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THE 2006 PST Swoop Festival Show

The Pro Swooping Tour proudly presents...

The 2006 Swoop Festival (Pro/Am) will be part of the PST’s larger show called the “AIR FESTIVAL" scheduled to take place July 21-23, 2006 at the Mile Hi Swoop Park on the Vance Brand Airport outside Denver, Colorado. This two day show has been completely organized with the spectator in mind. The show will feature non stop action that will include both parachute freestyle swoop competitions and exhibitions. Freestyle competition consists of a series of acrobatic parachute swoops across a body of water focusing on the approach, execution and landing. Freestyle swooping highlights the acrobatic abilities of the world’s best canopy pilots on the Pro Swooping Tour.

The show will be performed in front of hundreds of spectators and will feature both a color and talent commentator. Competitors are encouraged to have two parachute rigs and a packer even though it’s not required. The competition field will be split into multiple loads to allow a little more time for packing but like NASCAR or other similar events the competition will not stop or wait for competitors due to a wet parachute rig, a reserve ride or slow packing.


Each four hour show will have two competition and two exhibition events. Every round of every competition event is scheduled back to back with thirty minutes of exhibitions between events. All events will be executed by the schedule on time to guarantee there is always something happening during the show.

To provide a better show for spectators and competitors there will be no course changes during the competition. The competition will feature the new inflatable course markers, as well as, the PST’s new electronic timing system, and entry gate horn. The competition results will be posted on the scoreboard round by round with an award ceremony taking place at the end of each event during the show.

The PST will award a cash purse and medals to the top three winners of each competition event. There will be cash awarded to the winners of Freestyle Accuracy, Freestyle X (Best Trick), Ultimate Speed and the Distance event. The total combined scores from this competition will be used to determine the competitor’s PST ranking only.



The Freestyle Accuracy event uses the same landing zones as the standard “zone accuracy” event but requires competitors to perform a predetermined freestyle move prior to landing within the zones. 60% of the competitor’s score is accumulated from performing the Freestyle move and 40% is accumulated from landing within the zones. There are no course markers on the water during the Freestyle Accuracy event.

FREESTYLE X (Best Trick)

The Freestyle X competition is the crowd favorite among spectators. In this event the competitor gets to choose which freestyle maneuver or series of maneuvers they wish to perform. The Freestyle X event also gives competitors a chance to show off and demonstrate any new moves. Competitors are scored on their APPROACH (15% of total score), EXECUTION (50% of total score), and TIME ON WATER (15% of total score) and LANDING (20% of total score). There are no course markers on the water during the Freestyle X event.


The Ultimate Speed event is used to determine the fastest competitor through a straight 200ft course on the water. Unlike traditional speed events competitors of the Ultimate Speed event must drag one or two feet from the entry gate to the exit gate in the fastest time possible. Competitors must maintain contact with the surface of the water through the entire course. The fastest time wins! The PST’s electronic timing system and gate horns will be used for instant scoring of the “Ultimate Speed” event.


The Distance event is used to determine the competitor who can “Swoop” their canopy the furthest across the ground on landing. The Distance event uses a standard 600ft straight course with the first 300ft of the course over the water. Unlike traditional Distance events competitors will not be penalized or marked for contact with the surface of the water during the run. Competitors will be marked at their first point of contact with the surface of the ground only.


Friday July 21, 2006



Saturday July 22, 2006



Two rounds of pro swooping competition



American Flag performance

Longmont Mayor Tandem landing

World Parabatic Swoop Team performance




Two rounds of pro swooping competition



Canopy Formation performance

Wing suit performance

World Parabatic Swoop Team performance


Sunday July 23, 2006



Two rounds of pro swooping competition



World Parabatic Swoop Team performance

Canopy Formation performance

Wing suit performance




Two rounds of pro swooping competition



Canopy Formation performance

Wing suit performance

World Parabatic Swoop Team performance




1st- $700 and PST gold medal



FREESTYLE X (Best Trick)

1st - $700 and PST gold medal




1st- $700 and PST gold medal




1st- $700 and PST gold medal



PST medals will not be awarded to 2nd and 3rd place of each event only the cash prize. The total combined scores from this competition will be used to determine the competitor’s PST ranking only.


The competition results will be posted on the scoreboard round by round with an award ceremony taking place at the end of each event during the show. An award stage will be located near the spectator area and every award ceremony will take place after each competition event during the show.


The venue will include:

1) 400ft X 200ft X 3ft deep competition pond

2) 200 X 600 X 10inch deep sandy beach landing area

3) Inflatable courses

4) Electronic timing system, gate horns and scoreboard

5) Athlete packing and rest area

6) Spectator parking and bleachers

7) Merchandising booth

8) Announcer/commentator booth

9) Food tent

10) Judging tent

11) Athlete weighs in area

12) Media/Press area

13) Athlete loading area

14) Camera positions

15) Web casting center

If you have questions about the competitions or exhibitions of the PST's 2006 Air Festival please let us know!


