
120 Velo

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Spend a few years watching people come and go. Most end up going sooner or later, some by choice, other due to injury. Either way, the stories are always the same.

I don't give a fuck who the OP is, or what he thinks. 600 jumps is no place for a Velo at any loading, let alone in excess of 2.0.

In truth, this guy is most likely well beyond what could be considered a prudent choice with his Kat 135 at 1.9. The Kat is a hell of a canopy, and 1.9 is waaay up there, regardless of what others may be jumping.

Like it or not, the answers he got, attitude included, were the 100% correct answers to his questions.

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In Defence of the same old question and not to offend anyone who moderates or runs the forums but for me, it is hard for me to search for the question on my mind. I make an effort to find the answer in the forums before I ask. I sometimes cant find it and then i get answers and some times i get refered to a previous post. I am like wow i didnt see that or find that.

i dont think people Trol here they seem to be asking very earnest questions.

I dont think there is to much of the nazi answers either.

But the guys who answer shouldnt be so synical just becuase they have answered the same question before.

The question is not meant to offend it is an honest question that deserves an answer and who ever answers should answer in a way not to offend, at least try.

It is better someone throw around an idea or a question here then go at it alone and get hurt.

Maybe if the answer were not so unnescesary harsh but still to the point and truthful. Harsh is ok but maybe not rude and then said like you were talking face to face. i think the poster would be alot more receptive.

But still this orginal poster should respect the honesty and experience of the swooper who answers and take it to heart and not get mad because the said poster didnt get the answer they wanted. I am not saying island man got mad for that reasons its a genrilazation.


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But still this orginal poster should respect the honesty and experience of the swooper who answers and take it to heart and not get mad because the said poster didnt get the answer they wanted.

Just to be clear, my reply wasn't directed at the original poster. It was directed at some guy who chimed in with some wierd post, and went on to proclaim that everyone needed to be nicer, and reminded us that 'we could catch more flies with honey'.

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We are offering him the honey of still jumping for a long time veiled with cynicism..

I know guys who started jumping velo's at 800 jumps and who have competed with some of the best and actually won money cause they spent time learning and really focused every jump on canopy piloting....

I also know guys who have gone to velos a tad bit early and paid the price....

I load my crossfire 2 109 at 1.9ish and let me tell you it is a beast at that loading... I have also flown the 107 katana at around the same loading and let me tell you that thing screams at the ground...

I will say this...I am also jumping an FX 99 as my second canopy...(it was given to me by my then S&TA). When I first got it I jumped it a few times and said you know what I am not ready for this and spent another half a year on my crossfires...I learned a lot and had a few more people (some who post here) critique me and help me make some subtle changes to my swoop...then last weekend I finally hooked it back up and put it in my second rig...

that 6 months and remaining teachable really made a huge difference in how I approached the FX.

The OP should contact someone in FLorida and get some serious swoop coaching shit I even think some of the responders to this post are coaches and even may live in Florida...

(or maybe the person I am thinking of should contact OP and tell him where they can find him on the weekends and the OP could go up there and maybe learn a few more things about swooping)

Then we could all stop beating the shit of a dead horse issue and maybe do something proactive about it...(and I know we all do this on a local level)




But still this orginal poster should respect the honesty and experience of the swooper who answers and take it to heart and not get mad because the said poster didnt get the answer they wanted.

Just to be clear, my reply wasn't directed at the original poster. It was directed at some guy who chimed in with some wierd post, and went on to proclaim that everyone needed to be nicer, and reminded us that 'we could catch more flies with honey'.


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Thanks to eveyone for your thoughts (even the assholes ) . I was only thinking about the switch but i'ma stay on my 135 katana and put a years worth of jumps in and then demo a 120 velo !

Good choice. B|

I learned this weekend that there's no rush in this sport, we have all the time in the world, and the learning never stops, no matter how many jumps you have. But the important thing is to keep yourself safe enough to keep learning. If that makes any sense, LOL.

Take care bro

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Just to be clear, my reply wasn't directed at the original poster. It was directed at some guy who chimed in with some wierd post, and went on to proclaim that everyone needed to be nicer, and reminded us that 'we could catch more flies with honey'.

I had a good day of jumping today so i am in a good mood. Yesterday was a lost day due to weather..so i was not in the mood to tolerate your fairy tales. Today i will because we prayed for you at church.

The reason why my post contained something ambiguous was only to illustrate that there was alot of useless information flying around here.

I am neither pro or against OP trying out a velo 120 next year or whatever. I cant comment as i dont know enough information to give a useful answer. I assume you are not an instructor anyways..but ill tell you something and its been noted here on these forums. Dudes tend to ask for advice and then shut up shop if the answer is not in line with what they want to hear. Then they just go and do it anyways. All you are doing is pushing them to not take you seriously or what you are saying..

Guys have been there a long time, seen lots go wrong, seen it all go wrong.. i know. So talk properly and people will listen or if you cant then keep quiet if you are that concerned for a safe outcome. Otherwise you and your disciples are just driving people away from seeking advice here.


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just driving people away from seeking advice here.

