
UK Langar 4way GP - Scratch Rookie Teams

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Calling all competition virgins...

Oli and I were thinking of putting together a couple of scratch 4way teams to enter the Rookie class at the Langar GP on 2/3 June.

Neither of us are FS coaches (yet) but Escondido have been jumping together for approx 200 jumps now and have been fairly successful in the past two years at Rookie and in "A" class, so whilst we're not a AAA gold medal winning team we have been coached by them.

If you've got FS1 and maybe a little tunnel time we'd like to introduce you to the 4way FS competition scene.

Feel free to drop me an email on dbac@dropzone.com if you're interested. We have 5 spaces left...

blue uns

British Grand Prix Overall Champions 2006 (A Class)
British Nationals 2006 - 3rd (A Class)
British Grand Prix Overall Champions 2005 (Rookie)
European Skydiving League Finals 2005 - Gold Medallists (Rookie)
British Nationals 2005 - 3rd (Rookie)

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