nigelh 0 #1 October 25, 2011 Thought this may have been bought up already..... Quote Hello CP-competitors, hello participants in Canopy Piloting at the 3rd DIPC & Gulf Cup 2011 NOTIFICATION Recent achievement in the Distance events, featuring distance World Records well over the 200 m mark, we will be running short on DZs, which are able to provide and to fulfill the safety requirement standards, which are in our current rules of "+ 50 m above the world record". One of those DZ being affected, is the one at "SKYDIVE Dubai", which does not only host the 3rd Dubai International Championships and Gulf Cup, coming up soon, but also will be host to the "Mondial 2012" including all World Championships. And limited space is a major factor in Dubai. By taking precaution considerations into future international events like the World Games 2013, being hosted in Cali, Colombia, (located at 1005 m/3015 ft MSL) into one bigger step, the Canopy Piloting Commission decided, to use the Dubai 2011 event for evaluating modifications to the Speed and the Distance event, in order to gain experience in how to present Canopy Piloting competitions in areas, which do not provide the dimensions of a wide open test airfield. In short: the Distance event must fit on a CP-course less than 200 m in length and the Speed-event must fit on a course, which is not much wider than the present boundaries of the course, but keeps and even and eve increases the attractiveness in the presentation. In this aspect, CP-Accuracy, by many is considered to be the most spectator appealing discipline, so is the CP-Freestyle discipline in Dubai, having a great part of water effects involved. Therefore, the element water will have to be introduced (again) into Distance and Speed also. Many know, water has been part of these disciplines before and elsewhere already in various settings. Having the overall goal in mind to keep Canopy Piloting in the "heart of action" the CP-Commission, in cooperation with the organizers joined team-efforts to prepare modifications for Distance and for Speed for Dubai 2011, to meet the restrictions of a rather tight DZ and at the same time add to the attractiveness of our event. Be prepared to the following: Modifications for Dubai 2011 1) CP Distance at 3rd DIPC& Gulf Cup 2011 named "Dubai Distance" - dragging entry gate mandatory to start scoring - no drag, minimum score - VE rule in effect from entry gate to 50 m mark - sensors at 50 m mark, at 1,50 m height - no more VE in effect after the 50 m mark. - touching water allowed w/o penalty - landings in water result in default scores portioned by markers ( like Accuracy) - stay in course with any part of body to score (like in Accuracy rule) - direct measurement of distance starts at the 50 m 2) Speed at 3rd DIPC & Gulf Cup 2011 known as "Ultimate Speed" - Straight course - Entry gate and marker set up like in Accuracy with gate 1 (entry), gate 2, gate 3 and gate 4) - additional marker at 50 m (exit gate) - Sensor at entry gate and sensor at exit gate at 50 m from entry gate - Drag water continuously beginning with and through entry gate all the way through gate 4 - No more dragging requirement after having passed gate 4 - VE in effect from entry gate to exit gate at 50 m. - no continuous drag from gate 1 to gate 4, minimum score - dual sensors on entry gate and dual sensors on exit gate 50 m If there are any additional add-on apps are coming up, this will be announced/integrated as soon as possible, the latest at the competitors' meeting prior to the start of the competition in Dubai. This set -up will serve as a run-up for the Mondial 2012 in Dubai at the same location. It is expected that there may be a similar setting at Cali 2013 for the World Games competitors also, if everything is running the way expected. For the IPC-Canopy Piloting Commission and the Organizer of the 3rd DIPC & Gulf Cup 2011 Dr. Rainer EXI Hoenle Chief Judge 3rd DIPC & Gulf Cup 2011-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B Team Dirty Sanchez #232 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davelepka 4 #2 October 25, 2011 So that's it huh? 600ft is too far, so now they have to dumb it down so it 'fits' on the DZ? There's enough room to land an airplane, but not a canopy, right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davelepka 4 #3 October 25, 2011 All that aside, who's working on a special shoe with a pointy, low-drag toe so you can be in the water to comply with the rules, but still get the most speed/distance? Short pants and pointy shoes? Sounds cute.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflyn 0 #4 October 25, 2011 Sounds like a Leprechaun to me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #5 October 25, 2011 Sooo, just how in the fuck are they supposed to hold the World Championships there for CP? I get how they can change the rules for their own event, but unless all of a sudden the IPC changes the rules to accommodate them, they can't host CP WOrld events anymore. Did Nick just make Dubai irrelevant to the CP world? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigelh 0 #6 October 25, 2011 From what I understand, as this is a Category 2 event, they can use it as a trial for the World Championships next year....-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B Team Dirty Sanchez #232 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jacketsdb23 49 #7 October 25, 2011 Does anyone else think that there will be carnage on the pond with both "power" events now on the water? Seems like this could get pretty dangerous quickly. (more so than it already is).Losers make excuses, Winners make it happen God is Good Beer is Great Swoopers are crazy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigelh 0 #8 October 25, 2011 There will be more swimmers!-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B Team Dirty Sanchez #232 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #9 October 26, 2011 Quote Sounds like a Leprechaun to me Ian? But he wears blue... It will be interesting to see how the competitors react to the changes and how the scoring settles out. Sort of like some of the different events that were tried out on the PST.