Good. This isn't the place for that sort of advice. Check in with reality if you get a chance, that would be a good place to start.

Advancement in canopy progression is 100% skill based. Jump numbers, years in sport, athletic ability and good intentions are not relevant. Without witnessing first hand the skills a jumper can demonstrate, over a period of time, nobody can accurately make a judgement as to downsize / not downsize.

Got an internet friendly question? This is place for you. Want to go fishing for anyone willing to tell you what you want to hear? Keep walking.

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oh i know dave i wasnt pointing fingers or implying anything. just a generizatiion. Not wanting to sing kom-by-ya ( spelling ?)

just love the forums and love constructive, respectful, debate and sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience.

Just hate wheen people get mad at each other and people are offended and people are harsh and all that.

the forums have been an enormous benifit to my 18 year old son and myself.


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Jump numbers, years in sport, athletic ability and good intentions are not relevant.

I am in a total agreement with you. But why then are so many people quoting jump numbers, years in sport, etc. as an agueing point on both sides of the table?

Back when you guys were yelling at me for downsizing too much you guys were always quoting my numbers and not my skill.

Have things changed?
Na' Cho' Cheese

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Jump numbers, years in sport, athletic ability and good intentions are not relevant.

I am in a total agreement with you. But why then are so many people quoting jump numbers, years in sport, etc. as an agueing point on both sides of the table?

Because we've seen plenty of "gifted" skydivers die, femur in, break their tibia/fibia, or fracture something less common.

Annecdotally, people who follow Brian Germain's Wingloading Never Exceed formula (1.0 + .1/100 jumps with adjustments for small canopies and density altitude) seem to get broken and dead less often.

I think that comes from learning enough judgement and skills to save yourself once statistics catch up before something goes wrong.

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i dont think the velo is a bad choice if your consintantly nailing 270's under the katana. i dont know your ability but on paper i doubt your done learning all that canopy has to offer you. the katana is a very hi-performance parachute. you really shouldnt be bored with only 200 jumps on it.

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just driving people away from seeking advice here.

Good. This isn't the place for that sort of advice. Check in with reality if you get a chance, that would be a good place to start.

Erm you see that right there is where you are wrong. You dont even have to listen to me. I dont know how to make links to other posts but he is an extract from a locked "sticky" posted by Ian (moderator) about this forum.

"...This is just a reminder to all those who post here, as well as those who would like to post here but dont (perhaps feel like since the focus of this forum tends to be swooping), that ALL canopy questions are welcome.

So, if you're a jumper with 2 jumps trying to figure out canopy stuff, or a jumper with 10000+ skydives trying to tweak and refine techniques - you are all welcome, and encouraged, to post your questions or advice.

Ian ........"

You cannot come here with your 4000 jumps and try and hijack the forum to serve your own evangelical crusade and say who and what can or cannot be posted here. If someone has a question, it should be asked. If you cant answer it constructively you have the right not to answer it. If you give up this right..and people pile into you afterwards...its your own fault if you end up with ..err the proverbial "egg on your face"


Advancement in canopy progression is 100% skill based. Jump numbers, years in sport, athletic ability and good intentions are not relevant. Without witnessing first hand the skills a jumper can demonstrate, over a period of time, nobody can accurately make a judgement as to downsize / not downsize.


Amen brother! Now thats the first meaningful thing i have heard you say on this post. Which is something i raised with my first post about more questions needed asking plus seeing current canopy control on video.


Got an internet friendly question? This is place for you. Want to go fishing for anyone willing to tell you what you want to hear? Keep walking.

Oh dear...Just when i thought you had become sensible and responsible..you start saying stuff like this...hijacking forums and saying who should post here and who should not.

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I've made my point three different ways, and I'm content to let the people read what's been presented and make their own conclusions as to which one of us needs to make a few more trips to the information store, with a stop at the reality drive through on the way home.

I'm done here, and like I've said before, I might be wrong, but I'm not.

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Rain-Man and Dave,

Stop with the digs at each other and please try and stick to the topic at hand. If you two really want to duke it out, please do so in PM's.

Rain-man is right in that we should TRY to answer all questions constructively, HOWEVER, Rain-man please do not try and goad Dave. He's been a good contributor to the forum over the years and has a lot of good info to offer. Don't be so quick to discount his thoughts.

For the record, I happen to agree that the Velo 120 is not the appropriate canopy at this time for the pilot and they'd be better off mastering the Katana they currently own.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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well i ordered the velo 120 & i love it !

A response of yours quoted below:


The only assholes are guys that talk shit on these forums about people they don't even know , u don't know me 2 judge me & my potential , if u read my 1st post correctly i said " I'm looking 4 some ADVICE & that i was looking into a velo 120 " thats all i said , i just wanted some advice from pro's & people with experience ! i'm not gonna get a velo or anything smaller . all i wanted was help & if i'm correct these forums are here 2 help people . so frost & beowolf keep ur sarcasm's to yourselves , next time give good advice & not bring people down !

Look to me like Frost and Beowolf were right and that you were just shopping for the answer you wanted.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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