
IPC meeting

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The NSL site posted an article about upcoming IPC meeting in Italy. Amongst several topics, they are planning to discuss the "Videographers position on the team". I am curious what competitors (both slot and camera flyers) think about this. Any predictions?

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since non of us (Kurt included :P) probably knows exactly what the possible suggestions are its quite difficult to speculate ain't it B|
current ruling
  Quote Videographers must be entered for each team as part of the delegation. A Videographer may be
replaced at any time during the competition, (with the agreement of the FAI Controller). The
evaluation process for the video evidence will be the same for any Videographer. Videographers may
be one of the following:
A) One person in addition to the team composition in competitor is to be considered
as a team member for the purposes of awards and medals .
B) Any other person (ref: This Videographer is not eligible to receive awards and medals.
This Videographer may jump only as a Videographer and is subject to the same regulations as
other competitors on the team

is very sufficient I think, and you could only guess what they want to change.
What they might however change - and there is a strong rumour spreading - that live air2ground video would become obligatory for cat 1 events
which is cool for everybody (but camerafliers and organizers :P)

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