
Voo Doo.......

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Who has a VooDoo... Do you like it? Why?

well i don't have a voodoo, and heres why, i think they look ugly. not the vagina on it, but how it's so round. i just don't care for that.

and i also don't like the fact that you can't put in different sized reserve, and main (well other than like 10 sq ft.) and still have it look right. i don't even think they would offer my combination.

and i heard that closing the reserve sucks ass, but people told me that about the reflex, and i never thought it was that bad.


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Nicely built rigs that have some of the best riser protection you can imagine. They are a one size only type of deal unless you know how to adjust for smaller canopies. They will not hold a larger canopy and still look good. The reserve closes almost like a Talon2 so if your rigger can pack that they can do a VooDoo. A Voodoo 2.0 is a cleaner design thats a bit better in that it allows for a bit more sizing differences on the canopies and better overall looks.

Nice containers that once you add in the option cost from other rigs they are much cheaper then a similar G4/Jav.
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I have one - it rocks. What do I like about it? Well, for starters, it was the original rig with the "reversed" leg straps. Since then Jav's and Mirage's have copied, but it was the original, and that legstrap configuration is WAY more comfy, and they NEVER loosen off in the plane.

Also, it's hard to find a rig with better pin and riser protection. There are others out there that may be equally as good, but none better.

As far as how it looks, the design's not for everyone, but I really like it. I've always been a fan of narrow rigs, and would trade narrow for short anyday. As far as the rounded off bottom goes, it looks cool, but I really don't notice any difference when I'm upright.

I've had no complaints about the reserve re-pack. According to both of the riggers I use, it packs fairly similar to a Talon.

I have a V1 with a Crossfire 119 and a PD126 in it, and it looks great - no stretched areas, no loose areas.

My next rig will be another Voodoo.


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I've been really happy with my Voodoo. It's a V1, made for a PD126 and 120ish main. I put a PD113 reserve in it with a 107 main. I'd rather have a rig that's a little bit bigger, but softer, than the tiniest possible rig for my canopies that feels like a brick. It doesn't look bad with the slightly undersized canopies. I even put a 135 main in there just to see if I could. It was tight, and looked a little different, but was otherwise okay.

BTW I'm a rigger and I've never had a problem with closing the reserve.

It would be my first choice if I were to buy another rig.

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I have a Voodoo 2. I had a Voodoo 1 which RI rebuilt (put a Voodoo 2 container on my Voodoo 1 harness) because the riser tabs and main tuck flap stiffeners snapped fairly quickly and the reserve flap would ride up. I like both of them (although I preferred the main pack tray arrangement in the original - opened much wider so better for wingsuit). They are supremely comfortable. After three hundred jumps on a Voodoo I still find myself occasionally freaked out in freefall wondering if I'm wearing a rig (this might be a con for some people!) I also like it because of the way it looks. This is also a downside. I like the way it looks, but in practice it doesn't always look good. I don't know if it's because of the canopies I have in my V3 (Crossfire 149 and PdF Techno 155) but it can look rumpled. I think it looks better smaller. My girlfriend has a Voodoo V0 with a Spectre 120 (PdF Techno 128) and that's better. Also depends on how the main and more importantly the reserve is packed. The guy who packs my reserve has a lot of experience with Talons but neither he or I are totally happy with the way it looks.

I'm not sure if I'd buy a Voodoo again, but only because I'd like to try something else. I love my Voodoo and I love RI's customer service and would like to patronise them again and would certainly recommend them.

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and would like to patronise them again and would certainly recommend them.

perhaps they would like it more if you just gave them your patronage. :)

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...."not the vagina on it, but how it's so round"
I actually have no predjudice against a round vagina!

Read the forum rules.. I asked for info on a piece of skydiving equipment not your opinion on vagina's.. Keep it in the talk back forum.


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I have one and love it. The fact that you cannot really do down in size much on the main without the container puckering on you is the only bad thing I can say about it.
I love the look, RI is awesome to deal with, it's extremely comfortable and the features equal any on the market.
I'll get another for my second rig as soon as I stop spending money on X-mas stuff.

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I got one and love it! A V-2 it fits my 135( what it is sized for) nicely and my 120. I don't think I could put a 150 or 105 in there, something you MAY be able to do on a Vector , infinity, mirage because of the way the closing loop is held on those models.
I like the way the VooDoo looks, say distinctive and mine does not have the vagina patch on it making it even more uniqe. I bought it used, didn't pick the colors or options and it isn't sized perfect for me but still fits me quite nicely. I love how it feels on the ground and in flight. I got lucky on this second hand rig and yes I would buy another one no problem. Glen.

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and i heard that closing the reserve sucks ass, but people told me that about the reflex, and i never thought it was that bad.


The Voo doo is simple to close. The POS reflex was easy to close too. but then again, so are Racers. Damn I really dislike those rigs.

The Voo Doo is fine. If you can get a good deal on one by all means get it.
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I have an "original" VooDoo and a version 2. I love both. They are extemely comfortable (on the ground, in the plane, in freefall, under canopy), well built, and RI service is second-to-none. If you have any questions on the rig, call RI, and ask to talk to Sandy Reid. He loves talking about his rigs :)
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I have an "original" VooDoo and a version 2. I love both. They are extemely comfortable (on the ground, in the plane, in freefall, under canopy), well built, and RI service is second-to-none. If you have any questions on the rig, call RI, and ask to talk to Sandy Reid. He loves talking about his rigs :)

Can you describe the difference between them for us that are not familiar with original vs version 2. Thanx Glen.

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One of the biggest differences is the main pack tray. In the original V1 it opened up more. It's difficult to explain. It's more tradionally boxed off now. I have some pictures I took of the differences somewhere, I'll try and post them. This is the main thing I preferred on the V1 as it was more open for wingsuit deployments.

The riser tuck flaps have gone through several iterations, more than just V1 and V2 at least. Between very small and quite long, they are now somewhere in the middle (with instructions to place the riser over the bottom flap).

The yoke has changed. There's more definition with an extra panel. This helps prevent the reserve pin flap from riding up.

The V1 had secondary riser covers which weren't really necessarry (unless you had the rediculously small riser tuck flaps which broke) and have been removed.

There is now an option for a differnet eye motif, which looks more like a flame. People call these the "vagina" and whilst I can see what people mean, I don't automatically associate it when I see it, but I guess I'm biased. If anything, I think the newer pattern is worse and I actually stuck with the original pattern when the container was rebuilt (also liked the idea of mixing and matching the V1 pattern with a V2 creating something different).

There must be something going on in the reserve tray because I couldn't use the freebag from the V1 with the V2 and needed a new one (may have been marked as a Voodoo freebag rather than a Talon one as with the V1?).

Finally, they took the velcro mating for the bridle off the main closing flap just above the grommet on my V2?!

Still, love my V2!

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