
Ranch Pond Swoop photos

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That looked like it sucked.:|

It did suck. It sucked to watch it too, I hate seeing people get hurt. But by the time I walked over there I could hear him talking and he seemed in good spirits. He made the comment "Did I get a point for touching the water?". I don't know if it makes any difference but when I looked over my other footage I saw that his first jump he was very high over the pond.

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HEY EVERYONE!!!! Im the guy who " went in" . Im ok ecsept for my shoulder, and a whole lot of soreness. I hope some of you learned something from that I sure did!! I wont stop jumping in 18 yrs thats my 1st injury, but I have givin up swooping, FX 99 for sale by the way.
By the way no luck involved there, it was all gods will and I will be thankful everyday for it!! Hey I STILL BEAT MIKEY!! and at least my injuries will heal He will have to live with that for the rest of his life!!!!:ph34r::ph34r:
No Im going to go watch TOY STORY 2 with my daughter and hold her just a little tighter

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Hey Mike if you really have high def footage, make me a copy.. PM me and I'll give you my adress and a few bucks for shipping.
by the way i may do a Mikey perfect episode about that and call it mikey miracleB|

Glad you are alive and alright! Easily the scariest thing I have seen yet.

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Dude, you smacked the culvert, that's one of the narliest places to enter or exit the pond aside from the tree side. I think that's the highest point on that side of the pond. Surprised you made it through that one. That's so hardcore! Glad you are still with us. Video looks like you bounced, ouch. Nice approach and turn though.

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Nice one dude, at least you're here to tell us about the lesson though! Before seeing the vid i thought you had just slammed into the water and not the ground, CrazyL is right, you're extremely lucky :)
Take care

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Hey Mike if you really have high def footage, make me a copy.. PM me and I'll give you my adress and a few bucks for shipping.
by the way i may do a Mikey perfect episode about that and call it mikey miracleB|

Glad you are alive and alright! Easily the scariest thing I have seen yet.

Right on! Really scary!

I just have to say that I'm glad you're ok and I think everyone around that pond learned something that day.

The world can be an unforgiving place. Especially when you hit it that hard!

Be safe everybody!!

Blue Skies

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Does any one know if the ranch wants footage of the even for any production piece they might be putting together?

I have some decent video from my pc350 that I would be happy to throw on a dvd :)

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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