
North Carolina Record RW jump

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Does anyone know the current NC state formation record? I don't know where to find the formation size, but I am sure it is time to set a new record! Anyone that knows please post, and anyone ready to be in the new record please post. I think we can set the new record this summer! Who's in?
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I think it was a 78way. It was set in the fall after the fire as part of a grand reopening celebration. I think Doc Mike was incharge. (I saw him yesterday in Raeford) We tried to break it a few years later with Morton and an 80 way sequential but I think the best we did was a 1point 76 way.
to set a record like this we need a good organizer with lots of contacts and a bunch of planes (both in short supply at CSS lately!)
But in would be fun to have a big attempt at CSS again.

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That would be really awesome! I'll take a camera slot ;)
Pam and Randy would definately be the people to talk to as they are very well connected in the big way universe.

If it's going to happen this summer we need to get the airplanes lined up ASAP. It'll take 3 Casas or 4 otters minimum.

Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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My friend John Woo was on the NC state record, which is a 77 way at Louisburg in October 1999.

Here's the picture, off of the deafskydivers website. I know it's not a good quality, but we condensed most of the pics on our site.
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I'm pretty sure KWoo is right - 78. That' what I can remember in my 14 years there. There was a 100-way attempt (all women) in 1996 that did not yield any completions, but gained the DZ some really nice ladies' facilities :)
CSS has the lift power and landing room for 100+, and with about 6-12 months of planning could easily host an event. All it needs is a dedicated & connected leader, qualified jumpers and a loss of military contracts so the planes are available ;).

(Miss you NC'ers!)


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All of the 1999 attempts in Louisburg were 80 ways sequentials. If you do not meet the specifications of the pre-planned dive, I thought it was barred as a record. Fun, but no record. Feedback?

You have to complete what you specify before the jump, so no-one can be out or have an incorrect grip.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So then, if the pre-planned dive was sequential but the second point did not complete is the first point still a state record? If the second point completes, you would have records for both largest state single formation and largest sequential state.

Can state records be largest formations of their type? I mean, the 100 way jewel was a helluva of a quest. It is recognized as a significant accomplishment. But is it a record even though it is not the largest formation ever built?

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So then, if the pre-planned dive was sequential but the second point did not complete is the first point still a state record? If the second point completes, you would have records for both largest state single formation and largest sequential state.

Can state records be largest formations of their type? I mean, the 100 way jewel was a helluva of a quest. It is recognized as a significant accomplishment. But is it a record even though it is not the largest formation ever built?

If you want an official USPA recognized state record you just need one point. Sequential records are about bragging rights. Complexity is cool too, counts for bragging rights, but doesn't count in official state records.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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USPA maintains a list of records. Someone on a seperate forum on this site posts NC at 41 way.
Forums>Skydiving>General Skydiving Discussions>Existing State and National Records
Sorry, but I don't know how tim place a link into a thread response.
Now, I know that I have completed larger than 41 in NC, but I guess that there was simply not a judge available at the time. Why? Got something in mind?

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There's nothing on the books for NC at the USPA site: check here.

Also in this thread, there's only mention of NC CRW, CRW POPS, RW POPS and RW SOS. No mention of anything beyond that.
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Oh you know I'm in... and I'd even help organize, but I'm the first one to put up my hand and say:

"I ain't got the ooor-gan-eyze-ing skeelz to throw an 80-way together. ;-)"

Anything this big is going to take a lot of dedicated people and a good long time to plan and execute... maybe start talking with Kirk and see if he's interested/willing to help?

Also, CSS is the "likely" place because of the landing area, but I doubt you're going to get much support from the DZ as far as airplanes go.

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