
Need Help.

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Hi everyone !!!

Our company is going to organise big swoop-competition (first official in Poland) with good money to win. We are talking with sponsors&media(TV,press,radio)-they are really interested to help, but we have to prepare Multimedia presentation about swooping fot them to show what swooping is. I need pictures and video of some good swoops that shows the speed, and the essence of this activity. The best will be form competitions where will be shown spectators, becouse this presentation cannot show few guys swooping on the opposite side of airport and few spectators. If you can help sending me some links to sites with swooping pics/videos, sending sth for e-mail: skydive-promotion@o2.pl , or otherwise - big thanks. If i will know anythink about this competition (some more details) i will write about it.
Plannig date: 07-08.June.2008.
Place: middle of Poland.Europe.

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I know that there are pictures from the final day of the WorldCup with a whole lot of spectators in the background. I contacted SydneySkydivers to get some of those pictures for the german federations magazine (they had/have some on their website) but the guy in charge, "Russell" (his name), never sended them, maybe you have more luck...
On skydivingmovies.com is a very nice video about the 2005 PST/CPC in Colorado....

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