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So, are the participants (competitors) now gonna be re-labled as "actors"? They getting paid now?


Some of the factory pilots are already getting paid by their sponsors to swoop...

The PST will continue to organize the "Pro" competitions with the show format and push it as more of a spectator sport. With more spectators and media exposure swoopers will be able to lure more coorporate intrest.


An organizer organizes a competition in a show format with a marketing campaign that generates hundreds of spectators for the event. In addition, the organizer signs a contract with a network that will cover the event for TV.

The organizer then gets a document in hand that shows the Network will be present at the event and film the competition/show for TV. The organizer can then provide this document to the competition pilots so they can go out and get a sport agent or try to sell a sponsorship.

The competition pilot would seek coorporate sponsors and sell a sponsorship demonstrating:

1) They are a competitor in an upcoming professional competition that will be televised and/or played out in front of hundreds of spectators. The pilot would show sponsors the network document which would explain who will be covering and watching the event.

2) The pilot has been a pro pilot for "X" amount of years and is currently ranked #?

3) The pilot would also point out the different locations for the sponsor's product placement including a logo on the bottom of the canopy, helmet, flight suit, etc.

This is just one example of how the show format can work for you and our sport as a whole.

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So, are the participants (competitors) now gonna be re-labled as "actors"? They getting paid now?


I believe a person has to say exactly five scripted words on screen to get a SAG card.

Fuck. All this "ad-lib" skit I keep doing doesn't count?

I jest with Jim about this, but I am a bit soured on the PST/CPC this year. So much effort and money spent in the last couple years, and I'm not eligible for jack squat this year. I makes me feel like why bother.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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So, are the participants (competitors) now gonna be re-labled as "actors"? They getting paid now?


I believe a person has to say exactly five scripted words on screen to get a SAG card.

Fuck. All this "ad-lib" skit I keep doing doesn't count?

I jest with Jim about this, but I am a bit soured on the PST/CPC this year. So much effort and money spent in the last couple years, and I'm not eligible for jack squat this year. I makes me feel like why bother.

I feel your pain brother, I wish I could make exceptions to the rules for everyone and I would have 70-80 pilots at the next competition. However, the rules are the rules. Try this...

1) Qualify for the CPC championships in your district.

2) Attend the CPC Championship and place in the top 15 positions. The top 10 slots at the 2006 CPC Championships will earn "Pro" slots and 11th through 15th will earn the "Advanced" classification...


CLASSES: The CPC consists of a "rookie" and "advanced" competition class. All pilots are considered rookies unless they are issued an "advanced" status. Competitors who qualify for the CPC championships and finish in 11th through 15th place will be considered "advanced" pilots.

Advanced pilots have the opportunity to attend PST Pro/Am meets and earn their "Pro" card by competing in all the Pro/Am meets throughout the season. Advanced pilots who compete on the CPC circuit against rookies will compete with the handicap system (5 ft gates).

The "advanced" class of the CPC changes each year depending on the results from the latest CPC Championships. Advanced pilots will be allowed to attend PST Pro/Am competitions the following year!

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No CPC in the area.

I guess I'm just tired of chasing the gold ring on the merry go round.....I think I'll just do Pond Swoop at the Ranch this year, and see if I can medal again at Nationals.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Some of us have to work a bit to hard for a living to give up the whole weekend to travle 3+ hours and drop the coin. I ain't whining, just saying how it is. Maybe another year will find me closer to a CPC event.

I will say the fact that the rules change year to year and season to season is discouraging.

Thanks for all your help though, Jim.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I will say the fact that the rules change year to year and season to season is discouraging.

Changes can be good (ie. the new weight restriction rule). Which rule changes don't you like?

if you read the entire posting here, it is the fact that although he was on the PST previously based on merit, and has won medals at nationals, Jims new rules require him to go through the CPC which is located 3 hours from his home at one dropzone (Crosskeys), and for some reason the Ranch refuses to host CPC (I think it is personal rift in swooping) SO therefore having lost his pro status due to a rule change, he is no longer allowed to swoop in the PST or any higher level events other than ones that are not thrown by Jim Slaton

Thats what I am reading into it.


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Some of us have to work a bit to hard for a living to give up the whole weekend to travle 3+ hours and drop the coin. I ain't whining, just saying how it is. Maybe another year will find me closer to a CPC event.

I will say the fact that the rules change year to year and season to season is discouraging.

Thanks for all your help though, Jim.

I think that you should stop your repetitive whinning and get on with life, everyone gets to choose what they want to do in life, it part of growing up, If you don't like your situation then do something about it instead of bantering on about how the CPC just does not work for you, I mean there are over a hundred cpc competitors making it work this year alone, and its only the second year. Give it time, if you didn't know it's a lot of work creating your own sport, and making a spot for yourself in it, then now you do. set your goals and get it done. see you on the tour in the future,

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