
Colorado CPC

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I miss that pond (even though it is a stinker).

It looks like no jumping again for me this weekend. The WX around here was reasonably nice during this last week, but the WX man is call for rain for the next few days. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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It looks like no jumping again for me this weekend. The WX around here was reasonably nice during this last week, but the WX man is call for rain for the next few days.

Not to make you jealous but it's supposed to be high 60's-low 70's here this weekend. B| No water in the pond yet but should be by the end of the month. And we get the Otter back this weekend :P

"and if you don't like it then 'Hey Fuck You'"
--The Beastie Boys--

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The first competition for the Colorado CPC will be held this Sunday the 23rd of April at Mile Hi Skydiving Center. Saturday the 22nd will be used as a practice day. The course will be set up by noon on Saturday for practice runs. There will be a competitors / judges meeting in the canopy control classroom in the packing hangar on Sunday morning at 8:30am sharp. The cost of the first meet will be $100 plus jumps. Please have cash ready as I will not accept checks, money orders, paypall, Canadian quarters or negotiable / non-negotiable verabonds. $50 of this entry fee will be sent to the CPC headquarters. The other $50 will be used to pay for judges, and recoup my expense for purchasing and building the course. There will be no exceptions on the entry fees. The cost for the six jumps must be paid to manifest prior to the competitors / judges meeting. Please do not be late to this meeting, as the rules, regulations, and course setup will only be covered once. I highly suggest you bring the following items to add to your comfort level:
1. Sunscreen as we will not be travelling back and forth to the packing hangars.

2. Drinking water as there are no facilities near the pond that have potable water. The pond is about as dry as a moon crater right now.

3. A packing mat as it is rather dusty out by the course. A ground tarp would be a good idea if you have one.

4. All of the packing materials that you may need to include rubber bands, closing loops, pull up cords, RDS supplies or anything else that you may need.

5. Lunch as we will not be stopping the competition for chow.

6. If you have a personal shade structure you may erect it out by the course as long as it does not interfear with the days operations. A foldable chair might be a good idea too, so that you do not have to sit on the dirt.

Those were just a few items I found to be nice to have last year.

This years competition focus is on safety with an emphasis on proper technique. Be prepared to have a good time, learn quite a bit about yourself and your canopy, and to see a side of swooping you may never have experienced before if you have not competed in the past. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me here on DZ.com, or find me out on the DZ on Saturday.


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The first competition for the Colorado CPC will be held this Sunday the 23rd of April at Mile Hi Skydiving Center.

And what do you propose to use as a weather day if it goes to shit on Sunday?

Saturday the 22nd will be used as a practice day.

Not to be a prick, but shouldn't those who have wanted to practice been doing so already, rather than waiting till the last minute to "cram for the exam"?

"and if you don't like it then 'Hey Fuck You'"
--The Beastie Boys--

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We only need one jump to judge for the competition. If there is a complete weather day, we will reschedule on the morning of the comp. If there is any chance of jumping we will be waiting the weather out.

Those who want to practice can practice on Saturday when I get to the DZ and set up the course. I will be taking the course down at the end of the day so that the course materials will not be damaged by leaving them out in the elements.

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The zone accuracy course and the distance course are basicaly one in the same. I will set up the zone acc course with the speed course carve set up off to the left. The speed course is a sizable carve, so you may want to practice your carves. Ryan Townsend and I have set up the courses as they will be ran at the CPC nationals to the best of our ability. No need for any nasty surprises at the end of the season at the nationals.

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Apparrently there is a big way camp scheduled for the same weekend here at the Mile Hi Skydiving Center. Since there are only two people signed up for the "Big" way camp, I do not believe this will affect us in any way shape or form.

Please have your account ballance up to date with enough money for 6 hop and pops prior to the 8:30 am Meeting on Sunday. Remember that your CPC anual dues of $50 will be due, and your $50 comp fee will be due at the 8:30 meeting on Sunday morning. Please bring these payments in cash, as this is the only method of payment I will accept.

I look forward to haveing a great "SAFE" comp. Please bring a smile, be ready to learn a lot, and be ready to have a good time. See you Sunday morning at 8:30 SHARP.

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It's that time of the month again!!! The Colorado regions 2nd CPC of the season will be held on Saturday the 13th of May. There will be a competitors / judges meeting at 7:30 at Mile Hi Skydiving Center in Longmont, Co. Please be on time for this meeting. If you have not paid your $50.00 entry fee to the CPC you will have to bring that in cash. There will also be a competition entry fee of $50.00. Both of these fees are due the morning of the competition at the meeting, and must be paid in cash. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you at the meeting. I also need judges for this meet, so if you are interested or know of anyone who is interested in judging, please get with me. Thanks again.


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I'm 95% sure I'll be there. I'll let you know later next week

I don't remember anybody asking you what the hell your plans were but for the record I can't wait for the opportunity to school your ass B| oh wait, I guess that means I can't keep verting those damned gates then :P

"and if you don't like it then 'Hey Fuck You'"
--The Beastie Boys--

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I don't remember anybody asking you what the hell your plans were but for the record I can't wait for the opportunity to school your ass. oh wait, I guess that means I can't keep verting those damned gates then

While it appears that a good chunk of the guys who competed locally in CO last season aren't competing there this year (what happened?), I see the tradition of trash talking hasn't changed.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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