
Canopy Control / Swoop Camp @ SKYDIVE THE FARM, Jan.28-29

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I dont know what forcast you guys are looking at, because it is different than the ones I looked at.

it is clear blue's right now also.

just be a believer, and the sun will always shine..

quit looking at the weather ....

if all fails, we will go out to atlanta and drink for 2 days.:D

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I hope you're all doing the blue-sky dance cause the only two days on your ten day forecast that's shitty are SAT and SUN...go figure >:( We'll see if we can bring some CO sunshine with us...B|

no matter the weather you cant jump if you're not there, so i think i'll just show up and hope for the best,

The only bad skydive is your last!
chris "sonic wookie" harwell
Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez

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Thanks for everyone who came out to this camp.

I learned a lot myself on how to run a camp, and I hope everyone was satisfied with what they received.

we had over 17 registered, and 6 of those were in the basic camp.

it is obvious to me that they need to be split apart next time and on different weekends.

I will be offering this camp again to anyone who wants it on a later date, with a large discount to those who were at the last one.

my schedule is booked for the next few weeks, but i'm going to get all the footage put together of every landing and put them on a dvd and mail them out to each one of you.

once again, thanks for coming, and keep your eyes open for future events.

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