
Advice for novice 4-way teams

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Forgive me if this has been asked before - I have done a search and did not get very far.

I would like advice from all the wise RW skydivers on how best to build up a rookie 4-way team. Anything from what type of jumps to plan, how to debrief jumps, tips on turning those points faster - any advice would be greatly appreciated.

We are planning a team tunnel trip early next year, but until then ... any tips?
Thanks everybody! :)------------------------------------------------------------


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Hello Chanti,

If you have the opportunity to be coached don't hesitate (no need to find a world champion absolutely).
He'll prepare the jumps, will brief, debrief and teach you the important 4way points.

IMO, a forum is not the approriate media to learn 4way but a coach is.

Other points very important are motivation of course, patience and finally money, which helps a lot [:/]

my 2cents opinion

French 4-way & 8-way suporter

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I was also going to say, get a coach! They will be able to help you with all that stuff.

Also, the article (which you have probably read) on the home page here on team dynamics is very interesting. It may not help you to form a team, but knowing how the team will progress through the four stages may well help your team stay together.

And the team that stays together, medals together! :P

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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You want to look for teammates, look for people you can have fun with! Personalities that work well together will achieve much more.

And don't forget to have fun;)
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Ach. I think you are in a bind just because of your location. Even here in Northern California we only have a couple of serious teams.

I doubt you'd fly out to San Diego to be coached by my team members, but there's plenty of very qualified people in Europe.

Coaching doesn't cost money, it SAVES money.

Iron out the tunnel stuff and then find a nice Otter to jump out of.


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