
stupidest student ever?

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Actions will be taken.

Okay, but start with the idiot student.

I vote we make it official: name the Stupidist Student Award the Scott Lutz trophy, and define "Lutz
Out" (i.e. to Lutz, Lutz, etc.) as anyone who:

Spends a day in a FJC and then
goes fetal,
and/or "deploys" via cutaway,
and/or allows his canopy to fly into any fixed object,
and/or claims faulty training,
and/or files suit after unsuccessfully commiting

Edited to add: Damn! Bumped up from Newbie!
I was gonna save that for my birthday.

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Ahahaha. LUTZED! That's a cool new word to use, but we'll never get to use it since no other human could meet all the prerequisites.

Honestly, I'll cut the guy some slack on all of his mistakes but one. Anyone can make mistakes on their first jump (though his were pretty bad). But misrepresenting the facts to TV and then filing the lawsuits is the part that pisses me off. Argh.

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The video is on, www.skydivingmovies.com under "from TV" and then 4freefall. heh.

OMG, I know this is not the most original contribution to the discussion, but my GOD that video pissed me off. First the announcer is saying "his instructors watched him go bye bye", then he is saying "my instructor chased after me". Does anyone know what TV network made that? I am going to make it my life mission to yell at the producer of the show and Scott Lutz (the student), world class dumbass.

EDIT: GRBTV.com is the site of the company that owns the rights to the show I think... the guy is a lawyer in San Diego as someone else mentioned. Bleh. I just really hate seeing facts misrepresented on television, especially facts pertaining to something I'm so passionate about. Actions will be taken.

Tell me where to send my complaint to! I cant stand that little prick either!

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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For our dear Mr Lutz, I believe the line is

"Where were you hiding when they strained out the gene pool???"

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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I) Static-line student waited until the edge of the airfield to stick a foot out. He took forever to climb out, then did not let go until I yelled "GO!" for the third time. Under canopy, he turned to face the forest, spent the entire canopy ride facing the forest, then was surprised when he landed in the forest.

We once had a first time s/l student standing on the step of the 182. When the instructor shouted "GO!!" he looked back in and said "What.. Now?!!" :D

UK Skydiver for all your UK skydiving needs.

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What a total idiot is that lutz. What I cannot understand is that he's willing to show up on tv with that story. "I looked up and saw a round chute". I bet he never saw his chute. He's making himself look so stupid. Sueing his Instructor and then the power company for placing the towers up there? This guy has totally lost his sanity. I bet he would sue mother earth for just being there if he went in.

Did he deploy his own reserve by the way? I thought so. Rsl would have his reserve out right away. Was it low enough for a cyprus-fire?

Is this guy so stupid that he doen'st even know his mistakes??


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This guy has totally lost his sanity.

Not only has he lost it, he's created his own reality and is actually living in it. What a maroon!

This stupid student story definitely gets my vote, and I'm all for the Lutz trophy, though I'm secretly afraid I might be a recipient one day if I don't get my head out of my...

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that guy ist the nightmare of every jm. saw the vid some months ago and tried to find out where that friggin dumbass endangered not only himself but also his jumpmasters.
hearing now that he had the nerve to actually sue them is beyond belief. and once more it made me go puke that it is possible to find laywers to execute lawsuits like this one. luckily it got turned down

if i were one of his teachers i'd sure as hell beat the shit out a that bastard in a quiet moment. what a fuckhead he is...
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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Crossposted from "So you want to be an Instructor..."

I've had 2 memorable ones...

1. Student cut away at about 600 ft. RSL got the reserve. landed with toggles stowed on both canopies.

Reason. Slider was not "Directly over his/her head."

"It was like 2 feet away? On top of the black things like you showed us? Oh yeah... Sorry..."

2. Student landed about 2 miles away after indicating the radio was functional. (Kick your legs if you can hear me.. (Kick, kick, kick) Turn LEFT!)

Silly me. The student was turning to face left in the harness. Just had not bothered to put his/her hands in the toggles and pull the left toggle down to turn left...

Golf. Golf is good. Go and play golf...

It's the year of the Pig.

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What a total idiot is that lutz. What I cannot understand is that he's willing to show up on tv with that story. "I looked up and saw a round chute". I bet he never saw his chute.

I thought the exact same thing.
1) He does not look up.
2) He says he looked up and saw it deployed ("round" which is "good") and THEN it "broke away".
3) He had a square reserve so I'll bet you my life savings his main was square.
4) It would not have even had a chance to deploy cleanly. Even if he had been able to look up, instead of being busy getting jerked around by his disconnecting 3-ring... he would NOT have seen anything clean or "good"... round or square!


I bet he would sue mother earth for just being there if he went in.



Did he deploy his own reserve by the way? I thought so. Rsl would have his reserve out right away. Was it low enough for a cyprus-fire?

