
Hey FOCKERS! And 4-way Virgins

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What would you say to letting Luckiest Guy compete the weekend before the meet, sealing the video and draw and/ letting the tapes be judged on the day of the meet? This would enable us to compete as the original team for one more meet before we lose two team members.

Team Pffft has given their blessing for this, and all we need to give this a shot is to get the approval of the other rookie class teams. Dan has agreed to take this up with Skyleague if everyone in rookie class is in accord.

So, what say you? Care to keep the fires burning in CaSL Rookie class? :P

By the way, I could have done more under Jumper03's login, but chose to keep it sane. Hopefully this'll learn him about logging his account OUT when not in use. :P:D
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If it was AAA class I guess the feeling might be different - competing on the day of the meet, with the associated meet vibe, nerves, other teams there and so on is different from doing it on your own the weekend before (can be good or bad for that team). But since it is Rookie and the point is to encourage rather than penalize, I would say go for it. Not that I have any say since I'm not doing a Rookie team at the meet anyway! Good luck with your petition :)

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Hey I talked to 3 of the 4 Virgins and they are fine with it. I think the only question was....... Is there going to be someone from the league there while you jump.

If these were not extraordinary circumstances then we would not agree but since you guys are deploying then It would be nice of the Skyleague to allow you to compete a week early. I'll let you know once I talk to the 4th he is on vacation right now and out of touch.

By the way Kim Walker is our now tail flyer thanks for everyone who offered to fill in the slot for us.


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Yes, someone would be present from the league (Dan the man himself) and we'd be out of sight of the other teams - different loads and all.

Thanks guys, I'm going to see if this will go up the chain - hopefully this will work and we can compete one more time!

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I talked with the Fockers and we are all OK with your plan. We hope the league OK's it so you can compete! We had the same thought that a league official(Dan) should be there the day you compete.

Good luck on the jumps and the deployment!

"Jump to Live!"

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If it was AAA class I guess the feeling might be different

- But since it is Rookie and the point is to encourage rather than penalize, I would say go for it. :)

I seriously might be reading this the wrong way(so no offense)...but what's up with everyone (manifesters mainly) basically saying "oh it's just the Rookie class?" In Chester (the dropzone is awesome by the way and people are great) But when we walked up to manifest our team they said " Are you a team competing or are you in the Rookie class??" I'm sure you didn't mean it that way (I hope) but we work just as hard and practice more than some of the classes above. But just because we are the Rookie Class doesn't mean we don't deserve at least SOME respect for the work we all put in to be on and practice as a TeaM.

Anyways, I am totally fine and happy that they are letting ya'll do an early meet day. What would the competition be without the Luckiest Guy in Raeford!!!! Good Luck ya'll.

TaiL FocKeR aka Casey
--------------TaiL FocKeR OuT-----------------

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