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouDiamond 1 #10 October 26, 2011 I heard a rumor that Windmiller is already having a pair of pointy shoes made up to match his red gimp suit. Pictures of them can be seen HERE.Like Dave, I think this is going to cause some changes for more than one or two people. "It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guinness_fr 0 #11 October 26, 2011 Aargggh, my eyes ! I had been trying to remove from my brain the vision of Greg in his red suit since August, and now the shoes ! Oh the humanity ! On a more serious note my first thought was also about the power when touching water, we've seen Nick impact twice in the speed event (and still score very decently though) in Klatovy; I'm afraid there will be more of this. The first proposal that was made after the World Cup was to stay below 5 ft when over the water, but with no obligation to touch the water (also easy to judge with just another sensor+camera at the end of the pond), maybe that was not enough and that's why scoring the first accuracy gate was also introduced (it does require you to place your setup at least 50 ft back). You're probably right that we'll start seeing weird shoes now and we'll no longer be able to make fun of the classic accuracy guys with their funny heel Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bofh 0 #12 October 26, 2011 The latest news seem to be that speed will use the normal IPC rules and for distance, the speed's VE rules apply for the first 50 meters and touching water is allowed, but not necessary. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superstu 0 #13 October 26, 2011 One of my teammates I think said it best I think "They want to change the sport to suit a prince...they bid on it now support their bid" Personally I really don't like the fact the we're getting rid of our margin for error, as small as it is already, for the power events. I think that 5' saves people's ass's, just like 10' saves people just getting into the sport.Slip Stream Air Sports Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ianmdrennan 2 #14 October 26, 2011 Quote Personally I really don't like the fact the we're getting rid of our margin for error, as small as it is already, for the power events. I think that 5' saves people's ass's, just like 10' saves people just getting into the sport. +1Performance Designs Factory Team Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raymod2 1 #15 October 26, 2011 Quote Quote Personally I really don't like the fact the we're getting rid of our margin for error, as small as it is already, for the power events. I think that 5' saves people's ass's, just like 10' saves people just getting into the sport. +1 +2. Also, a little common sense regarding the distance course length requirements. Nobody is going to go 700 feet at sea level. They can tweak the rules to account for different altitudes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guinness_fr 0 #16 October 26, 2011 Who knows for sure? With a 7m/s tailwind Jonathan did 205m (670 feet) at an elevation of only 400m (1300 feet) (Distance2 pink open 2011). Plus these rules are not only for Dubai but also for subsequent events at other locations which may also have space issues with already existing ponds (or budget/space constraints to build a new one), and the more distance we'll allow, the more judges we will need ! I agree that it sounds frustrating to try and limit the total distance though. Having this new VE rule for distance will also increase the chances to do a zero if climbing a tiny bit too soon... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raymod2 1 #17 October 26, 2011 I've had rounds where I rolled out too deep and started climbing before I got to the entry gate which resulted in a vertical. So, yes, it will make it more challenging to have multiple gates in distance. However, I don't think that will be very effective in limiting overall distance. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
superstu 0 #18 October 26, 2011 I don't know about that Dan, I mean Nick only went 220meters without really popping up so he did lose quite a bit of distance there Slip Stream Air Sports Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigelh 0 #19 October 27, 2011 Quote The latest news seem to be that speed will use the normal IPC rules and for distance, the speed's VE rules apply for the first 50 meters and touching water is allowed, but not necessary. So it's more or less than same as before then? Previously if you touch water after the entry gate in Distance, then that was where your distance was measured. Seams weird that touching water "is allowed"-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B Team Dirty Sanchez #232 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d100965 0 #20 October 27, 2011 Dunno about touching water but if they take away that margin for error I'll certainly be doing a lot more touching cloth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bofh 0 #21 October 27, 2011 Now they are going back to the normal IPC rules. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #22 October 27, 2011 Quote Now they are going back to the normal IPC rules. Where are you guys seeing this info? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bofh 0 #23 October 28, 2011 Emails from the swedish judge. They are supposed to update their site soon too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frost 1 #24 October 28, 2011 If competitors dont like the new rules - they should "vote with their wallet", protest the rules or boycott the competition. The new format is definitely reducing the margin of error, people will get smacked, hopefully nobody gets hurt... When someone does get hurt or killed, maybe the question will be raised in a different light. But for now what Prince wants, Prince gets.SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
craigbey 0 #25 October 29, 2011 Someone invested a lot of money building those fucking islands. And one of them is too small? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites