
Icarus NEOS

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wyat was recently at my home dz for a canopy coarse. he said the neos will be available in 2007. when in 2007 is unknown.
the neos is a pretty amazing design. the arched bracing is really inivative. its suppose to be the most rigid wing yet. the 11 cell neos looks alot like a paraglider. i also like the completly straight leading edge. a few select swoopers got to do some jumps on the 9 cell neos. most where previous vx pilots. they all liked the wing but didnt get enough jumps on it to give it a good review. none staed it was hugley different feeling initialy.
what i liiked most about the concept was that the neos is the first canopy designed since the use or rears has become the standard in planing out.
im a die hard velocity guy, but id be lying if i said the neos didnt get me thinking about my next canopy choice.
we'll just have to see what pd's got instore for the swooping world!!!!!

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theres some on wydyproductions.com. thats wyat drews site. he and dianne both fly the neos. she flys a neos 58!!! tiny little thing! the more recent pics are of them flying the neos.
wyat also hung the canopy up and gave us all a great walk threw on the design. icarus put a ton of research into this canopy

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And the answer is ...


I am sure there are pics, anyway, of Diana's 59 sq ft NEOS in the gallery there someplace.

Its also about the best visual Skydiving web site ever ... :)

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I tried the 9cell Neos during the Ekstreme Sports Week at Voss a couple of weeks ago. This is one of the better allround canopies I have flown. Nice slow, onheading openings. Hard on the risers though as the VX, gives you good distance on your swoops and is a really good product

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he said the neos will be available in 2007. when in 2007 is unknown.

Perhaps he was talking about the 11 cell prototype I have heard mentioned?

There are already four Neos in use at my DZ...

And they have been there since May!

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Do you know if the NEOS is meant to replace the VX or is it meant to fit in somewhere between the VX and the Crossfire in terms of performance?

I don't know. But in performance I will put it right between the Crossfire and the VX. So I doubt Icarus will replace the VX with it.

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It was called the FX

icarus has also be trying to get rid of the fx for at least 4 years..........when i bought my first one simon told me they wanted to get rid of the fx line, that the crossfire was close in performance that they didn't think they needed another canopy between the vx and crossfire, i disagree, but the fact is they have wanted to get the fx off the market for a while........i dont' know why, i loved my fx, hell i'm jumping and fx right now because i don't have money to buy a new canopy, and it fly's great.........maybe it's just because the fx is one of the first x-braced out on the market, and it's "old" technology and they just want something better.


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that looks SO tiny!!! :o B|

yes it is, but she is small too. I think Wyat said she loads it about 2.1 to one, ie less than many swoopers. I'd think that it has GOT to be pretty twitchy up there, but what do I know I fly a nice Spectre :D

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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Dudes... Icarus already made something in performance between the crossfire and the VX. It was called the FX.

Yes, that I think we all know. As said on later posts, the FX is an old design, and Icarus needs to renew their airfoils. The Neos is a good step in that direction.

"Long safe swoops"

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