
Suit for a heavy guy

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Sorry, my inglish is very bad.
I have a problem, my weight is 97 kg (213 p) without cloths and 170 cm (5'7") tall.
My fall rate is very fast, 62 m/s (203 feet/second).
Is there a suit for my?
I really want do relative work but nobody can jump with my.

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My wife (Skimmer Suits) just did a new suit design for a very big guy at our DZ (he jumps a modified tandem rig). It's gorgeous. If I find a picture, I'll post it. He is much taller and much heavier than you, but he fell at a rate a little faster than you. This one did the trick and he's having an easier time of it. She calls the design the "Big John" after this jumper.

Talk to your suitmaker of choice, most have various different ideas on how to slow you down.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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that's a good point, we should talk features that could help (i.e. volume and drag wherever it isn't a detriment to clean body airflow):

special fabrics (like the Tony)
multi/double layering
Full sized and well fitting booties (IMO the biggest benefit)
All the grippers they offer - biggest sized, cordura
Fit the arms like a freefly coverall instead of RW - he doesn't need any spandex really, anywhere unless the sides to just make the torso fit comfy an smooth

I'm not a big fan of too sloppy a fit - flapping material take away from performance. Not a worthwhile trade for a little extra drag. Torso should fit comfortable, but still be smooth. Use material and layers instead.

I hate the idea of swoop cords, etc. Gadgets also severely sacrifice smooth airflow and, thus, performance.

Most all the makers have options like these. They know the best and can advise fast fallers.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Mike's suits are nearly my favorites (the Tetris is outstanding). What features does the thing have though?

Else this just becomes a bunch of advertising with no content.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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It starts as a standard Tetris, he has added more sleeve material instead of spandex forearms and more leg material along the thighs. He can also use a different material on the body.

Mine has a standard supplex body and legs with cordura booties and grippers, and sleeves that are a bit smaller than a freefly suits sleeves.

So now I have 6 Michigans (3 Tetris and 3 older stlye Comp suits) all with a different job.
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Also another feature on the tony suits is the new ballistic material for the booties, I saw it on Airspeed's jumpsuits, and it's stiff as cardboard. Andy H. said the amount of lift they get from it is insane.
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