
flying a new jumpsuit

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I recently got a brand new Pit Special w/ booties, when I took her for her initial flights this past weekend, I kept going low, does anyone have any advice to alter my body position to counteract that?

I thought of the odds of me succeeding, versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway.

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what makes you think it's because of the jumpsuit?

- did you go low before using the Pit Special?
- does the suit have a nylon front?

- fly wider.
- anticipate the next point.
- de-arch and try again.

Unless there's a vast weight difference, my philosophy is that you go low because you flew yourself there!

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If you get into the more advanced body position with your head up hands in, chest up and leg sightly extended you will find that you often fall slower. In this position you can also adjest by flaring out your elbows. You should be able to make up for large fall rate differenced with body position but ultimately you need to have a suit that puts you in the middle of your range with your team or friends.

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I assume your old jump suit did not have booties. Assuming it is similar in tightness you should be able to fall slower with booties. Per haps you move foward with the booties and are not comfortable with the feel of the wind on the booties. Fly a litte flatter with your feet slightly out, raise your head up and let your upper body sit up. push on the air with your elbows and hands. Get a partners and do some fall rate drills. You will like the booties as soon as your get used to them. ;)

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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Every time I put on a new suit, I want to burn it! It does take a few jumps to get the hang of it.

I would stress that eye contact is probably more important than body position. Its when your not looking where you should; That is where levels start to build up. [ now if only I could do just that... ] The tip about anticpitation is a very good one. Some points, especially on 8way, really start to slow up. If you know this is going to happen it can help.

Unless the suit [ btw cool name ] is a rocket the change you will make will be very subtle indeed. I bend my feet in (I hope that makes sense) thus exposing more surface area of the inside of my legs; to twick my fall rate.

Blues Benno.

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Thanks guys. did alot better this past weekend on my Pit. on the advice of a friend she had me tuck my neck and roll my shoulders, took a couple of minutes of practice, but felt totally comfortable in the air, did a 2 way with 7 points, so i must be doing something right. Felt alot more comfortable than "hugging the beachball"

I thought of the odds of me succeeding, versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway.

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Heheh..glad it worked out...I also have a brand new Pitt Special with booties and I flew like a retard for the first two skydives...Up/ Down/ Up/ Down/ Backwards/ Sideways oops shite sorry was that your burble?

It always takes a little time to get used to the new bitchin suit ...But damn, they are HOT suits! Now, did you get the Airspeed or the XL booties???? Have fun, and if you have much more trouble, make your floatie friends wear LEAD! ;)

ps - oh yeah, if you have the mega booties, by turning your heels slightly in and knees slightly out, you create theses kind of SAILS and get a great lift off that alone, certainly enough to compensate in a jiffy for going a little low!

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Yeah I love my Pit now that I can actually fly it, I felt as if I wasted 300 bucks and got all depressed when I was flying like a retard, I didnt get Airspeed or XL booties, I figured this being my frist jumpsuit, I should just got modest before getting any of that pro stuff. Love my Pit....hopefully I am going to be getting into a tunnel soon for some more practice. Thanks guys.

I thought of the odds of me succeeding, versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid, and I went ahead anyway.

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