
Tripple risers - pros and cons

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I've got them because I like them. Pro: let the canopy spread out a little more, and I just love the feel of them. Cons: adding an extra step to packing, if you let go of your toggles for some reason (CREW) you can't grab them back blindly, you have to collapse and bring down you slider before you unstow your toggles, and mostly, for swoopers that get on back risers they are out of fashion because you might grab the triple bit instead [:/]

ciel bleu,

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Briefly - their day has come and gone due to the use of rear risers.

Perhaps at some point in the future jumpers will have higher processing abilities - and so will be able to accurately find their rears without requiring a toggle guide.

Trips do feel great though - and there are elements of flight that cannot be easily replicated without them. After nearly 1000 dives on normal risers after double that on trips - I still find muscle memory feeding input to a system which fails to respond to the subtlety of trips.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Like Tonto said. I was a staunch proponent of triple risers for a very long time. The added "feel" I got and the additional tail spread afforded by them made for a very "connected" flight. The main problem with trips comes when you fly rears to land. They create a "pop" in your airfoil when you transition from rears back to toggles. They allow this because the guide ring is not there on the rear riser anymore. Normally, when you flare rears outward to the sides (like the great majority of us do) it also pulls the tail down a tad. When you release the rears, you keep your hands out to the sides and the brakelines slack is taken up automatically by the guide ring when the riser deflects back inline with your 3-rings and the canopy over your head. When you release your rears with trips, the slack just "pops" and you must flare harder in order to maintain the same flight level. Also, it's entirely possible to miss your rear and, instead, grab your triple riser when you are transitioning to rears. It's just more stuff to get tangled up with.

Anyway, if you don't ever land on rears, then I think triple risers are beneficial. This, though, assuming you pull your slider completely down every time. If you do not pull your slider down, then triple risers are useless.


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