
Never been to Nats - How's it go

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We have tickets and a hotel. So that's good.

Now, do you just show up on registration day and pay your money and sign up?

Or do you need to do it all ahead of time or notify anyone in particular?

Any help or advice?
What else should I know?

our main goal is to have a great time and only embarass ourselves a little bit (if advanced), or make a very respectable showing (if intermediate)

I'm personally there the entire time, so I'd look for a pickup (8-way) team if doable in addition to my 4-way commit.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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... or make a very respectable showing (if intermediate)

Babykillers :P

Seriously, there will be around 80 4-way teams (~80 last year) registering for one event, so you don't want to plan to be there last minute. Keep in mind that you will have to fill the waivers at the DZ (in my little experience Eloy is pretty quick with that) and check the gear. Plus you will probably want to make a couple of practice jumps to warm up and become familiar with a landing area and start working on a draw the night before.

With that said, if 4-way starts on Sunday, getting there
on Friday night or Saturday morning (the latest) gives you a plenty of time to take care of everything without a rush.

On-line registration saves some time if you have the team name and individual info entered in advance, but you will still have to show up on site (last year in Perris was like that)

Hope to see you there.

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Babykillers :o - got a new lineup and experimenting tomorrow with different slot assignments - we have issues to resolve - you know where I'd like to be.... I think this group has a certain average in them if we get our heads in it. and if we hit that this season while training the whole divepool, then we'd have no business being in Int. Rather I'd be a bottom feeder in the next one up.

I'll look for the on-line registration, didn't see anything like it on the SDAz website.

But, then, there's no requirement to pre-register. I'd hate to show up and have them say, "nope, you're not on the list and we can't add you this late."

At this point, just looking forward to seeing some friends too.

thanks, just prior, I'll be PMing to id some people on this site and connect once there

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Last year we showed up Friday evening, 4way started Monday as you probably know. We did preregister and it does make it much quicker but it's not mandatory. I spent about 30 minutes getting registered and having my gear checked. However my DZ waiver was current so I didn't have to do that.

I do recommend having at least one full day, preferably two, before the comp starts. We did about 6-7 practice jumps on Saturday and a couple "feel good" jumps the day before.

Last year the draw was released at about 7:00 the night before so you have some time to dirt dive and engineer the night before. Some teams do it at the DZ others leave to do it away from the commotion.

If you want a team room make the reservation as soon as possible. Last year we didn't have one and I will never do that again. It was really hot and noisy and it will be really nice just to have our own space this year.

I would also recommend that if you plan on using a local packer that you get that squared away before you show up. The sooner the better.

Good Luck!!!!!!!!

P.S. Sorry if I'm telling you things you already know.:P

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Never been to Nats - How's it go

The team with the most points wins....Sheesh, I would think you would know that:P

Show up a day early, get all your paperwork done and make 1-2 warm up jumps. Nothing hard, just a few feel good dives to get used to the plane/altitude/DZ/new gloves and face shield.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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We pre-registered online last year, and still had to dit down at a computer and enter info. So online registration becomes redundant at that point.
We will have downloadable registration forms on the website soon. Fill them out and fax them back. If you choose to pay your entry fee prior to coming to Eloy, you may fax us a credit card authorization form (downlaod from site) as well. Please make a notation with your team name.

Registrations must be completed prior to the draw.
For those new to competition, please note that you may not use the tunnel once the draw has taken place.
As to team rooms, they are booked. There may be some slots left in the bunkhouse. If you are arriving after business hours (5:00 PM) and have arranged for a team room or bunk slot, please let manifest know so that the keys may be left for you at the Bent Prop.:)
If this is your first visit to Eloy, you may want to come a day or so early and make a few jumps in order to familiarize yourself with the area and how we operate.:)
Upon check in you will need to bring your USPA card, your reserve data packing card and your rig.
To avoid any strife as competition begins, please do take the time to familiarize yourself with the competition rules
If anyone has addtional questions, please feel free to send me a PM or email me betsy@skydiveaz.com
We are looking forward to having everyone here, and wish all a great experience.

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Also let us know if you require linens if staying in the bunhouse.


Sorry, b^2....just couldn't pass it up....>:(

Having stayed there for the Christmas boogie...gotta say the name fits! :$


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Babykillers - got a new lineup and experimenting tomorrow with different slot assignments - we have issues to resolve - you know where I'd like to be.... I think this group has a certain average in them if we get our heads in it. and if we hit that this season while training the whole divepool, then we'd have no business being in Int.

Congrats on your recent 10.5 in AAA! :)

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Congrats on your recent 10.5 in AAA! :)

That's sweet Heather - we've had some real problems, but (for us) this was a middlin' to decent meet. More like we fly in good practice. It's a real win for our newest teammate who has less than 400 jumps and his only real 4-way flying it's his first year.

I was happy with 3 of the 6 rounds. But even if it wasn't a super fast draw, it was a very simple draw (only 2 slot switchers that had obvious swings), so the confusion factor from the full pool didn't come into play.

We aren't too far behind where I was hoping to be by this time, maybe by 1 point in our averages. We're adding a point per jump about every 2 practices right now. I hope that doesn't stall out too soon. I'd like to see 12 by nats, but I don't see us having enough time to get to that point.

Send me your team name again. I want to track it. (I'll find it anyway:D)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I knew you'd say something about it being "middlin' to decent!" :D

Awesome that your teammate with less than 400 jumps is doing that well. And you guys don't even have a tunnel close by.

I'm on an 8-way team this year. The TSL is the only league that has 8-way competitions. The scores do not get posted on skyleague. I'm tail....It's fun, lots of big moves and cool pictures on exit. We have about 70 jumps together so far (weather issues have slowed us down). We aren't going to Nationals though, bummer.

I did a pick-up 4-way team at the last 4-way meet and we did alright considering the zero training. We were very serious about it...I mean our team name was "bend it over, make it real." :ph34r:

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My man, you are going to dig it!

It's a boogie with a purpose! Everybody goes to bed early after making sure they are properly hydrated, and pretty much everybody eats well and behaves.

Having been at Perris the last couple years, I'm looking forward to Eloy. Besides the lovely Betsy, they have great fresh food, a clean pool, and smooth as a pool table landing areas. Good food, a couple of beers, the best landing areas in my experience and Betsy Barnhouse.

That is simply as good as it gets.

+Burke. Gotta love the Burke.

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Duece you smooth talker you! Jack Daniels? Bwahhhhhhh

Just an FYI
It appears that the motel on the DZ will be open for Nationals.
Once I have confirmation of an opening date I will post all the information including a few photos. This will help for those of you that have yet to secure lodging during USPA Nationals.:)B2

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