
Team Elan move to Europe

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Team Elan (formerly known as Team Airkix) have moved all their training to Skydive Spain and Target Skysports.

If you ever wondered whether you should train in Europe, you can hear from the horse's mouth what it's really like.

We have chosen Skydive Spain as our home dropzone for this season and are already delighted in how they have looked after us so far.

The aircraft is fantastic, you get to altitude in minutes in the Dornier (very similar to an Otter and also the British Nationals competition aircraft). The weather is great and the staff are really helpful.

In three days we have already done 46 jumps - and could have done more.

If you want to know more contact us at julia@teamelan4way.com.

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For 4-way teams it's also worth knowing we are managing 20 jumps a day here without too much effort. They have things set up very well for teams, with creepers, mock-up, team rooms, gear store, all the usual good stuff, and are very open to additional suggestions. There are also bunk rooms, but if you want something more, the DZ will help teams set up accommodation. More info at http://www.skydivespain.com

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