
The new Fastrax vids

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NSL website just poted two videos from the new Fastrax lineup, one was their very first jump as a team, H B D 7 was the draw, I didn't score it but it looked really smooth. the next one was I think a few days into their training camp, the draw was 18 P 11, I scored it at 19 in time which is definitely a respectable score for that draw and a partly new team. The biggest thing I noticed though was it looked like their whole flying style had changed, obviously their is going to be a difference when you consider the fact that all the other videos of the team I have seen were from competitions, but they just looked so much more relaxed than I have ever seen that team. Their block work was absolutely beautiful, really quiet and clean on the close of the blocks. The shamrock showdown is going to be an all out brawl this year, I can't wait.
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Yeah, never was a big fun of John Hart.... but hey guy did itB|:P. That team is smoking hot, even John's flying looks really good;)B|
I love rest of the team those guys are some greatest talents you have on the marketB|. And their plan is insane 20+ hours of Bedford and some 1000 jumps this season...... well this Nationals will be fun to watch;)

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Word on the street is they are opening their own training center so they can jump when ever they want to from now on. 1000 jumps will be extremely with in their reach if this center opens in the spring.
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