Still haven't figure that one out. Obviously is was either AAD or self-deploy. I'm not considering him smart enough to deply his own, but then again, his other handle and his ripcord were already both gone. Not much else even he could do to screw that one up. One handle left... pull! Maybe a super-Lutz could even screw that situation up though, like maybe disconnect the leg and chest straps and fall out of the harness, because he thought they were deployment handles. Hrm... I wonder if the emtpy rig would have a Cypress fire? It'd be shame to get a good rig beat up for a Lutz.

I found a company called Magis Networks in San Diego that he worked for two years ago, but they don't have any forwarding info for him. I seriously want to talk to this guy, I'm not gonna yell at him (at first!) I'm just gonna tell him I'm from the Guinness book of world records, and I want to give him an award for luckiest guy alive (escaping death twice!) and need some clarification on what I saw on the show. I want to hear the lies straight from his mouth and give him a chance to fix them before I murder him. I'm so smart.

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I've got 2:

1. Myself, jump 3. I was having issues with my legs and my JM's were giving me the leg signal (2 fingers)the whole way down. Started concentrating on fixing my legs so when the signal went to 1 finger (pull, duh) my brain thought "Okay I only have to fix 1 leg now, one is right" The JM pulled for me soon after. I was extremely pissed at myself and cursing loudly the whole way down. I had my first standup landing on that jump and didn't even realize it till a dude said "nice landing."

2. A girl who was doing her first jump landed about 1-2 miles away in the trees after ignoring all radio commands. When the JM walked up to her and asked her the standard question "What is the first thing you do after you deploy and do a control check" She casually responded, "You look for your shadow" She was following her shadow the whole time.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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About this Lutz character...

I did a search and I couldn't find anything on google about a lawsuit, so I am not going to comment on that.

Attorney contact information is a public resource. Attorney Search Just type in "Lutz, Scott" and see what comes up, noting that a particular e-mail address indicates and individual who may go by "Scott"

Of course, I waive any representations that this is the person about whom you speak, and I am not providing any information here other than that which anyone can access. Thus I expressly disclaim any and all warranty regarding the veracity of this information. Furthermore, I waive any suggestion that anybody speak or otherwise contact this individual. I know I wouldn't do it.

I also would not tape any telephonic conversation. There are some laws about it, and people apparently have it on information and belief that the referenced person is sue happy. So, don't do it.

Frankly, I'd let the guy be...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I also would not tape any telephonic conversation. There are some laws about it, and people apparently have it on information and belief that the referenced person is sue happy. So, don't do it.

Frankly, I'd let the guy be...

Yeh, I've thought about that, and as much as this guy pisses me off I am a nice guy and probably couldn't tell him off the way I want to. Though I may at least email him and ask him nicely if he's even aware of the truth about his "incident".

"There were powerlines EVERYWHERE!"

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"What is the first thing you do after you deploy and do a control check" She casually responded, "You look for your shadow" She was following her shadow the whole time.

OMG, this one reminds me of the joke about the blonde in the middle of a cornfield in a rowboat!!

TOO FUNNY!! obviously she has no common sense

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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About this Lutz character...

I did a search and I couldn't find anything on google about a lawsuit, so I am not going to comment on that.

Attorney contact information is a public resource. Attorney Search Just type in "Lutz, Scott" and see what comes up, noting that a particular e-mail address indicates and individual who may go by "Scott"

Of course, I waive any representations that this is the person about whom you speak, and I am not providing any information here other than that which anyone can access. Thus I expressly disclaim any and all warranty regarding the veracity of this information. Furthermore, I waive any suggestion that anybody speak or otherwise contact this individual. I know I wouldn't do it.

I also would not tape any telephonic conversation. There are some laws about it, and people apparently have it on information and belief that the referenced person is sue happy. So, don't do it.

Frankly, I'd let the guy be...

I am close enough to drive down the street and call this guy a dumbass. But in california, you can sue for anything so maybe it is not a good idea. I could just egg his house.B|

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I dunno. Why not have some fun and say that you need a free consultation. Say,
"Hi, I'm a skydiver, and while I was jumping at Elsinore I hit a lake. I want to sue God for putting that lake there. It's only 30 feet deep. What if I canopy didn't open and I fell into it. Not deep enough for me to survive the fall!
"Yeah, I wanted to see how far I could fall, but the instructor guy pulled my parachute for me.
"I hear you have experience in this, and I want to know what you think I should do.'

Could make for some fun...;)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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2. Student landed about 2 miles away after indicating the radio was functional. (Kick your legs if you can hear me.. (Kick, kick:D, kick) Turn LEFT!)

Silly me. The student was turning to face left in the harness. Just had not bothered to put his/her hands in the toggles and pull the left toggle down to turn left...

Golf. Golf is good. Go and play golf...


OMG, have you heard of "natural selection"????:D:D
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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