
Ranch Pond Swoop photos

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great pics drew....it was an excellent meet...with jeffro taking home the majority of the winnings...

big up to all of the competitors who came out this weekend...without you..there would obviously be no pond swoop nationals...


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Dude... everyone got wet... No chow rule - no job for Bruce for the last two years.

Drew great pics!!

here are some more from my friend Ed:

The guy that "went in" is OK, although it looked like he wasnt going to be (i will get some pics from my HC3 later) He bounced and HE STILL BEAT ME! I got the very last place :D

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So did I! I am amazed that he wasn't dead, and absolutely amazed that he didn't break anything. Definetly on bonus time now! :o

Maybe this should be a new thread, but was any one else really disturbed by he fact that he had to wait... soaking in the swoop pond... for almost 20 minutes before the ambulance showed up.

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Nice pics, theres some really nice swoops and some hardcore chow! One of the chow's looks real hard, is that homie that people are saying 'went in' without much injury? Who was it? By the looks of the glassy water it was a great day for a no wind swoop meet. Appears Sonic's wingloading is a bit higher than last year, he got some nice carving going on in some of the pics. How 'bout them Russians, how did they do?

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How 'bout Sonic? he's pretty good swooping that pond. If he won would Billy let him take the cash this year? I thought it was a bit unfair last year that if he won he still could'nt collect he winnings. He still participated anyway which was cool I thought. I'd like to know a little more about the injured guys deal. Was he really in the pond till the ambulance got there 20 minutes later?

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No major injuries, Larry. He came back from the hospital the next day on his own, but slightly bruised. It looked like a hard impact though, we all have seen MUCH worse from lesser hits, i am sure... i will try to make a vid and post it later. The ambulance was a little late to the scene, but it wasnt 20 minutes... at least as I recall.

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Dude, it was soooo hot (90+ degrees, close to 100% humidity) that maybe he stayed in the pond to stqy cool... or maybe because they was concern for back injury. I don't know.

ooooo sticky icky. No injury is good. I've seen some really hard hits on water and have had a couple myself that would have more than likely been fatal on hard ground but easily walked away from after swimming out of the pond.

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No major injuries, Larry. He came back from the hospital the next day on his own, but slightly bruised. It looked like a hard impact though, we all have seen MUCH worse from lesser hits, i am sure... i will try to make a vid and post it later. The ambulance was a little late to the scene, but it wasnt 20 minutes... at least as I recall.

Good to hear Mike. I was wondering about how he may have benefited by staying in the water. Back injury would be one. You really got last dude? Man you were making great progress last year, I was thinking you'd be rock'n this year, what happened?

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dude... I've been looking for an excuse, but it's hard to find anything better or more believable then the good old "I SUCK" one :P

Must redeem myself next week at the CPC finals. :)

No way, I don't buy that for even a second! Do you know what I mean when I say 'competition anxiety'? And where was Mr. Innis with his non crossbraced super staller swooping gear? That guy has a good time and last place is all good with him!

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Dude, it was soooo hot (90+ degrees, close to 100% humidity) that maybe he stayed in the pond to stqy cool... or maybe because they was concern for back injury. I don't know.

Sorry I didn't mean to imply that leaving him in the pond was a mistake. It might have been short of 20 minutes, maybe closer to 15 but it sure felt like the ambulance took for ever to get there.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I've seen some really hard hits on water and have had a couple myself that would have more than likely been fatal on hard ground but easily walked away from after swimming out of the pond.

wassup crazy larry...

yeah he actually hit dirt intially..kinda bounced up about 10 feet did a back flip..hit his risers..came back for a front flip..then landed in the pond...

had he not hit that pond i fear his injuries would have been alot worse..fatal even...

they left him in the pond so as not to move him..who knows whats broken in there...any movement could stab something with a sharp bone or something of that nature....better to keep him exactly where he was...

however...as he was in the water waiting for the ambulance..he was overheard saying..

"hey billy..i landed in the water...do i at least get 1 point?"

he came back the next day and put his FX up for sale...

pun has some excellent action shots of the whole incident..

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I've seen some really hard hits on water and have had a couple myself that would have more than likely been fatal on hard ground but easily walked away from after swimming out of the pond.

wassup crazy larry...

yeah he actually hit dirt intially..kinda bounced up about 10 feet did a back flip..hit his risers..came back for a front flip..then landed in the pond...

had he not hit that pond i fear his injuries would have been alot worse..fatal even...

they left him in the pond so as not to move him..who knows whats broken in there...any movement could stab something with a sharp bone or something of that nature....better to keep him exactly where he was...

however...as he was in the water waiting for the ambulance..he was overheard saying..

"hey billy..i landed in the water...do i at least get 1 point?"

he came back the next day and put his FX up for sale...

pun has some excellent action shots of the whole incident..

Good idea I guess to stay in the water, he sounds like a true sportsman ' Billy do I atleast get 1 point' hahahaha. cracks me up. I've thought about the whole dirt water dirt thing. Hitting dirt then going into the water is kinda comical but would really suck if done too hard. I've been skysurf team training as cameraman and surfing and working of course. What you been up too? Swoop? Record label yet?

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