
It's almost time....World Meet 2006, who's it gonna be?

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I am on of those peeps who have a "blind" belief in Airspeed and know that they are not infallible. They can really pull it out of the bag. For expample, the World Cup 2005 in Eloy - their skydiving was not pretty and watching each and every round was pure torture as I knew they were "over the line" on each jump and they were very, very close to having a disastrous meet, but they pulled it off...

I would put money on there being a jump-off in 8-way at the World Meet with Airspeed winning.

I will take this opportunity to declare my personal favrourites taken from overall skill and personalities: (before my non-biased reporting from my live reporting from www.omniskore.com

8-Way - Airspeed and France - Airspeed to take Gold (to Manu and Guillerme - Non, is that leetle Kirk???;))

Women's 4-way (disagree with the segregration...) The French Girls I hope will win (they just posted a 19 point average from their last comp) with the Russian Ladybirds coming 2nd. The Ukranian chicks are very sweet and hope they achieve whatever goal they have.

4-Way Open - Sinapsi v Fire for Gold - much as I like both teams, Brazil has a soft spot in my heart.


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Why are the odds stacked against Airspeed?

As Ron said, AS knows how to pull it out when it counts but so do the French, the French team has the experience as a team, the new lineup with AS, yes they have done an insane number of training jumps this year, every time I'd make it to Eloy this year I'd sit in on their debriefs and could see the improvement and they're looking amazing but unfortunately this will be the first international comp that this new lineup has together. Basically if someone were to place odds on this competition for betting they would definitely be in France's favor. But as history has shown us many times don't ever count out the underdog especially when that underdogs name is Airspeed, so like I've mentioned before while the world meet is going on i'm going to be glued to the computer scream pushing the refresh button on omniskore every five seconds chewin my nails off and screamin "GO USA" the whole time, this is probably going to be one of the biggest battles that we've seen to date, other countries are becoming far more competitve than in the past and we are no longer the major superpower in the sport. But having stiffer competition is a good thing, it just means that we have to work that much harder to stay on top of our opponents.

Well folks, i'm going to go back to bed for now, i'm still recovering from last night(not to mention trying to remember half of last night), it was one fo those nights, looking at myself ow i have bruises all over my arms and legs and absolutely no idea where they could've come from!!

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
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Having done the same draw and posting a lower score could be one reason why someone thinks they are the underdog.

Thats true, its a reason to think it but probably not the best reason. Airspeed haven't posted a lower score, they did the draw but training never replicates meet conditions (as Kirk said 'they didn't have us in their face while they did it'). Maybe no obvious underdog in this case?

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I knew they were "over the line" on each jump and they were very, very close to having a disastrous meet, but they pulled it off...

Thats interesting, would have thought they were 'on the line' but close to the edge if they pulled it off. Maybe you know their skydiving style better than me, i didn't see the jumps, were they busting and stuff?

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Thats true, its a reason to think it but probably not the best reason. Airspeed haven't posted a lower score, they did the draw but training never replicates meet conditions.

Still a reason to think they might be.


Maybe no obvious underdog in this case?

There are also other reasons.

1. The French team has had the same group together since 2004. And they have only been three points behind Airspeed in every world meet they have attended, while Airspeed has replaced people. That could be another reason.

2. The French beat Airspeed in 05 at the Malevsky meet.

I never said they were the underdogs...I said I understand how some could think that.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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i didn't see the jumps, were they busting and stuff?

they weren't busting a whole lot, but they were sure as hell having a lot of collisions!! it was far from the clean skydiving that AS is known for.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
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2. The French beat Airspeed in 05 at the Malevsky meet.

One thing about that though is I think AS is more prepared going into the WM than they were at the Malevsky cup last year. This year they've only done 8 way, last year they were doing both, and if i remember correctly they only lost by one point that meet.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Thats interesting, would have thought they were 'on the line' but close to the edge if they pulled it off. Maybe you know their skydiving style better than me, i didn't see the jumps, were they busting and stuff?

They weren't busting, but they were very crashy - very, very unlike their usual style. As I reported at the time on Omniskore, the French looked like that they were dancing, whereas Airspeed looked anything but...

Knowing their skydiving style, to me they looked like there was an element of desperateness. I asked a couple of the Airspeed peeps afterwards what had been going on and they said that they were over the line and it was touch and go as to whether they would crash and burn totally or triumph.

Airspeed is one of those teams who can go against the psycological grain and triumph. I don't know how they did it, but they did. I am sure that all of those rounds would not make their "personal best" tape, but somehow as a team they made it work for that competition.

Looking forward to a cracking competition at the World Meet in 8-way.


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so they sucked and still won...

and the funny thing is pretty much any of them would agree with that statement;), actually if you look at it a bit differently it could be considered one of their top performances, remeber you get points for speed not style, and being able to perform that far over the line without losing it takes talent. But as we all know flying clean ups the score too, you just have to find that happy medium.

Their WC performance though was a far cry from their flyin at nats last year whcih was as I put it to Kirk, "nationals between you and the Knights last year was like a one legged ass kicking contest, and Airspeed brought an extra leg!":P

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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One thing about that though is I think AS is more prepared going into the WM than they were at the Malevsky cup last year

Agreed, but the French are not? I mean the French has the SAME team still a year later.

Look I think AS is going to win. But I can see how they could be seen as underdogs.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Agreed, but the French are not? I mean the French has the SAME team still a year later.

You're absolutely right that the French are more prepared as well, I was just commenting Airspeed did as well as they did at the Malevsky meet last year while training 4 way as well, this year has been a solid 8 way year. You are right about them being the underdogs though, but I wouldn't have it any other way:P

AND IT'S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:ph34r::ph34r:

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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HOLY CRAP!!! the french women's team just posted an 18! Those ladies are kickin ass,awesome job.

The Brit ladies did the same draw in training and posted a 20.2 :o. Caveats: only over six rounds and not in comp.

Ron: Alienangel may have words to eat in the near future :P.

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The Brit ladies did the same draw in training and posted a 20.2 :o. Caveats: only over six rounds and not in comp.

I'm quite surprised by this performance. If it's confirmed the brit ladies have made huge progress this year.

do you have more detail about this 20.2 average?

French 4-way & 8-way suporter

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Caveats: only over six rounds and not in comp.

six rounds or not a 20.2 is nothing to laugh at, that's amazing.

here's the draw for that meet


History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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As soon as the omniscore issue is resolved I will be "working late":)

what's up with that? I'm being asked for a username and password?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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As soon as the omniscore issue is resolved I will be "working late".

My team is going to be in Eglin AFB for the duration of the WM, I guarantee my team is going to hate my guts while I'm up every night on the PC checking the scores and watchin videos while they are trying to sleep;). Although we have been told if that storm in the gulf turns into a hurricane the trip may be cancelled. that would suck we're gettin a SL jump from -500 feet into the gulf out the back of a chinook(into shark infested waters!), thats gonna be funB|

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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