
Skydivers Over Sixty (SOS) 2007 world freefall formation record

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Skydivers Over Sixty held the 2007 SOS world freefall formation record attempts at Florida Skydiving Center in Lake Wales, Florida, March 15-18.

Eighty-two registered participants, age 60 to 83, attempted to build the world's first SOS 60-way.

Utilizing a CASA and two Twin Otters, organizers Larry Elmore, Jan Meyer and Bill Jones worked diligently to find the right combination of jumpers for each slot.

By the end of the eleven-jump series, no new record had been set however, a 40-way formation on the last day was complete except for one missing grip.

A 39-way SOS record was established at Skydive Elsinore last September.

The annual SOS world record freefall formation series alternates between California and Florida. Billy Calhoun III coordinates the California attempts; Russ Manhold is the Florida coordinator.

Participants came from far and wide including Australia, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, Canada, Peru and Argentina.
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