
NEOS openings

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My Neos used to open almost great, after relined it with the same type of lines from Icarus USA, now she breaks my neck, it is so bad then I had to stop jumping it ( I fly camera ) Any idea why?

Oh dear - ive just bought a 650 jump neos and bought a lineset from para-concepts :o

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Having had a rocky beginning at the start of my relationship with a NEOS109, I am now ready to give the vows…..

Having received the canopy, I did suffer some cracking opening-explosions with corresponding visuals (STARS everywhere….), however I loved the flight characteristics so much, that I tried different packing methods to avoid the opening shock. Having done some 60-70 odd jumps on this wing, I am now fairly confident, that figured- out the important tricks and constant soft, on-heading openings over the last 30 jumps or so, seem to proof me right.
1) Very important, when packing the canopy, try to fold the Slider-triangle more on the canopy tail-end of the pack-job, not towards the nose section. My theory is, that the big slider burbles the nose section of the canopy when it opens, thereby provoking a sudden inflation, when the slider moves down.
2) Very, very important is to close the top-sheet of the canopy over the slider grommets!!! If you can see any metal or indeed a small piece of slider-fabric when placing the canopy into the d-bag, your in for a knock out opening!!! Also, close the top-sheet with at least four twists over the slider grommets, the better you close the top sheet, the less likely you’ll have a hard opening.

Paying attention to these two points helped me to finally be a fully-satisfied NEOS-flyer!

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I think you and I have the same problem, we are on the lower side of the wingloading.

The more I load it, the better openings I have :)
I must have increased my natural wingloading right now, as I have great openings without my weightbelt[:/]

scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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FWIW, I am loading my Neos around 1.85 and have not eaten enough pies or trained to effect my wing loading either way, put 400+ jumps on it.

I had random spine-lengthening hard openings on my -relatively early- production Neos 99 with original lines. I checked line lengths, brake lengths and packed very carefully, trying all sorts of techniques learnt over many different canopies, but I couldn't get rid of them...I would say that 1 in 30 jumps on average would evoke a blinding curse. I had it relined after 300 jumps (due to a nick in a line) and have had nothing but buttery soft, on-heading transistions to canopy flight in the 100 jumps since then (maybe not statistically significant, but it feels like it).

It makes little sense to me that it was due to the lines as it would not be so random?. I also thought it was more head-down jumps and hence tending to deploy at higher speeds than normal, but I had it in head-up and tracking too, always being careful to slow down.

But even with those 10-15 hard openings, I love it! :D

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What size did u get? I heard that 99 has most hardest openings, I got no problem with my 94, that was relined at Para-Concepts....

119 loading at 1.8

I'm coming from an Xfire so I'm expecting any other openings to be non comparable.

I'm also considering experimenting with different sliders.
A mate has jumped it with a velo RDS and a normal sized slider... With good results! :S

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Have people noticed this:


Not sure if it shows for those not in the facebook but the first post says:

*Attention NEOS pilots, we have made a modification to correct the occasional hard openings that have been reported. This applies to all NEOS canopies with s/n prior to 24112612. Please contact your dealer for a modification kit.*

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I had random spine-lengthening hard openings on my -relatively early- production Neos 99 with original lines. I checked line lengths, brake lengths and packed very carefully, trying all sorts of techniques learnt over many different canopies, but I couldn't get rid of them...I would say that 1 in 30 jumps on average would evoke a blinding curse. I had it relined after 300 jumps (due to a nick in a line) and have had nothing but buttery soft, on-heading transistions to canopy flight in the 100 jumps since then

maybe your new lineset is different than your original (different length on C-lines apparently)

I love mine too :)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I would say that 1 in 30 jumps on average would evoke a blinding curse.

Same here, once every 20 or 30 jumps the thing just breaks my neck. I was happy to read about the modification, until I checked my serial number: mine is higher than the s/n mentioned by Icarus.

Oh well, I'll probably go for a reline anyway.

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I was happy to read about the modification, until I checked my serial number: mine is higher than the s/n mentioned by Icarus.

I will know this weekend as my gear is at the DZ... But I should be OK as it was one of the first Neos
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I would say that 1 in 30 jumps on average would evoke a blinding curse.

Same here, once every 20 or 30 jumps the thing just breaks my neck. I was happy to read about the modification, until I checked my serial number: mine is higher than the s/n mentioned by Icarus.

Oh well, I'll probably go for a reline anyway.

As they wrote:
*Just to clarify, the modification applies to all NEOS canopies with serial numbers prior to xxx12612. The first 3 digits may vary. So basically if your NEOS was manufactured prior to August 2011, the modification applies to you. Sorry for the confusion. Happy jumping everyone!*

----- > If your serial is higher, your canopy should be brand new?


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Ive just jumped my 119 with the new mod....well actually a brandnew lineset which included the mod.

Openings are (and always will be) more positive than crossfire openings. I got 1 hard opening out of 4 jumps and another two were just fast.

However - i did this on the last jump and it worked a treat:


It opened with Xfire type ease! :o Ill be packing this way from now on....


loading @ 1.8

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