
4 and 8 Way Nationals

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My opinion only. Keep i nmind I have only competed in 4 way once.

I think that Airspeed and the Golden KNights will end up in the Silver and Bonze spots in 4 way, Fire is just on a roll, so the gold will be theirs to lose.

In 8 way I think the Golden knights get gold and Airspeed Silver. Airspeed has so much going on that I think 8 way will suffer a bit for it.

But since the Knights train away from the public eye the could pull off the double Gold since thay have a very veteran RW team and some of the old 8-way Gold medalists from events of the past.

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The knights have only put in 150 training jumps this year for 8 way, Airspeed has been training at it all year and has far more training jumps than the Knights.

I think the Knights will make a good pressence but not a gold medal one.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
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One thing about the Knights, they have a lot of talent on their team when it comes to flying ability, but one thing that has hurt them in past competitions was there dive engineering wasn't the best. At the world class level dive engineering can make all the difference.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Airspeed did beat the Knights but I do not think it waswith out any training jumps.

Both teams are at the top of the sport in 4 and 8 way. So this willo be fun to follow.

Being a soldier I am am a bit biased:P on who I am chearing for.

I have gotten to jump with memebsr of both teams but my work clothes still say US. Army on the chest.:)
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Didn't Airspeed beat the Knights at 8-way one year 'back in the day' having done practiically no training jumps at all?

yes they did, and have since become an unstoppable 8-way force, i think its going to be one hell of a battle.

In 4 way the top three teams are putting up one hell of a battle, and Fastrax has definitely come a long way in the last few months. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow;)

And of course I have to give props to my tunnel camp instructors, Neal Andy and Kirk battling their way back to the podium after having a few penalties in the first three rounds, they can pass Fastrax and get back up there.


History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Well Fastrax has dropped back a few points, and Velocity has stepped their game up bringing them right up behind their counterparts. And the Knights have really picked up the pace pulling ahead of fire, they would have been at the top from the beginning but I'm not on the team yet:P;)
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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GK Black is getting faster each round it would appear.

I think if they keep tha pace a lot of pridiction may be off, including mine, but hey I am pulling for them any way!

Airspeed does rule but the Gk squad are the favorites in my book!

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
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Airspeed does rule but the Gk squad are the favorites in my book!

Rumor has it that if the GK's don't win GOLD that 2 of their 5 members will be heading for Iraq soon. If they win then they get to delay that and train for Worlds coming up.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I am not in the "know" but have never heard that one.

But being a soldier I know that the services are all running a pretty tight rotation between comabat units and non combat units.

So it could be possible, but I would hope not. I have been there 2 times already and would like my friends to stay home and safe.

Oh I know they have mixed emotions about it them selves. On one hand you want to go do your job and on the other you want to stay home and relativiely safe.


Sorry for the side ways trip there! It wasn't a complete High Jack!

Go GK 4-Way!!
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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