
Perris Fury?

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Hey all! I just realized this thread was in existence! ;) hahaaa Yeah, I'm not on here much anymore, can't seem to keep up! It was great to see Fury back in the battle this weekend at the SSL and posting some sweet scores. Gravity had originally planned to compete, but scheduling conflicts took us out in the end. Hey, we've got the SSL in Sept, and if not, it's Eloy in Oct-- either way, it's coming! ;) Love it!

Oh, and Anton, this year's Nationals, the beer's on you, my friend! :PB|


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Hoping to see Fury in action tomorrow at SSL #5 at Perris. They've been on a bit of a hiatus since Josh dislocated his foot.

Their scores looked good....Very happy for them, Nationals between Gravity and Fury should be very exciting and worth watching with a beer:)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hoping to see Fury in action tomorrow at SSL #5 at Perris. They've been on a bit of a hiatus since Josh dislocated his foot.

Their scores looked good....Very happy for them, Nationals between Gravity and Fury should be very exciting and worth watching with a beer:)

Scores not that bad for an average draw... B| I know of several teams who will be very interesting to watch in the upcoming Nat's. :)

edit to add the NSL AAA Scores page and include screen shots of the races that I believe will be interesting this year. Open and Advanced Categories at Nat's. :^)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Ron, You should have been there at the final SSL Meet at Elsinore today. Both Fury and Gravity did an outstanding job and it was a nail biter clear until the end, with the teams posting identical scores most of the rounds....even had to go to a jump-off extra round, which they tied as well! :o

Gravity and Fury. What a match-up today!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Lori -

You tease!!! Where are the scores!!!

Steve GT

Sorry, 'soon to be wed man'. Don't have them with me here, but I'm sure NSL will have them posted soon.

As to 'the rest of the story', I think it better told by those on the leader teams. :)
As for Voltage....Perhaps Mish can chime in here and tell his side of the story. Egads. What a hungry tiger! :)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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As to 'the rest of the story', I think it better told by those on the leader teams. :)

Here ya go, Steve. :)

Scores: http://skyleague.com/pages/leagues/showLeague.php?league=15&RECORD_KEY(leagueContentSource)=id&id(leagueContentSource)=15


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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