
CaSL Meet 2 - Chester

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This past weekend was quite an interesting and ulitmately rewarding experience for myself and team "Luckiest Guy at Raeford". It started out with Friday night's Armageddon display, with lightning bolts striking all around the DZ, accompanied by thunder loud and strong enough to rock cars and trailers alike. After a bit of a slow start Saturday morning due to lingering weather, the competitors set out to have fun and give their respective videographers something to hand off to the judges for later bragging rights. I mean, you can make fun jumps at any DZ on any given weekend. This was for second round accolades.

First of all, I would like to thank the staff and regular up-jumpers for their hospitality and tolerance of our invasion of their demesne. The DZ itself, including the facilities, was immaculate, the landing area huge and there was no shortage of offers of help to competitors. Thank you very much to all the staff at Skydive Carolina.

Rookie class was a close race, as the winnners of the previous meet, The Fast Fockers, went toe to toe with Luckiest Guy and Team Pffffft. Everyone seemed to be feeling the effects of the previous night's storm, but none more so than the Fockers, since they had been sleeping in tents during the torrential downpour that ensued that evening. From what I understand, everything they brought with them was completely soaked, with the expection of their skydiving gear. However, they shrugged off their frustrating night of no sleep and stepped up to the plate with the rest of us. Thanks for giving us the kind of competition we need. We enjoy jumping with you guys.

Team Pfffft (Raeford) took third place, Fast Fockers took Second and Luckiest Guy took first place in the rookie class. No more video busts for Luckeist Guy, I promise. :P

In the Intermediate class, The Crazy Ivans (CSS) took third, the lovely ladies of Fox Force Four took second and Raeford Fury took first place.

Carolina Ice were the Meet Champions, while Jake Conrad won the best video award.

Congratulations to all the competitors and their respective videographers! We enjoy spending time getting to know all of you and learning from each meet with all of you. We'll certainly miss Keith and Tater as they move to Florida soon, but hopefully we'll see them again in the near future.

The next meet promises to bring some spirited competition in the rookie class, and we can't wait to laugh and jump with all of you again soon.

Again, thank you to all of the staff, competitors, regular up-jumpers and judges for a wonderful :D experience at Skydive Carolina. See you all soon!
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Congrats Kevin ;)

I could have hugged Cora sooo hard when your team won. She (and the rest of the team.. yes, thats you too Steven) was dynamite.

I am really Llooking forward to the next exciting installment at CSS...where you will be up against the Fokkers on their home turf.

Apart from the usual wonderful hospitality from our Rodriguez Brothers family at Chester, we had lots of fun at the meet, but not having jumped together as a 4 (or even as a 3 since last August) certainly adds an interesting and at times hilarious touch to the dives.

As much as I loved the show, lets hope that we dont get such an awesome storm in August!

See you and your cutie soonB|

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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You, my dear, are absolutely adorable! We love seeing you at these events, and while the weather wasn't quite the best all day long, at least it didn't drive you and the rest of the beautiful and talented Foxes away from the meet. We got to see and hang out with you the whole day, so that was a bonus. :)
Thank you for all of your help, PJ. We've been informed by the Fockers that "it's ON" for the CSS meet. For a team that was slapped together at the last minute and only had three training jumps together, Luckiest Guy is doing remarkably well. Again, thanks for all of your help and encouragement. :$

We look forward to seeing you at CSS, darlin'. Well petition the weather gods in advance for a reprieve. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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while Jake Conrad won the best video award

yeah that slacker......there were MUCH better video then his....he didnt deserve it :P

Give me a break, monkey. In the local vernacular, "You done GOOD." B| At leat you didn't take a formation apart by force on the exit. :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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while Jake Conrad won the best video award

yeah that slacker......there were MUCH better video then his....he didnt deserve it :P

you done good, monkey. And you've got skills.

We're proud of you.

We're proud and happy for all of those who competed at the Chester meet. It was a great time, especially for one person who had never jumped at a different dropzone at all.

Good job by all.

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you done good, monkey. And you've got skills.

We're proud of you.

We're proud and happy for all of those who competed at the Chester meet. It was a great time, especially for one person who had never jumped at a different dropzone at all.

Good job by all.

Yeah, if it wasn't for all the great teams and support there, the meet wouldn't have happened. Congratulations to everyone who competed, especially if you had to endure less than ideal sleeping conditions the night prior.

We're looking forward to a grand time at CSS! In the words of Focker Casey, "It's ON!" :PB|

And was that Ryan who hadn't jumped at another DZ before?
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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