it, yes the front's did build up, but I could easily do a 360 turn with it. You may not want to hear it, but hit the gym. I did my turn from full flight, as I found it carried more power into the dive.

Haha, you panzy...you never could do more than a 90 with that thing! :P;)

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Seriously, Any VX pilots out there, (currently or formerly)care share some of there techniques, I'm working on 270 the front-riser-harness combo(harness mostly for the last 90).
A few questions?:

Riser lengths? 22" and then 24"
regular dive loops? ( having a hard time grasping mine quickly, have to fiddle with them for a sec)i have mirage risers. this is also why i prefer a full flight approach. but if i cant use full flight i use the rears.
Braked approached?nope, i did full flight,
then double fronts and let the opposing one up?nope, i did all harness iff possible, then trimed with the riser/ harness at the same time for the last 90 if i had to
loosening leg straps? particularly with hip rigs.i ended up lengthening the butt bungie alot, then under canopy i would stick my hands in front risers and pull my knees to my chest and pull on the front risersto lift me up. then wiggle the leg straps down my legs a bit so i would have ALOT more harness controll

Whatever you have to offer will be cool


your welcome

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i would stick my hands in front risers and pull my knees to my chest and pull on the front risersto lift me up.

Arnold voice "Get to the gym girlie man... Do iiittt now!!!" arnold voice

DUDE!!!! the next generation is HERE!!! right NOW!!!!......;)... lol... you will see soon...!...

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Haha, you panzy...you never could do more than a 90 with that thing!

It's not my fault that you had to resort to an inferrior Precision product with ultra low front riser pressure, to be able to turn your canopy.


If you want a true test, then I suggest that we both put the spectre 170's back on and swoop those. I'll smoke you any time any where. Just bring it.... If your man enough.

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It's not my fault that you had to resort to an inferrior Precision product with ultra low front riser pressure, to be able to turn your canopy.

Hmm...your tune was a little different when you jumped it... :P


If you want a true test, then I suggest that we both put the spectre 170's back on and swoop those. I'll smoke you any time any where. Just bring it.... If your man enough.

Oh, it's already been broughten, Biotch!!!!!:ph34r:

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Let me refresh your memory. Jumping your canopy was fun, but I just didn't like how it cut down on my options for landing. I just loaded it way to much for my experience level. You are a much better canopy pilot that I will ever be.

I suggest we do a quick little jump on 170's, just you and I, and you will see that I'm the 170 master!

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Anyone jumped a VX with the X-mod? I know that particular mod almost entirely changes an FX into a Xoas21 but the VX becomes something else... What are the flight characteristics and riser pressures like?


I don't want one anytime soon so I don't want to hear it Mark, I was just curious about the mod.

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